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Kirby's Adventure: Rise of the Star - History

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Alright, so a little update on how things are going. I've been busy and only able to check up on this thread every now and again over the last 2 months, thus I may be completely wrong in my conjecture here, but it appears to me that aside from choosing a title there has not been any actual progress for one month, and no significant 'reasonable' progress for more like 2 months now. Whats most important is that now there does not appear to much in the way of momentum or motivation. The deadline has been extended numerous times, but the last deadline was passed last year and no new ones were made blah blah blah.

Anyway so I'd like to know what you guys think before I discuss any potential changes with the other sp mods. If this project really is just about to go over the final hump then thats cool, but this title naming does not really cover for what has been months without any visual evidence of progress.

Another thing I'd recommend is (given there is stuff behind the scenes that some of us cannot see) to update the first post with current proceedings. Lots of the other projects are doing this now, makes things very straightforward and easy to follow. The other projects are stumbling a bit as well, but regardless I clearly see progress there etc.

  Protricity said:
Alright, so a little update on how things are going. I've been busy and only able to check up on this thread every now and again over the last 2 months, thus I may be completely wrong in my conjecture here, but it appears to me that aside from choosing a title there has not been any actual progress for one month, and no significant 'reasonable' progress for more like 2 months now. Whats most important is that now there does not appear to much in the way of momentum or motivation. The deadline has been extended numerous times, but the last deadline was passed last year and no new ones were made blah blah blah.

Anyway so I'd like to know what you guys think before I discuss any potential changes with the other sp mods. If this project really is just about to go over the final hump then thats cool, but this title naming does not really cover for what has been months without any visual evidence of progress.

Another thing I'd recommend is (given there is stuff behind the scenes that some of us cannot see) to update the first post with current proceedings. Lots of the other projects are doing this now, makes things very straightforward and easy to follow. The other projects are stumbling a bit as well, but regardless I clearly see progress there etc.

Thanks for the concern. :)

There are a few tracks already finished. I'm at school on my laptop at the moment, but I have the list of finished tracks at home on my PC. I'll post sometime tonight or tomorrow (need to install the new cabinets tonight at my house :( )I've talked to a few people OUTSIDE of this thread to get stuff going, but I'll admit right away that I've been terrible about posting stuff in here.

More tracks should be coming in soon.


KirbyMixer      - 22/57         - Water Drop       WIP
Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind DONE
Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller WIP
analoq - 31/32 - Star Herald DONE
Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter DONE
Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter DONE
Ellywu2 - 18/19 - Dream Warrior WIP
Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General WIP
DarkeSword - 33 - Great Ace In Process
Trenthian - 14/15 - Final Star In Process
GrayLightning - 56 - Hero of Lore In Process

Here is where we stand so far on music. Bas is nearly done with his track; he told me he just needs to tweak levels. I spoke with EllyWu2 and he SAYS he's going to try and finish up his track; I need to follow up with him on that; if he's out then I'm taking that track myself. AB's got an absolute deadline set for himself for the end of next week. If he's out I'm taking that track myself. Gray is also promising something by the end of that week so that should be fine. My own tracks I need to work on. It's been so busy here.

I'd also like to apologize to everyone for appearing to be so unresponsive to this thread, SP mods included. It's been busy here with the renovations at my house, school stuff, and work stuff. Big projects going on everywhere. I'm not trying to make excuses, but at least people know what I'm up to. Thanks to everyone for their hard work so far. I was aiming for a January release. That is not happening. March is probably the most realistic estimation I can give for a release so far. However, I remain optimistic that this project can be complete before then.


noo i was away, the names already been chosen?

I really liked "Dreamland Revisions"

"Rise of a Star" has nada to do with music

But I still can't wait for the release of this album, I'm mainly looking forward to Adhesive Boy and analoq's remixes, I guess rellik's as well if it will be anything like his dreaming on distant shores

  KirbyMixer said:

(look for V4)

Comments would be very much appreciated, especially the part of 3:28-4:10, because I'm not sure if I must hold that part or not, due to the theme I have (waterdrop).

The intro is really cool, nice vibe. I think the little string thing at :52 could be lowered a tad, but maybe that's just me.

About 3:38-4:10; In itself, it's a really cool idea. I'm not sure if it really fits the Water Drop description, but that's up to DarkeSword not me.

Overall, I like the ideas you have throughout the arrangement, and they are all excuted rather nicely. However, it's 6:31 long and could seem to wear out it's welcome. I had to make myself listen to it a second time to comment on it, but if not I probably wouldn't have listened to it again until a different day. I'm not saying it's a bad arrangement, but I think a shorter version might take you farther along the road. Either way, I like it :)


Okay Bas. I think the arrangement overall works. It's a little long, but that's okay. My only issue is still the saxophone. If you can change that to oboe, that'd be great, because I really don't think that the sax fits with the overall orchestral texture of the piece. If you're really against it, I guess you can leave it, but I'd rather it wasn't there.


KirbyMixer      - 22/57         - Water Drop       DONE*
Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind DONE
Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller WIP
analoq - 31/32 - Star Herald DONE
Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter DONE
Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter DONE
DarkeSword - 18/19 - Dream Warrior In Process
Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General WIP
DarkeSword - 33 - Great Ace In Process
Trenthian - 14/15 - Final Star In Process
GrayLightning - 56 - Hero of Lore In Process

Okay, so Ellywu2 let me know he dropped, so I'm taking that track, unless anyone else wants it.

  DarkeSword said:
KirbyMixer      - 22/57         - Water Drop       DONE*
Darangen - 51/52 - Son of Wind DONE
Adhesive_Boy - 41/42 - L'il Traveller WIP
analoq - 31/32 - Star Herald DONE
Rellik - 55/37/22 - Swift Hunter DONE
Suzumebachi - 28/29 - Dream Hunter DONE
DarkeSword - 18/19 - Dream Warrior In Process
Trenthian - 1/2 - Star General WIP
DarkeSword - 33 - Great Ace In Process
Trenthian - 14/15 - Final Star In Process
GrayLightning - 56 - Hero of Lore In Process

Okay, so Ellywu2 let me know he dropped, so I'm taking that track, unless anyone else wants it.

Hmm... do you think I could toy with a WiP and see if I get something substantial for Dream Warrior? At any rate, I'm going to start on it, whether I get the slot or not. I'll get a WiP up and you can let me know if you want me to complete the track.



Sounds fine with me; you were on the project before, so it's okay. Please post something ASAP.

Here's my WIP for Aviator Soul ~Theme of Great Ace~.



KirbyMixer      - 22/57         - Water Drop       DONE
Darangen        - 51/52         - Son of Wind      DONE
Adhesive_Boy    - 41/42         - L'il Traveller   WIP
analoq          - 31/32         - Star Herald      DONE
Rellik          - 55/37/22      - Swift Hunter     DONE
Suzumebachi     - 28/29         - Dream Hunter     DONE
Chthonic        - 18/19         - Dream Warrior    In Process
Trenthian       - 1/2           - Star General     WIP
DarkeSword      - 33            - Great Ace        WIP
Trenthian       - 14/15         - Final Star       In Process
GrayLightning   - 56            - Hero of Lore     In Process

Alright; I listened to Kirbymixer's track. I like it. It's finished.

5 tracks done. 6 to go.


Sounding good chth. Make sure, however, that you pay attention to the rhythms in the original. The melodic line stays the same, but the rhythms change ever-so-slightly each time. Listen to the NSF to see what I mean. Also, I think that the synth playing the melody could sound wider or deeper; try some delay and reverb on it.

  DarkeSword said:
Okay, so Ellywu2 let me know he dropped, so I'm taking that track, unless anyone else wants it.

Remember ages ago, when I said I'd do that track if ellywu2 had any problems, but you told me I wasn't good enough?

Yeah, well, I went and started remixing it anyways (just for the hell of it) - and this is what I came up with:


If you wanted, I could finish it for this project. My skills have improved since I last worked on it, and I'm certain I could get an even better sound out of it if I tried.

Then again, it's up to you.


  chthonic said:
Sorry, dude. I'll give that a listen when I get home. At any rate, don't hesitate to finish it; music is music and I'd love to hear your take on the theme.


Thanks :)

Yeah, I'm planning on finishing it either way, once I get several other projects out of the way ^^


Hadyn, you surely have got some skills now, but chtonics remix maybe differs from the original more and, well, I like Chtonics works, :), so maybe next time, but you're remix is surely splendid (read: Much better than the one I have done :P)

But you can see that Chtonic has a lot more work to do with this. Hadyns has WAY more pure and clear sound. But yeah, keep on working both of you.

Here are my tips for Chtonics remix:

Deeper strings, and more effects maybe.

Especially on the highpitched ones that doesn't sound very good. I like the Blipy-sound, whatever too call it.

When the beats come in at the beginning it's not very "pure". Maybe change there a little and in overall, make the drums feel more powerful.

The bassline is exelent in my opinion, but keep working. You may find something even better, how should I know.

That was all.



AB - I love your mix :D really cool stuff indeed!

chth - I have a suggestion to make: Start the song with a note that falls on-beat. Otherwise it gets confusing, and people start to think that the bridging note is actually the main one, and their sense of timing is thrown of by a beat. Otherwise, your mix is sounding promising :) I look forward to hearing more ^^


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