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Well! It's been a while!

Here I come back to work on a project I started two years ago.

Now, I started COMPLETELY from scratch!

And as you can guess, this is the "Shadow Queen's True Form" theme.

Now, being as this only took a few hours, it needs a lot of improvement, but I feel I can finally finish this time!

Also, I'll be modding the Keyboard solo somewhat. I want more of a melody.

I desperately wanna catch that fear that was in the original...





This one down here was the ORIGINAL remix I was working on before my computer blew up. D:

You may like some elements more from here.



I'm not one to really give advice, but I rather like the sound you've got going. There seems to be some strange sounds in your song, I think it's a background piano. It doesn't quite fit, and I wish I could tell you at what point I'm hearing it, but I can't see the time. Anyway, you've got a decent start here. Once you've got more expert advice coming in, you should have a more clear idea on how to proceed. Again, nice start!


Holy crap, what he said ^^.

It's funny cause some of the people here make better songs than actual artists who have record labels LOL.

I'll be waiting for your finished product cause this song kicks ASS.


Hey there, I'm not exactly qualified to give advice on anything music related...

But I really liked this! This game needs more love and this is one of my favorite boss battles ever. I really liked the solo bit at 1:24-1:50

Keep it up!


This is really cool. My only complaint is that is still seems like background music (albeit extremely good background music). Nothing stands out to me as the "main part", ya know? If I got this stuck in my head, I wouldn't know what to hum. But you can pretty much ignore that criticism considering that the source is the same way. It's a shame nobody who really knows their stuff is commenting. I look forward to the next version and hope you get some helpful feedback.


It really is a shame how little this section of the forums gets attention

Cause I liked it. But in general, it seems like it's not so much arrangement as much as a straight cover. Which isn't bad at all, but OCRemix deals more with arrangements.

Really not much to say on this. I liked it, but it needs more interpretation. Otherwise, well done.

This is really cool. My only complaint is that is still seems like background music (albeit extremely good background music). Nothing stands out to me as the "main part", ya know?

I agree with this, but I think I can offer an explanation.

There's very little in the way of dynamics to the song, in terms of volume especially. The whole thing seems to be sitting on a level, and doesn't grab your attention when things change. There are a couple of sections where there's a half-tempo beat or the beat drops completely, but you don't really seem to notice when you listen to it. I think you need to do more EQing on individual tracks, and bring out the dominant frequencies more (especially for the lead towards the end - boost those highs). Everything seems to be in the middle as well, I don't notice much panning going on. Changing these 2 things would make a world of difference, I'm sure.

Also make your drums meatier - I can hardly hear the bass drum, what's that about eh?! Make sure all your drums are on separate tracks if you haven't already, giving you much better control over each one. For a heavy, intense mix like this, I'd expect the drums to really drive it along with that awesome chunky rhythm guitar (and it is awesome), but they sort of take a back seat and as such it doesn't pack so much of a punch.

So basically, it's just some mixing issues that need to be addressed - the actual tune is very enjoyable, and with some easy changes it'll really improve. Get cracking :)


Lol sorry dude I didn't know you were waiting for us. This track is a nice step up from the last mix I heard from you, but it still has those production problems. The bass is way too kickin, and the kick is way too low end. Actually, it might just need a heavy boost around 2-3 Khz to give it the click back. The snare sound alright but it could probably use a little more meat as well, like around 150-200 Hz. I feel like a lot of the leads are getting a little buried in the mix, I would bring them up. The rhythm guitars are better than I expected, so that's good there. The cool swells and choir effects are a good touch to the mix too. The strings might be trying their luck with the patch your using, but I will still give them a passing mark (like a C). I also noticed that your making "impossible" drums (meaning can't really be played without many arms) which isn't bad, but if you're gonna go that route, I would really make them sound synthetic. Right now it sounds like you're on the wire with some realistic 2 step rock beats and some crazy snare and cymbal flams. That part is just a thought though. Stay within your means so it sounds good. Hopefully, Gario and sarcastic robot dude will come give their 2 cents as well :-) Good luck

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