Trenthian Posted October 16, 2004 Posted October 16, 2004 I figured this is appropriate for the Kirby's Adventure project: It's the original ad for the game itself. I find it very amusing.(the site hosting it is ) OMG I REMEBER THAT COMMERCIAL!!! brought back some memories. oh yeah' date=' and KAPOW! [img']
Darangen Posted October 17, 2004 Posted October 17, 2004 I had a late start, and I've been a tad busy lately, but I *should* be able to come up with at least 1 minute of WIP material by the 31st. If not, I'll contact you DarkeSword.
Kirbymixer Posted October 17, 2004 Posted October 17, 2004 I think my song's already completed on the 31th
Trenthian Posted October 17, 2004 Posted October 17, 2004 ive abandoned my prior WIP due to someone is now mixing number 51, so now its just going to be number 1-2 besides my new Idea is teh winnar.
Rellik Posted October 20, 2004 Posted October 20, 2004 !! mv! I can't wait to hear what that ends up as Anyway, I think I'll have more time than I expected, so I may be able to get more done by the 31'st than I had originally planned (maybe even finish it?). It's never really going to be my best mix so far or anything, honestly, no matter how much I work on it, but I'll aim to make it as good as I can. That kirby commercial is entirely too creepy. It totally contrasts with the essence of kirby... but I guess that's how stuff got sold back then.
krispy Posted October 20, 2004 Posted October 20, 2004 you can sign me up as a backup if you want, always willing to try new things
DarkeSword Posted October 20, 2004 Author Posted October 20, 2004 you can sign me up as a backup if you want, always willing to try new things Thanks Krispy; I've heard your work before. Glad to have you on backup.
Hadyn Posted October 24, 2004 Posted October 24, 2004 an idea I had for a possible cover design... or something? Enjoy ~Hadyn
DarkeSword Posted October 24, 2004 Author Posted October 24, 2004 Heh. Pretty neat man. Anyway, one week left for first WIPs. After that, we're going until November 28 for the final arrangements.
DUCKB0Y Posted October 25, 2004 Posted October 25, 2004 I hope this will be as good as the awesome kong in concert. I know that current sonic 2 remixing project has so many crapy midi-sounding remixes on them. I LOVE KIRBY, YOU BASTARDS BETTER DO IT JUSTICE. *waves fist*
Darangen Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 I'm going to throw 46 into my arrangement too, since it's the stage select theme of Butter Building and 51/52 is Butter Building. Hope that's ok I didn't see it on anyone elses list.
Hadyn Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Heh. Pretty neat man. Thanks. It's just one idea, really - if you want me to try anything else, like, if you have an idea in mind or anything, just let me know and I should be able to give it a shot - I'm on a short break from uni for the next week, so yeah. I need something to keep me busy ^^ I'm also free to do any graphics design for a possible web-page if there's going to be one, so yeah. Just letting you know the offer's there Can't wait to hear these WIP's. ~Hadyn
Spotnick Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 I love Kirby too, so if anyone need help with something, just post here. I'm not very good at anything quite necessary for a remixproject really, but maybe i could help. At least i have photoshop elements 2, I'm not super but I know some things, I know some html-coding, for the web but im not very good there either, and i have FL studio Express version I know it's "n00biesh" but it was bundled with my hardware... Whatever, hope I can help with something and I hope this will be great! Keep working!
Hadyn Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 I love Kirby too, so if anyone need help with something, just post here. I'm not very good at anything quite necessary for a remixproject really, but maybe i could help. At least i have photoshop elements 2, I'm not super but I know some things, I know some html-coding, for the web but im not very good there either, and i have FL studio Express version I know it's "n00biesh" but it was bundled with my hardware... Whatever, hope I can help with something and I hope this will be great!Keep working! To save DS the trouble, and seeing as I really have nothing else to do ~ The remixers have already been auditioned, and chosen, and there are already back-up remixers ready incase some of the current mixers need to drop out. DarkeSword is only choosing the absolute best remixers for this project, and so unless you have some really good skill, and a few .mp3's handy to prove it, there's pretty much no chance you'll get in - and even if you did, you'd just be backup. If you want to contribute art to the project, then the guideline seems to be "submit whatever you like, and if they like it, they'll use it". There aren't really any other guidelines - I'm not even sure if the compilation has a name yet, so making album covers is a little tricky at this point. But hey, if you have an idea, it can't hurt to show it around As far as a web page goes, I'm not sure what's happening there. I'd assume they'd be making it in Dream Weaver and Flash at any rate, and so the ability to code "basic" html is probably not much help - but, I could be wrong. Either way, I'm still not even sure if this project is going to have a website yet... DS, care to clear that one up? I think the best way most people can help right now would probably be just supporting the mixers, giving them feedback and critiques, and yeah, just generally encouraging them. Cya 'round, oh, and welcome to OCR ~Hadyn
DarkeSword Posted October 27, 2004 Author Posted October 27, 2004 As far as a web page goes, I'm not sure what's happening there. I'd assume they'd be making it in Dream Weaver and Flash at any rate, and so the ability to code "basic" html is probably not much help - but, I could be wrong. Either way, I'm still not even sure if this project is going to have a website yet... DS, care to clear that one up?I think the best way most people can help right now would probably be just supporting the mixers, giving them feedback and critiques, and yeah, just generally encouraging them. Cya 'round, oh, and welcome to OCR ~Hadyn Hadyn summed it up. As for the site, I'm coding myself in HTML/XHTML and CSS. So that's that. I really need to work on it though.
Hadyn Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 Hadyn summed it up. As for the site, I'm coding myself in HTML/XHTML and CSS. So that's that. I really need to work on it though. If you need a hand, I did an xhtml/css course last semester (came out with a high distinction) so I might be able to help in some way. Other than that, I also know some flash if you want like, animated banners or anything - though too much animation can sometimes be a bad thing... that said, I'm also pretty good at static web graphics and all too. yeah, I know, I've put up offers for just about every kind of job now, eh? Well, just saying... I'm there if you need the extra hand at all ~Hadyn
Spotnick Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 Yeah, know that Hadyn but thanks. Just thought it was good to introduce myself My musicstuff is all crap Don't waste time listening to it Or, maybe if you like to laugh
Trenthian Posted October 31, 2004 Posted October 31, 2004 deadline ready wip
Spotnick Posted October 31, 2004 Posted October 31, 2004 How many hasn't uploaded any WIPs? My instict sais that many hasn't... Am I right, and in which case, will the ones get kicked and backups will get to work?
ella guro Posted October 31, 2004 Posted October 31, 2004 This is just under a minute of kind of strange experimentation that's subject to change, with a lot of stuff still to be added. So don't freak because it's disjointed and weird - I'm just showing that I'm actually working on this.
Darangen Posted October 31, 2004 Posted October 31, 2004 I actually didn't think I'd have a WIP done in time, but I sat myself down and refused to quit until I had at least something to show I had to post it at vgmix since I'm cheap and have no webspace of my own, so here's the link: Pretty raw, but hey, it's something, it's mainly just structure and junk
Claado Shou Posted October 31, 2004 Posted October 31, 2004 Any chance, DarkeSword, that you could put all of the WIPs in the first post for easy listening?
Hadyn Posted November 1, 2004 Posted November 1, 2004 Darangen - Damn, the first 30 seconds of your WIP had me sitting on the edge of my seat, dying to see what came next... then... then this really bad piano sample comes in... I almost cried! Everything else about your mix rocks so much, but that piano just feels so midi-ish, and very out of place... Could you not has that part played by a guitar lead, perhaps? or maybe even have subtle electronic instruments or something ^^; I dunno, just in my opinion it ruins the mix a bit Either way, the guitar work, drums, and bass are legendary - keep up the awesome work. ~Hadyn
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