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These past 2 weeks I've bought Bad Company 2, Bioshock 2, Borderlands and its DLC, Burnout Paradise Collection, Call of Cthulhu, The Crysis pack, Dead Space, Fallout 3 GOTY (not on sale), Ghostbusters, Killing Floor, Mirror's Edge, and just now the Civ 4 Collection, not to mention gifting some games to friends. Man, Steam sales are really going to break me. But I LOVE it.

Let's see...so far people have bought me:


BioShock 2




I'll probably pick up Beat Hazard, Plants vs. Zombies and Rocket Knight by the end of the sale.

I'm A PRETTY GIRL and I like to play games too... hint... hinthint... :-(

Four of those were a birthday gift from a good friend.

Ohh.. I don't have either of those coming up. :-(


ive only bought shatter so far since basically any game thats went on sale that i couldve wanted was one of the 100 or so games i got back during the holiday sale

Alright, about the pull the trigger on Borderlands, Beat Hazard, Bionic Commando, and Empire at War. Just torn on whether to add any Borderlands DLC...quick, someone decide for me!

The Armory ups the level cap to 61 and you get better boolets >_>

Alright, about the pull the trigger on Borderlands, Beat Hazard, Bionic Commando, and Empire at War. Just torn on whether to add any Borderlands DLC...quick, someone decide for me!

But Zombie Island is FUN AS HELL. It's only like $10 for all three. DO IT!

(I also feel terrible for making RadioactivePancakes and Stevo buy Borderlands yesterday. I'm so sorryyyyyy guys!)


The only way I'm getting Borderlands is as a gift, because I spent like $100 of my mama's money over the last week getting various deals. GTA4 for $5, THQ pack for $50, CS: Source for $7 and Supreme Commander 2 for $7. Not to mention stuff I bought outside of gaming, make it more like $300. And I spent the $20 I had in my bank to a friend. x _ x So now when I want Borderlands to play with all the OCR people, I can't afford it.

But Zombie Island is FUN AS HELL. It's only like $10 for all three. DO IT!

(I also feel terrible for making RadioactivePancakes and Stevo buy Borderlands yesterday. I'm so sorryyyyyy guys!)

Isn't there a Steam rule that you could get a refund within 24 hours on a game purchase?

Isn't there a Steam rule that you could get a refund within 24 hours on a game purchase?

I hope there is... I bought all three DLC packs along with Borderlands, not realizing that Moxxi and Dr. Ned both have SecuROM DRM on them. I filed a ticket with Steam support to have those two refunded. I also stopped my Borderlands download and deleted its cache, as this DLC apparently integrates into the main game's download.

Note: The original game and Armory don't have SecuROM in their Steam versions.

As a side note, there are still two more Daily sales to go. I wasn't sure if there was going to be a Sunday 10am PDT to Monday 9:59am PDT one, but Valve said earlier today that there would be.

For that matter, the entire sale ends just before 10am PDT / 1pm EDT / 5pm UTC / 6pm BST Monday.


I've picked up Borderlands (with DLC), Dawn of War 2, and Left 4 Dead 2 this week. I'm Malkyre on steam as well if anyone would like to add me and play one of these fine games some time.


The ending to Borderlands makes my top 5 worst endings ever list.


Also, a friends making me get civilization 4; any good?

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