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well, yeah, it is silly. It's just that Nintendo hasn't been known lately as the company to release the most powerful hardware, so now that they are, it's interesting to see how it lines up to what used to be the most powerful handheld.

Although I don't use it a whole lot, I don't regret buying a PSP. I'm kind of concerned however about how good handheld graphics can really get now. I mean, do we really need PS3 graphics on a3.5 inch screen? I have a feeling that this is as good as they're going to get for a while. Nintendo probably knows this, which is why they made 3D a huge focus.

EDIT: Besides, people have been comparing the Wii and the PS2 for years now :P

well, yeah, it is silly. It's just that Nintendo hasn't been known lately as the company to release the most powerful hardware, so now that they are, it's interesting to see how it lines up to what used to be the most powerful handheld.

Don't worry, Sony will announce the PSP2 sometime next year to try and steal all the attention away from the 3DS. It too will have 3D display, motion sensing, and maybe they will get around to that second analog stick everyone has been asking for since it came out. "Oh yeah, well our PSP2 has TWO analog sticks, so YEAH!"

Although I don't use it a whole lot, I don't regret buying a PSP. I'm kind of concerned however about how good handheld graphics can really get now. I mean, do we really need PS3 graphics on a 3.5 inch screen? I have a feeling that this is as good as they're going to get for a while. Nintendo probably knows this, which is why they made 3D a huge focus.

The next step, I think, will be to make large screens on very small systems. Imagine if the entire top half of the 3DS was the screen. All of it. The speakers are located on the hinge or bottom half. There you have it. Small form factor, maximum screen size.

Besides, people have been comparing the Wii and the GameCube for years now :P

I've heard the 'Slide Pad' is really good, much better than the PSP.

Everyone rags on the PSP analog stick thing, but I don't think it's that bad. It's in an uncomfortable position, but what exactly is wrong with it? I always thought it was pretty neat that they were able to get and analog stick on a handheld.

I've heard the 'Slide Pad' is really good, much better than the PSP.

Everyone rags on the PSP analog stick thing, but I don't think it's that bad. It's in an uncomfortable position, but what exactly is wrong with it? I always thought it was pretty neat that they were able to get and analog stick on a handheld.

Dunno, never used it too much. It isn't that bad yeah, but I don't want to use the D-pad for Ocarina of Time...

I've heard the 'Slide Pad' is really good, much better than the PSP.

Everyone rags on the PSP analog stick thing, but I don't think it's that bad. It's in an uncomfortable position, but what exactly is wrong with it? I always thought it was pretty neat that they were able to get and analog stick on a handheld.

The position isn't comfortable, yeah, and another problem is how fast it wears down. It feels amazing on a new PSP, but after a while of use it gets dirt stuck in it and the plastic edges wear down so it ends up feeling not so great. I'm talking about older PSP's here, I don't know how the newer ones are. Regardless, I think the analogue nub was actually an outstanding idea.

Hopefully Nintendo's doesn't suffer from the same problem.


yeah the psp nub never really had a problem with how it felt it was just that once you actually put your hands in the position that you needed them to be in to play the game you realized that it was in the worst position and then after about an hour of playing your thumb is permanently cocked sideways

Didn't a bunch of Nintendo press stuff come out about how that quote wasn't from Iwata? I remember the same thing being said, and then a articles saying "no, he didn't say that, where are you people getting this from?"

The gaming press is a screwy thing, maybe that's why they have those Iwata asks videos. Iwata even openly admits he uses an iPhone and iPod.

Well yeah I would still get it even if it didn't have 3d capabilities. I just had bad sentence structure in that last post. The raises hand emote was the only thing pertaining to your question lol.

I am a giant whore for immersive gimmicks (3D, surround sound, force feedback, headtracking, etc.) so that's definitely the main draw for me.


I just watched the Iwata Asks Kid Icarus interview (http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-kid-icarus/700039). I noticed that the clips of Kid Icarus looked like they were being anti-aliased, but whether or not that was just because of video compression I'm not sure. It made me think: Why has anti-aliasing never been a priority of Nintendo's?

In some games, like KI:U it can really hurt the graphical impact, especially when the PSP can handle it just fine. On the other hand, anti-aliasing would actually decrease the quality of 2D and retro games, in my opinion, since I like crisp sprites.

What are your thoughts?


I think they probably think of it as more of a nicety on smaller screens, rather than a requirement. It's weird because they were ALL about how great anti aliasing was on the N64 and Gamecube (probably because the PS1 and 2 didn't do it). I agree though, I'd rather have everything looking a little smoother than all those jaggies everywhere.


3D (or 2D puppets like odin sphere): yes

2D (real sprites): I will complain your godam ear off how awful it looks

QFT. I can't really even imagine playing Super Mario Bros. with AA.


Nintendo: The N3DS will have a 3D camera...

Me: :-P

Nintendo: ...with a resolution of 0.3 megapixels.

Me: :|

I thought the whole point of "next gen" devices of any kind was to upgrade the specs...oh, sorry, I didn't see you there WiiCube.

pixels don't mean a damned thing if the lens is shitty as hell

Same goes for the censor, you can pack as many pixels onto something as you want but if the censor is itty bitty than it won't do jack for the image quality.

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