ocre Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Strange that I don't remember being bothered by the resolution/graphics at any point while I was playing the game. I definitely don't think it looks that ugly on my 42". Weird. What kind of tv is that, Nek? I wouldn't be surprised to see that kind of quality on a crt tv but not a plasma, as I seem to recall you are using. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Well I can definitely agree that if you're running the game on 2x native resolution using Dolphin(which I just found out I can do reliably), then you're definitely getting quite the experience. It shouldn't look terrible on an HDTV however unless you're using composite, in which case you should switch to component ASAP. I bought 'em same day I bought my Wii I don't think I've ever even bothered touching my Wii's standard composite cables. They won't make the system look amazing, but they'll definitely remove a lot of the blurriness. I've got probably two dungeons left in the game, and I've gotta say that I agree with a previous poster, and it looks like my comment on "linearity" being an OK thing was spot on: while the dungeons are definitely smaller than something out of say, Twilight Princess, the puzzles within each are so tightly designed and satisfying to make my way through. I think *Spoilers*both dungeons in Lanayru Desert for example were pretty great with their use of time traveling, and the Sandship in particular had a pretty cool set piece for a boss battle. I also loved the ambiance of The Ancient Cistern. All and all I'm enjoying the game immensely. It feels much larger than Wind Waker, but there's much less fluff that you have to get through. Definitely in my top 5 Zelda's for sure along with the Oracle series(count as 1 to me), Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess. Also, I've noticed the Wiimote+ problem with Dolphin as well. If I don't have the controller centered along with the sensor, it can mess up the calibration something bad. I don't know if it's just that this Wiimote+ is goofy in general or if it's an issue with Dolphin, but if anyone has an idea/fix, that'd be great. Quote
Nekofrog Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Strange that I don't remember being bothered by the resolution/graphics at any point while I was playing the game. I definitely don't think it looks that ugly on my 42". Weird.What kind of tv is that, Nek? I wouldn't be surprised to see that kind of quality on a crt tv but not a plasma, as I seem to recall you are using. Panasonic Viera Plasma. 50 inch with official component cables. Yeah. Total ass. I actually played through to the first dungeon with it on my Wii before I just could NOT take it anymore and forced myself to set up Dolphin. And you know what? It took all of 30 seconds and bam. Also, the Galaxy games are NOWHERE NEAR this bad looking on my Wii. They don't look GOOD, but they aren't a jaggy jumbled blurry mess like SS is. Quote
Nekofrog Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Well I can definitely agree that if you're running the game on 2x native resolution using Dolphin(which I just found out I can do reliably), then you're definitely getting quite the experience. It shouldn't look terrible on an HDTV however unless you're using composite, in which case you should switch to component ASAP. I bought 'em same day I bought my Wii I don't think I've ever even bothered touching my Wii's standard composite cables. They won't make the system look amazing, but they'll definitely remove a lot of the blurriness.I've got probably two dungeons left in the game, and I've gotta say that I agree with a previous poster, and it looks like my comment on "linearity" being an OK thing was spot on: while the dungeons are definitely smaller than something out of say, Twilight Princess, the puzzles within each are so tightly designed and satisfying to make my way through. I think *Spoilers*both dungeons in Lanayru Desert for example were pretty great with their use of time traveling, and the Sandship in particular had a pretty cool set piece for a boss battle. I also loved the ambiance of The Ancient Cistern. All and all I'm enjoying the game immensely. It feels much larger than Wind Waker, but there's much less fluff that you have to get through. Definitely in my top 5 Zelda's for sure along with the Oracle series(count as 1 to me), Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess. Also, I've noticed the Wiimote+ problem with Dolphin as well. If I don't have the controller centered along with the sensor, it can mess up the calibration something bad. I don't know if it's just that this Wiimote+ is goofy in general or if it's an issue with Dolphin, but if anyone has an idea/fix, that'd be great. I don't think its a Dolphin issue. I had the same issues playing on my wii. I think it's just the way it is. Quote
Kureejii Lea Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 So, actually talking about the game content here... for anyone who's past the Ancient Cistern, have you heard of the Japanese story, The Spider's Thread (Kumo no Ito)? That's some cool inspiration for a dungeon theme. Quote
Lemonectric Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 So, actually talking about the game content here... for anyone who's past the Ancient Cistern, have you heard of the Japanese story, The Spider's Thread (Kumo no Ito)? That's some cool inspiration for a dungeon theme. I saw someone else talking about that, too. Here's a summary for anyone interested. The dungeon's cool on its own, but this adds another layer to my appreciation. Quote
Calpis Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 That's really cool. When I saw the silk thread, I thought it was odd but now I know there was a reason for it and the Buddhist theme. God I'm loving this game. Quote
Toadofsky Posted November 28, 2011 Posted November 28, 2011 Found a copy of the accompanying album for the game, some great stuff in there. Too bad Twilight Princess didn't have orchestrated music, definitely would have scaled up the epic-ness a bit. Though it wouldn't have helped all that stupid bug collecting in the areas overwrought with Twilight... Quote
Toadofsky Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 Sorry for double posting, but for those of you that don't want to play with Motion+ (I'd like to give it a shot in this game), here's something for you Dolphin emulator users... http://forums.dolphin-emulator.com/showthread.php?tid=20167 Keep in mind, this is NOT 100% perfect, not yet at least. I have a copy of Skyward, but haven't tested it due to not having an IR sensor for the Wii Remote and such. Anybody that tries this config do share your thoughts or opinion on it. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 Or you could just buy a cheap IR sensor for like a buck off Amazon. Of course that solution is more immediate I guess. At any rate, man oh man this game keeps getting more and more epic. SPOILERS I just got through the Water Dragon's trial, and holy crap. Seriously? The ship I'm on being capsized by a giant rastakraken? Burrowing underground and being able to have a very satisfying battle with Ghirahim? Potential story connections with Zelda II!? I just fought my way to and then on top of the bloody WIND FISH!? Why is Faron Woods flooded!? Yes, caps was necessary, as this game has made me soil myself proverbially on many an occasion. Quote
Toadofsky Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 Or you could just buy a cheap IR sensor for like a buck off Amazon. Of course that solution is more immediate I guess. I was just pointing it out is all. I'm more inclined to use the motion controls for the emulator anyways. It's just an option for those that DON'T want to use the standard is all. Quote
DarkeSword Posted November 29, 2011 Author Posted November 29, 2011 I really love this game, but I've gotta say to all you guys who don't see an issue with the jagginess of the graphics, you're crazy. The art direction in this game is great but the fact that it's in standard definition is ass. I'm not done with it (did about 5 dungeons so far), but I've gotta say that it's a great game. I only have a few issues: 1. I know what a Jelly Blob (and every other treasure and bug) is. You don't have to tell me every time I load my save up. 2. Store interfaces are crap. Shopkeepers talk too much before letting you buy/upgrade an item. Too much menu-mess. 3. I love Fi's design and the way she dances around like figure skater/ballerina, but I don't like that she always reiterates everything and constantly tells me exactly what I need to do. What happened to subtlety, Nintendo? She's there on the down button if I need her. 4. JAGGY GRAPHICS STANDARD DEF Quote
sephfire Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 I'm actually finding myself feeling pretty bored with Skyward Sword, which is really bumming me out. The novelty of the motion controls is fun and there's a lot of other stuff to like about it, but the predictability of the formula is really starting to wear on me. I think I may have trekked through the second dungeon (always a fire dungeon) and re-learned how to use bombs one too many times at this point. I'm trying really hard to like it, but I'm finding myself feeling impatient more often than not. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 Third area is when things get different. Quote
Calpis Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 This isn't meant to be directed only at seph, but when people say that the formula is getting old or boring, I can see their point. However, I also wonder at what point would the game stop being Zelda? I think in this game, they've kept everything fresh and interesting while still retaining the Zelda formula. If you lost the formula, would it continue to be a Zelda game, or would it be something different? (different not innately being bad or good) When you really think about it, how exactly could you change such a familiar franchise like Zelda without it being an entirely different thing? Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 This isn't meant to be directed only at seph, but when people say that the formula is getting old or boring, I can see their point. However, I also wonder at what point would the game stop being Zelda? I think in this game, they've kept everything fresh and interesting while still retaining the Zelda formula. If you lost the formula, would it continue to be a Zelda game, or would it be something different? (different not innately being bad or good) When you really think about it, how exactly could you change such a familiar franchise like Zelda without it being an entirely different thing? Kart Racer. Quote
Nekofrog Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 This isn't meant to be directed only at seph, but when people say that the formula is getting old or boring, I can see their point. However, I also wonder at what point would the game stop being Zelda? I think in this game, they've kept everything fresh and interesting while still retaining the Zelda formula. If you lost the formula, would it continue to be a Zelda game, or would it be something different? (different not innately being bad or good) When you really think about it, how exactly could you change such a familiar franchise like Zelda without it being an entirely different thing? following a formula doesn't making somewhat what it is. all it needs is to be called a zelda game and bingo bango, zelda game. doesn't matter content. it's zelda. dot period i for one would like a drastic change to the series. a complete overhaul. i don't want to recognize anything beyond characters maybe. Quote
Bleck Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 following a formula doesn't making somewhat what it is. my brain is full of fuck Quote
Nekofrog Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 my brain is full of fuck that's okay you'll survive Quote
Modus Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 To the Dolphin people, anyone know how to fix these weird lines I'm getting? Quote
Calpis Posted November 29, 2011 Posted November 29, 2011 i for one would like a drastic change to the series. a complete overhaul. i don't want to recognize anything beyond characters maybe. I think the closest they came to that was Zelda 2. That game gets the most flak out of them all. Usually for being different, or being too hard. I still like to play it though. To the Dolphin people, anyone know how to fix these weird lines I'm getting? Are you using the right revision (I think it's 7719) with the suggested settings? Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted November 30, 2011 Posted November 30, 2011 Use revision 7719, DirectX11 if you can and set AF to x2 or higher. Quote
Modus Posted November 30, 2011 Posted November 30, 2011 7719 fixed the graphics.. man they look good. But now my emulation speed sucks. 3.2GHz AMD Phenom II 6-core GTX 470 Shouldn't be my hardware... and my settings are just like the Wiki describes. Ugh :[ Quote
Calpis Posted November 30, 2011 Posted November 30, 2011 7719 fixed the graphics.. man they look good. But now my emulation speed sucks.3.2GHz AMD Phenom II 6-core GTX 470 Shouldn't be my hardware... and my settings are just like the Wiki describes. Ugh :[ Weird. I'm on a Phenom II 4-core OC'd @ 3.7GHz and it runs fine, with a stutter or two every couple minutes. What resolution and AF? I do 1600x1050 2xAF Quote
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