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OCRemixers and OCremix forum goers alike,

As some of you know, and more of you don't care, I am from Boston, though at this moment I am in New Jersey, and within the hour I will be driving towards our nation's capital, DC (ok, so really Fairfax, VA. But that's practically our nation's backup capital).

"But Vig," you may ask, but probably won't, "why on earth would you do such a thing? Isn't Boston the shit?"

Yes. Boston is the shit. However, I just got a job in Santa Monica working at a major recording studio. Since the commute from Boston to LA is prohibitively long, I will be permanently relocating to the west coast.


Ok. I'm driving across the country this week, and I have a couple waypoints mapped out (Austin, Phoenix) but I'm trying to find another couple of couches to crash on somewhere between DC and LA so I can save some money on motels.

So if you live in the middle of the country somewhere (the souther the better) and have a couch I could crash on for a night, please send me a PM or email or something; it would be greatly appreciated.

The compensation I'm offering is minimal, but twofold:

1. I'd be happy to play for you some WIPs and finished projects that have not yet been released to the OCR community

2. I will drink with you and tell you completely ridiculous but true stories of sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Ask djpretzel, Larry, or anyone else; my stories are epic.

I don't necessarily have any idea whether I'll get any response from this, but I'd much rather crash with some chill OCR folks on my cross-country trek than stay in a motel, so please shoot me a PM or email or something.




Well, since you're already in Jersey for the night, I don't think coming to PA for a day is in the cards. That said, congratulations on your move to the West Coast.

Have a safe trip, and I can't wait to hear the epic story about it.


Well, Route 66 will take you straight through Tulsa, so yeah...depending on when you actually plan on being in the area and whether my roommates are okay with it (most likely) I can probably host you. We've got a nice big guest futon and everything. Or you could realize everyone's life-long dream of spooning with a Dhsu. :3


There's quite a few people that I'm aware of that live along a line that flows south from DC and across the belly of our country, though I'm not sure how many of them will check this post in time. I'd offer you shelter in MD but if you're going to DC already, that's a step backwards.

Definitely check on IRC as well, as some of them rarely check the forums.


Tulsa will probably be a better bet - it's 2:15 hours away from me, but I'd be happy to host you in Bentonville AR if you're going through. If you're taking 40 (which starts a bit south of DC), I'm an hour and change north of that at the AR/OK border. It's not TOO far out of the way to get you on the 44, which turns into the 40, which ends in LA. eMail me if you want the crash space. "When" may also be a factor (if I'm here or not). mr.mustin at gmail.

Or you could realize everyone's life-long dream of spooning with a Dhsu. :3


Did you happen to mention when you were going to be traveling? I might have drifted off, thinking up my own (possibly accidentally true) sex/drugs/rock stories involving the legendary Vigilante.

I live in Columbus, so if you find yourself in the area sometime tomorrow and you need a unique dining experience (just ask Bahamut), I might be available, although I have a wifey who might not be down with strangers crashing. WOMEN, UGH!

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