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Great run of games tonight with everyone. Server even got pretty full for a bit there, but I had to go after Office so I can go to sleep in preparation for getting up and going to the gym at 9 tomorrow.

I know I haven't played on the server a lot, but I do think some of the guys here are getting better. I seemed to be on the receiving end of some nice Derrit kills in particular.

Also, I need to practice with the deagle more so I can be like DarkSim. I'm pretty good with it, but it's kind of like comparing the guy who donates to charities at Christmas to Jesus.

lol those were few and far between

on the other hand numbers like "94 in 6" and "84 in 7" kept popping up

is it just because i'm the one with the gun its not like i can consistently shoot people in the toes


As a reminder, we do have a stats page. It'd be nice if someone could mention it on the first post.

Speaking of the stats page:

I cleaned up some settings and moved them to a different file to prevent it from disconnecting and reconnecting to the stats server on every map change, not realizing that by doing so, logging was disabled.

This should be corrected now.

The unfortunate side effect is that no stats were logged today, until about 5 minutes ago.

This is now be fixed... I made sure by restarting the server and it now tells me that it's logging to file, console, and udp. udp is the connection to the remote stats logger.

lol those were few and far between

on the other hand numbers like "94 in 6" and "84 in 7" kept popping up

is it just because i'm the one with the gun its not like i can consistently shoot people in the toes

I can't be totally sure why you're missing the kills. Could be you need to practice, but sometimes the hit registration is less than stellar. Best advice I can give is to remember to burst fire and try not to move too much when firing. Myself and a lot of people tend to stop for a fraction of a second as we fire so it's a little more accurate (at least for the first few shots). Also try to stick to the few good weapons in the game and learn them pretty well. Most people use the M4, AK, AWP, P90, and deagle. Other weapons can be used quite successfully like the Sig, MP5 and Aug, but the others are generally more used for good reason.

Other than that, you might want to find a decent gun game server and play a few games a week. It let's you cycle to a new weapon each time you kill someone so you can get used to the recoil and spray pattern and all of that. I couldn't really play worth crap until I started playing gun games a lot. Then within a couple of weeks I was winning a few here and there and was playing regular CS a lot better.

Also, I need to practice with the deagle more so I can be like DarkSim. I'm pretty good with it, but it's kind of like comparing the guy who donates to charities at Christmas to Jesus.

Rofl, never been compared to Jesus before, but yeah picking one weapon and practicing with it really helps. Also an advantage of the deagle is that the first bullet is very accurate when running, so it's useful for a rush strategy. 1 shot to the head kills, so just aiming for the head will get you so many headshots. You just have to trust your aim and not panic :)

Other than that, you might want to find a decent gun game server and play a few games a week. It let's you cycle to a new weapon each time you kill someone so you can get used to the recoil and spray pattern and all of that. I couldn't really play worth crap until I started playing gun games a lot. Then within a couple of weeks I was winning a few here and there and was playing regular CS a lot better.

This is also good advice - you get the feel of all the weapons pretty quickly. I'm sure they buffed the 12 gauge (m3) shotgun in the last update as well because for some reason it seems to be more powerful at range. It's cheap so also worth practicing with.

Rofl, never been compared to Jesus before, but yeah picking one weapon and practicing with it really helps. Also an advantage of the deagle is that the first bullet is very accurate when running, so it's useful for a rush strategy. 1 shot to the head kills, so just aiming for the head will get you so many headshots. You just have to trust your aim and not panic :)

Yeah, I learned the not panicking thing a long time ago, though that went out the window a few times when you were right in front of me and I didn't have time for more careful aim. Sometimes when someone you know could pop you in the head with one good shot is right in front of you you just have to spray and pray. :D I did get pretty good with the deagle a long time ago though, and sharpened my skills a bit more since the engine update. For a while after the update the hit registration felt so off that I couldn't kill with anything else. You were still putting me to shame though.

And I remembered something that I should have added earlier as well with regards to landing a lot of bullets but not getting the kill Derrit. Just remember that you're still landing the shots which is half the battle. You just need to get used to aiming and the spray patterns of the guns you use (like learning to aim around the neck or top of the chest with the AK since it kicks pretty much straight up after the first shot).

And always remember that as much as it sucks to do 96 in 6 or something like that, I've done 5 damage in one shot with the AWP once. Had I not seen it myself I never would have thought it possible. Apparently I hit the person in their baby toe or something. :D


I say the next CS Source event should just be called "If you have CS Source, join". Then we could get a whole fest of... people. I dunno, my mind is out of it.

Yeah, that event was certainly fun with its larger number of people. In the meantime, I'm going to go learn how not to suck.

It was a good game i must say. I did found it funny how vivi22 tried to knife me at the beginning of the level de_aztec even though we were on the same team.

I blame that on it being late at the time, me having to get up earlier for a new job and my wife tossing and turning through the night lately. I was pretty beat by the time that game started, so big surprise I forgot I was T after being CT the last game.

What's embarrassing is how long I persisted in trying to knife you. The first couple of times you didn't die I thought it might be my terrible knifing skills combined with lag. That doesn't excuse my almost chasing you back to spawn trying to kill you though. :D

It was a good game i must say. I did found it funny how vivi22 tried to knife me at the beginning of the level de_aztec even though we were on the same team.

I can not wait for the next event to come.

Lol! I'm amazed you managed to get any kills with your ping tbh, it was 300+ the entire time. Reminds me of my first year of playing CS/Unreal Tournament on an internal 56k modem. Harsh times... but then that was 9 years ago :D

Anyone up for playing tonight?

Lol! I'm amazed you managed to get any kills with your ping tbh, it was 300+ the entire time. Reminds me of my first year of playing CS/Unreal Tournament on an internal 56k modem. Harsh times... but then that was 9 years ago :D

Anyone up for playing tonight?

Back in those days though, a 300+ ping was actually playable (unless you were trying to snipe in TFC anyway). It wasn't until people started getting these damn high speed connections that that really changed.

Anyway, I didn't get on last night because I went to see Inception. I may be able to play tonight (can't promise though). If not then I'll be on throughout the week, and especially if we set up another event ahead of time.

Nice vid Fireslash, not that I approve of the cheating, it's the whining that's funny! Also those 4 deagle headshots in 1 clip are very nice indeed.

No hax involved.

You'll notice even ESEA admins were backing him up on this.


Had a couple of hackers show up tonight: {HU} Brownies and Swisha something or other. The latter left not long after I did so I'm not sure of his full screen name and I'm not 100% sure he was hacking as I didn't get to spec him at all. Brownies was definitely hacking though. I didn't message Powerlord or any other admin since we could vote kick if needed and both seemed to stop once people started to try and votekick, but it was still pretty annoying.

I'm just wondering if we should make some of the CS regulars admins or just rely on messaging those who don't frequent the server if needed? The former would probably be easiest for the admins who don't frequent the CS server, but I figured I'd ask for thoughts on it.


yea to go along with vivi, if people are hacking then they should be kicked. immediately. i yelled at the dude and said "stop that shit" and everyone was fine with that, and then when i called him on it again he was like "oh sorry" and apparently that was good enough for everyone

just kick people who hack they are turds and not worth our time


Were I an admin Derrit I would have insta-banned them personally since I have no patience for that crap. I actually tried to vote ban but everyone else was vote kicking. I was kind of surprised the vote didn't go through to be honest.

Don't take this as me showing any interest in being an admin though. I don't have the time required to do it well (and once I start my regular hours at my new job I may not be able to play much at all).


I'd be up for being admin if one, I weren't manager of another game already, and two, I'm off to college in three weeks, so there's no telling if I'll really have much time for Source anyways.

Also, sorry for not being on last night, thunderstorm came by and struck my internet off a few hours prior to the event. It's actually still down and I'm at a friend's house using the internet there. That said, until I get internet back up on my desktop computer, I'm outta the game for a bit. I look forward to dying a bunch when I return.

I'd be up for being admin if one, I weren't manager of another game already, and two, I'm off to college in three weeks, so there's no telling if I'll really have much time for Source anyways.

Also, sorry for not being on last night, thunderstorm came by and struck my internet off a few hours prior to the event. It's actually still down and I'm at a friend's house using the internet there. That said, until I get internet back up on my desktop computer, I'm outta the game for a bit. I look forward to dying a bunch when I return.

I'm kinda in the same boat, college soon, and I'm sick as a dog. I don't really play games when I'm sick. Can't concentrate.


Well, I don't know if interest in CS:S has died off or not, but...

A required update for Counter-Strike: Source is now available. The specific changes include:

- Added Steam Clan Tag support ( Set yours in Options->Multiplayer->Advanced )

- Added new achievement "CLAN WARFARE": Win a match of at least 10 players where the entirety of each team is composed of a single clan.

- All weapon fire rates now tuned to match their pre-update, tickrate 100 equivalents. (http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1368659)

- Added automatic server tagging for some server convars ( "mp_startmoney", "mp_friendlyfire", "bot_quota", "sv_nostats", "sv_allowminmodels" )

- Fixed some issues for players who were experiencing stat corruption.

- Fixed several server crash exploits.

- Fixed server commands "sv_disablefreezecam" and "sv_nowinpanel" not working on dedicated servers.

- Adjusted some DX9 shaders to look more like their DX8 counterparts, e.g. flashbang effect.

- Community Requests:

- Fixed entity I/O messages "OnPlayerPickup" and "OnPlayerUse".

- Restored UTF-8 support in the console.

- Added env_hudhint entity, for use in custom maps (The allplayers flag must be set for the hint to work in Counter-Strike.)

- Added client convar "sv_hudhint_sound" to turn off emit sound for hud hints.

- Restored the "cl_minmodels" client convar.

- Added server convar "sv_allowminmodels" that allows them to prevent clients from using "cl_minmodels".

- Added a button to Options->Multiplayer that allows players to reset their in-game stats.

- Note: Due to the nature of stats corruption, it is not possible to automatically fix all types of stats (such as weapon statistics reflecting usage of the wrong weapon). Players who suspect their stats are incorrect and wish to start fresh may want to use the new stat reset feature.

I updated the server and restarted it.

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