Khid Posted October 24, 2004 Posted October 24, 2004 Just coming into the forums and into the thread. I'm not a remixers, but I want to encourage you guys to do a good job! Which alot of you probably will! To the person who started it and is writing the script-- I'm actually a writer, and it's cool to see someone else on the boards who's going at a Chrono Trigger script. I'm going to download yours and read the first fifteen.
Khid Posted October 24, 2004 Posted October 24, 2004 Wow! You guys are off to a good start! I love all of the pieces so far. To the writer of the script -- Did you replay the game and re-write the script? It's scene for scene. That had to take... quite some time. The problem with re-writing something so intricate is including all of the stuff that's so good. You have to dig it all out and redo it, because going from beginning to end isn't going to work. That's just a writing tip, no offense meant. IF you ever want to talk about it, you can IM me at: PLNNOCHLO I'm always on. Keep up the good work everyone!
Sleepy Emp Posted October 25, 2004 Posted October 25, 2004 Ok, here's my wip. I hope I'll be able to finish it by November, 5 Thank you.CT Movie Soundtrack - The Story Begins Cool! I like where it's going towards the end of the song (actually going into the theme that the audition is on). Only suggestion I really have is to improve the mixing. Other than that, very peppy and clean. What did you use for the brass? Thanks. I used SAM brass, can be found here:
Bob Thee Avenger Posted October 25, 2004 Posted October 25, 2004 As far as making a movie soundtrack, (which I think is an awesome idea), you have to consider Spekkosaurus (Steffan Andrews). Unfortunately, his personal web site seems to be down now, but you can see his work in the piece 'The Trial in Concert'. I am a fan of piano music for some circumstances because it can set a mood so well, which is especially important for a movie. I am speaking for myself here, but I think that Spekkosaurus would be perfect for this team, and I absolutely love the piano work that he shows off in the Trial, which is from Chrono Trigger coincidently. That's my two cent's worth. And I don't think you should count it out because it includes a piano, but rather, it should be given extra consideration because of the power that Spekkosaurus put into the piece with only a single classical instrument. Just something to think about. The song of which I speak:
mv Posted October 25, 2004 Posted October 25, 2004 damn, i always hear about those projects so late.. i might try something, but that'll be hard since i have so much music to make nowadays.
Sleepy Emp Posted October 25, 2004 Posted October 25, 2004 damn, i always hear about those projects so late.. i might try something, but that'll be hard since i have so much music to make nowadays. I hope you'll be able to join the project, mv. You can do great stuff with just seven notes
tgfoo Posted October 25, 2004 Posted October 25, 2004 Ok, here's my wip. I hope I'll be able to finish it by November, 5 Thank you.CT Movie Soundtrack - The Story Begins Cool! I like where it's going towards the end of the song (actually going into the theme that the audition is on). Only suggestion I really have is to improve the mixing. Other than that, very peppy and clean. What did you use for the brass? Thanks. I used SAM brass, can be found here: What other libraries did you use? I figured pretty much everyone would be using soundfonts.
Khid Posted October 25, 2004 Posted October 25, 2004 As far as making a movie soundtrack, (which I think is an awesome idea), you have to consider Spekkosaurus (Steffan Andrews). Unfortunately, his personal web site seems to be down now, but you can see his work in the piece 'The Trial in Concert'. I am a fan of piano music for some circumstances because it can set a mood so well, which is especially important for a movie. I am speaking for myself here, but I think that Spekkosaurus would be perfect for this team, and I absolutely love the piano work that he shows off in the Trial, which is from Chrono Trigger coincidently.That's my two cent's worth. And I don't think you should count it out because it includes a piano, but rather, it should be given extra consideration because of the power that Spekkosaurus put into the piece with only a single classical instrument. Just something to think about. The song of which I speak: I totally agree with this. Even if it is premade, that is a very good choice. The piano is perfect and, if there really was a movie to be made, it'd be an excellent addition for a real soundtrack.
Sleepy Emp Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Ok, here's my wip. I hope I'll be able to finish it by November, 5 Thank you.CT Movie Soundtrack - The Story Begins Cool! I like where it's going towards the end of the song (actually going into the theme that the audition is on). Only suggestion I really have is to improve the mixing. Other than that, very peppy and clean. What did you use for the brass? Thanks. I used SAM brass, can be found here: What other libraries did you use? I figured pretty much everyone would be using soundfonts. Squidfont plus Fluid, Realfont GM sets and various single-instrument soundfonts from Hammersound. I cannot use gigasamples, so I converted those demo sets to simple samples as well.
SilentMartyr Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Hello, I love what you guys are doing with the music, its really great stuff. I do however would like to talk about the script, but I dont want to clutter up this topic with what I have to say about it. Is there another topic that is for the script?
sephfire Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 BTW, to anyone who missed it, Claado (the guy who started this whole thing) is out of touch until thursday or friday for some reason I forgot. So don't expect any replies from him til then,
Froyst Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 I'm not trying to troll, but...I think you're pretty full of yourself. Expecting people to take several days of effort and time out of their lives to put together movie-quality orchestral remixes for a movie that's not even being made. Especially about a video game that has already been made. Quite excellently I might add. Not to mention taking out several important characters. Excuse me, but weren't Ayla and Robo just sliiiightly pertinent to the storyline? Did you even take them to 65,000,000 BC and 2300 AD? I didn't even read the script or any of the other literature because I personally thought the audacity of the entire project was appalling. Why would you want to take a wonderful, ageless masterpiece like Chrono Trigger and try to 're-do' it into a separate form like a movie. We all know movies based on video games are looked SO well upon and are SO accurate to the video games by the time they're finished, but that's beside my point. This would be like taking the Mona Lisa, painting over her arms because they "took up space" and asked people for money for the project consisting of you never expecting to paint it. With spray cans. On the side of a train car. Using only your feet and an umbrella. I just don't get it. EDIT/NOTE: The music is great, I'd honestly love to hear all of it. I'm not bashing the music, I'm honestly not trying to bash anybody, just try to figure out what the point is and give my two cents on the project.
SilentMartyr Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Thnx for the update Seph, I didnt see that. But do you know if there is a separate topic for just the script? There are a lot of things I want to ask him about and I dont want to do it in the auditions topic. Oh and BTW Froyst, making a movie about the game is a great idea, as long as it is done right. The storyline is so amazing it is a shame to have it limited to only people who like to play video games.
DarkeSword Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 I'm not trying to troll, but...I think you're pretty full of yourself. Tried, and failed! Expecting people to take several days of effort and time out of their lives to put together movie-quality orchestral remixes for a movie that's not even being made. Yeah I mean, it's not like remixing is fun or anything. Look buddy; we're remixers; we don't take time out of life to remix; remixing IS life. Especially about a video game that has already been made. Quite excellently I might add. Not to mention taking out several important characters. Excuse me, but weren't Ayla and Robo just sliiiightly pertinent to the storyline? Did you even take them to 65,000,000 BC and 2300 AD? I didn't even read the script Read the script. or any of the other literature because I personally thought the audacity of the entire project was appalling. Why would you want to take a wonderful, ageless masterpiece like Chrono Trigger and try to 're-do' it into a separate form like a movie. For fun. We all know movies based on video games are looked SO well upon and are SO accurate to the video games by the time they're finished, but that's beside my point. Yeah, especially since this movie is being made! This would be like taking the Mona Lisa, painting over her arms because they "took up space" and asked people for money for the project consisting of you never expecting to paint it. With spray cans. On the side of a train car. Using only your feet and an umbrella. I just don't get it. No, it's not. It's adapting and intpreting a story to another medium, and making it WORK in said medium. EDIT/NOTE: The music is great, I'd honestly love to hear all of it. I'm not bashing the music, I'm honestly not trying to bash anybody, just try to figure out what the point is and give my two cents on the project. Could have fooled me. Here's the point of the project: CHRONO TRIGGER REMIXES
Tyler Heath Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Man, Darke - you beat me to it. However, I would add that anyone participating is a volunteer, and I'm pretty sure I haven't heard anything about money going in any direction. To reiterate what Darkesword said, remixing isn't something that you view as putting time and effort into. It's something you do because you enjoy doing it. At least, I am. Maybe you just don't know what you're talking about? Speaking of this project: any more WIP's/final versions out?
Zeality Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Dudes, I'll sum it all up with this prophetic statement: I like Chrono Trigger LIES YOU SAY
sephfire Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 Yeah, Darke got it all right. Claado isn't twisting the collective arm of the OCR community for this. We're participating because we enjoy doing this, because we want to show our appreciation for the remixed game, and because we want to create something that we can share with others (hmm, kinda like with everything else we remix... ). To anyone else who wants to whine about removed characters and scenes, Darke (again) said it best. Things have to change between different media in order to be effective within that media. You may remember the Lord of the Rings films? Our work here is a tribute to the source material, not a plot to destroy all that you hold dear about Chrono Trigger. (and no, nothing new on my WIP since this weekend)
SilentMartyr Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 Will No one answer my question?!? (cries in corner)
tgfoo Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 Will No one answer my question?!? (cries in corner) Nope, this is the only thread concerning this.
Froyst Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 I'm not trying to troll, but...I think you're pretty full of yourself. Tried, and failed! Expecting people to take several days of effort and time out of their lives to put together movie-quality orchestral remixes for a movie that's not even being made. Yeah I mean, it's not like remixing is fun or anything. Look buddy; we're remixers; we don't take time out of life to remix; remixing IS life. Especially about a video game that has already been made. Quite excellently I might add. Not to mention taking out several important characters. Excuse me, but weren't Ayla and Robo just sliiiightly pertinent to the storyline? Did you even take them to 65,000,000 BC and 2300 AD? I didn't even read the script Read the script. or any of the other literature because I personally thought the audacity of the entire project was appalling. Why would you want to take a wonderful, ageless masterpiece like Chrono Trigger and try to 're-do' it into a separate form like a movie. For fun. We all know movies based on video games are looked SO well upon and are SO accurate to the video games by the time they're finished, but that's beside my point. Yeah, especially since this movie is being made! This would be like taking the Mona Lisa, painting over her arms because they "took up space" and asked people for money for the project consisting of you never expecting to paint it. With spray cans. On the side of a train car. Using only your feet and an umbrella. I just don't get it. No, it's not. It's adapting and intpreting a story to another medium, and making it WORK in said medium. EDIT/NOTE: The music is great, I'd honestly love to hear all of it. I'm not bashing the music, I'm honestly not trying to bash anybody, just try to figure out what the point is and give my two cents on the project. Could have fooled me. Here's the point of the project: CHRONO TRIGGER REMIXES
DarkeSword Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 Saying someone is full of himself is an insult, so right away, you started off on the wrong foot. Then, you showed no real understanding of our community when you made the comment about people taking time out of their lives to remix. Remixing is what we do here. Making symphonic remixes of Chrono Trigger music is a challege that a lot of us will have FUN with. Why do you think contests like IMC and PRC are so popular? People have fun remixing, and they learn a lot. Then, you criticize the script, but follow that immediately up with 'I didn't even read the script.' I don't care if you found the 'audacity of the entire project...appalling.' If you're going to criticize Claadou's script, at least read it. He spent more time writing the script than you did writing your post. Then you talk about how movies based on video games always end up sucking, but Claadou has stated many times that this movie isn't even being made. The script is there for his own enjoyment, and its there as a framework to base our project on. Then you make a totally irrelevant comparison to defacing the Mona Lisa, which makes no sense. We're not going back in time and defecating in all of the CT cartridges here. When you adapt a story from one medium to another, changes must be made, otherwise you get something very lackluster. If you were trying to be unoffensive, you did a poor job of it. You said Claadou was full of himself, demonstrated little understanding of what this community is about, criticized the script without even reading it, and then accused us of disrespecting the source material. Just putting a little disclaimer at the end of your post doesn't cut it, when your entire post is filled with stuff like that. Sorry if you think I'm an asshole, but maybe you should have thought more about what you said and how you said it before you posted.
SirRus Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 Darke hasn't had a good PWNAGE since page 2 of this thread. It's about time. Shariq: 2 n00bs: 0
sephfire Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 I've delt with assholes like you who try to bend people's words into something they're not, and if you would read my [censored] post you would see that I'm not trying to be abusive (unlike you) and trying to find out what's going on behind this damn project, but you come and deface me and call me a troll after CLEARLY STATING that I wasn't trying to hurt anybody. I spent several hours trying to peice together this damn post so I would get to understand what's going on and not be entirely offensive and you tore into me like it said 'omg lame stfu! u sux!111!!'. I thank you for the KIND answer, MR. POST-SUBJECT-CREATOR, even though it doesn't really answer any of my questions, but it was atleast better than the slanderous, abusive filth some people have set to mental (underline on the MENTAL) auto-reply when somebody tries to ask a few simple questions. Yeah, still siding with Darke. On a third reading of your original post, I was able to find only one "simple question:" ... Why would you want to take a wonderful, ageless masterpiece like Chrono Trigger and try to 're-do' it into a separate form like a movie. I believe we've answered that question several times in several ways: For fun. To reiterate what Darkesword said, remixing isn't something that you view as putting time and effort into. It's something you do because you enjoy doing it. I like Chrono Trigger We're participating because we enjoy doing this, because we want to show our appreciation for the remixed game, and because we want to create something that we can share with others So hopefully that question has been taken care of. I've not read any replies that were any more slanderous or abusive than your original post. You questioned the motives of the script author without reading the script. You want to know what's behind this "damn project" although you've made it pretty clear how little you think of it. Then we defend ourselves and our intentions, which you interpret as "abuse." Please, someone dispute me if you disagree, but I am yet to find a response in anyone's post that is so abusive as you say. If you do have questions that we haven't yet answered, please ask so we can try to answer and clear up any misunderstanding.
Claado Shou Posted October 28, 2004 Author Posted October 28, 2004 Uh...I'm back? Wow, guys. This is...amazing. Almost makes me want to cry. Except for you, Froyst (one too many "Y"'s in your name, eh?). Anyway, about the mixes: Emperor, yours is SUPERB. Very coooool, very nice brass. It's another Gotham Symphony in the making. Also, oh man, is this getting super freaking sweet. I love the native percussion, and the dark undertones near the end. Reminds me a lot of "Flight" know which song I'm talking about. And for DarkeSword...I give thee many thanks for the ass-whooping thou hast administered on my behalf. That was some awesome pwnage. SirRus, I'm quite glad to hear you're interested in the project. That pleases me greatly. Also, I'm sorry, CTcronoboy (mouthful, ain't it?) but there is no thread specifically for the script. Clutter this one up if you like. More posts = more pages = more likely to be a site project. So be wordy. ((As a little piece of dessert for you all, I have another game-to-movie script I'll be writing very soon [i.e. tomorrow] that will hopefully give you all something else to read in your spare time. No project based on it, promise...but I won't tell you what it is, either, so you'll just have to wait and see.)) ((No, it's not Chrono Cross.)) And for everybody that was interested in what exactly the family problem was, my grandmother had a heart attack. After having two blockages cleared and being in the hospital for five days, she went back home and is as fit as a somewhat-rusty whistle. No offense to my grandmother or anything. A special word to Froyst: if you don't want to read the script, then at least read the rest of the thread and you'll see that a lot of your concerns have been dealt with. Ayla and Robo? Script, OST, but no movie? All addressed.
Claado Shou Posted October 29, 2004 Author Posted October 29, 2004 Just a reminder...the audition stage ends in one week, on November 5. So if you're planning on helping out and being a part of this project, then the time to do something is now. No pressure, right? ~.C.S.~
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