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Health issue?

Anyway, i'm happy to see the project's not totally dead (so many answers since the last time i decided to take a look around). On a side note : any news about the CD art? Doesn't have to be precise info, but it'd be nice to hear at least a word about it, since there's been "auditions" since the last month and a half or so.

Oh, and yeah, congrats Sir Nuts... or something like that... well i mean i'm happy for you... so yeah.. :oops: *shuts up*

any news about the CD art? Doesn't have to be precise info, but it'd be nice to hear at least a word about it, since there's been "auditions" since the last month and a half or so.

Yeah, I'm still interested. Can you give us an update?


For cover art, I'd like something clean, artdeco-ish, kind of like a throwback to 50s/60s space posters. No black outlines on anything, no official art either.

I'm thinking Kirby (with no powers) riding on a warp star that looks like it's moving upward through a starry backdrop.

See what you can come up with, Vilecat, Linearity. :)

For cover art, I'd like something clean, artdeco-ish, kind of like a throwback to 50s/60s space posters. No black outlines on anything, no official art either.

I'm thinking Kirby (with no powers) riding on a warp star that looks like it's moving upward through a starry backdrop.

See what you can come up with, Vilecat, Linearity. :)

It works with one of the ideas i had about Kirby's pose and the perspective. As for the art-deco look, i'll search a bit to have a good idea of the style. I'll try to come up with something worth of being shown publicly before the end of the month :wink:

I made this a while back. :roll:

It´s a wallpaper. The original CD art cover dimension is: 1000x1000. :)

Personally your work need more basic techniques of digital art. The stars are good. But need a good planning. Also, more variation on the colors and more domain in the lights.

But it is not bad at all. Keep it up. :wink:

I made this a while back. :roll:

It´s a wallpaper. The original CD art cover dimension is: 1000x1000. :)

Personally your work need more basic techniques of digital art. The stars are good. But need a good planning. Also, more variation on the colors and more domain in the lights.

But it is not bad at all. Keep it up. :wink:

Yup, my digital art sucks. Photoshop hates me. I picked up Flash instead and make cartoons, but that's another story.

Anywhoo the project will be done by this month right? :?


Hello there. I just recently learned about this great project of yours and been reading up. Well I wonder if its too late to do this but heres some of my Kirby Art I have done:

This is a Kirby Dreamland 2 drawing I did after you beat King Dedede and Dark Matter's first form comes out (I messed up on his face cause of a bad refernce. I plan on fixing it soon):


This is from Dreamland 3 at the end of the game when Zero is defeated. Kirby and Gooey with the Heart Power are floating away:


And finally a MS Paint I did of Zero:


Let em know what you think, I will be drawing a rough sketch of a cover and see what you think.


Yeah, do we want to do this as a group, Vilecat? Maybe now, maybe after we have our individual things done? I'm having a bit of trouble getting "art deco" into a starry background and Kirby. BTW, DS, do you want the Warp Star with outer glow? It looks cool, but not really like an Airstream trailer, which I hear is art deco.

I don't feel strongly one way or another. What do you think?


Sorry if i didn't answer before, i couldn't go online since Thursday ^^;;; The comp's power supply went poof, and i had to wait for it to be replaced. I just got it back Sunday afternoon, but the day was too good to sit in front of the comp :P

I'm not against a collab, not at all. I already have a few ideas on how to do it art deco style, and i'm searching how to "render" certain other elements (like Kirby itself) the same way.

Now i just wish i'd master more watercolor and i'd try something with it :roll:


Well okay then. Let's jam. Vilecat and NeoForte and Linearity together. Let me finish my first draft, and then you guys can see how good or art deco it is.

Vilecat, watercoloring is a noble and difficult skill that I applaud you for having if you have it. Perhaps you can employ it yet in these circumstances, regardless of your mastery. And now, Lin will admit that he's playing too much Chrono Trigger and that Frog is rubbing off on his language.


Sweet. I'll draw a draft of the idea i have in mind too. And sadly, even if i wish i'd have it, i'm not good enough with watercolors to call it a skill... if it is, it's a very very sloppy one ^^; Nontheless, i'll try to get that draft done before the end of the week, between 2 coding lines. I'll do it as a break from work.

Oh, and if you want to have an idea of how art deco looked, the best thing is to help you with posters of that style. Other than that, in term of design support, there's not much offered that is not furniture, and books on the subject seem rare. Unless you have a Art History teacher that eats art deco for breakfast to help.

One of the pictures i kept to give me an idea of art deco coloring style for Kirby... or something like that o.o;


Btw, nice tutorials you found KWarp.


Alright! I've dabled a bit in watercolors in the past but I mostly work in either photoshop or color pencils for color. I'll start making some sktechs and show thm to you guys to see what you think. Oh and for an example of my color pencil heres something I did a few years ago (sorry been a while since I worked this well with color pecils.)




That first one's really good, particularly the shading - gives a great sense of depth. It's about time somebody talented offered to help out - I would've myself but, you know, busy being cool and stuff.

It's a hard life being awesome...

Keep up the good work! :D

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