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w00t! Way to go, man! You've certainly earned it! I find it interesting that you openly admitted that you based your series on Zero Punctuation, and now you've been hired by his bosses!


This is news. Wonderful news. And news that I'm, for once, not woefully behind on.

::waiting for shows to appear on the Escapist in July... when the revealing video was just posted this week::

Also, will send (or have sent, depending on when you read this) a potential topic to the indicated email.


Wow, I remember watching your first video like this way back when it was a class project or something. It must seem pretty unbelievable that it got to where it is now! Congratulations, and I'm looking forward to the weekly installments!

P.S. Your music credits don't seem to announce where the songs came from. I think you should include a "this music came from ocremix.org" -type boilerplate that would remain the same for each episode, while you change the titles of the songs each week. Just a suggestion.


I'm curious is to the NATURE of your position at pixar, sephfire

plz enlighten me

also, congratu-fuckin-lations, dog

edit: just watched the first ep on the escapist. I absolutely love it, and I must say EXCELLENT choices on opening/closing music. really hit it out of the park with those two songs. this series of yours is one of those rare things that became much more public simply because it NEEDED to become more public... I take that back. it's also hilarious and charming, but in my mind--including your older videos-- you're saying things that developers NEED to be listening to

great job!

I'm curious is to the NATURE of your position at pixar, sephfire

plz enlighten me

I'm an animator up at Pixar's new branch in Vancouver. Technically, an Apprentice Animator for the first year.

Thanks for all the kind words guys. New episode will be live in 12 hours!

AND you're Canadian!?

Sort of. Just moved up there last week on a work visa, so I have officially graduated to barely Canadian. Maybe after a few years I can apply for citizenship and finish the job.

But I do live like right across the street from the Canuck's stadium, so that has to count for something.

Sort of. Just moved up there last week on a work visa, so I have officially graduated to barely Canadian. Maybe after a few years I can apply for citizenship and finish the job.

But I do live like right across the street from the Canuck's stadium, so that has to count for something.

Good enough. Welcome to North America's better half. Enjoying our multi-coloured money? Have an addiction to Tim Hortons yet?

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