Rellik Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Yep, that's basically what you said, except I think the wrong conclusion was made at the end of the discussion. In general, yes, the music doesn't have to follow everything down the line; and yet, it sort of does. No matter how good you are at estimating how long things will take, the movie would not line up anywhere near perfectly with the soundtrack... thus spoiling the entire effect and sort of eliminating the purpose and sort of making a mockery of the soundtrack (there's a reason film-scorers go to such great lengths to sync up the video and the music it really does make a difference). Then there's the fact that it really is background music, mostly, after all. Listening to ellywu's WiP, it's pretty great stuff but just listen to exactly what it's doing with the tempo changes and the theme changes. If the action on screen weren't synced up perfectly with this, it would just fall flat out and flop. And since it's trying to be background music to a scene, it ends up being relatively disjointed as a standalone piece of music. And thus I kind of feel like... well, you know what I'm saying. I don't want to act like I'm all negative about the project, just interested in seeing what other people have to say about the issue.
Claado Shou Posted November 9, 2004 Author Posted November 9, 2004 The basic premise is this: whatever is happening on screen/paper, imagine what kind of emotion is thrumming throughout the scene, and make music to fit that. That's all. Nothing action-specific is don't have to have a bass drum for every sword strike, just make sure that the music fits the mood. Make the song active and upbeat, like battle music would be. Let's put it this way: imagine that as you're playing Chrono Trigger the game, the music changed according to what was going on. You're climbing Death Peak, and the music is dark, with a hint of percussion, to add suspense. You see your first Lavos Spawn, and suddenly it picks up speed, as the player gets on the edge of their seat for a battle. Then it slowly segues into a fast-paced action song, complete with a tremolo section at the end for the creature's death. That's what we're aiming for - scene enhancers. Nothing incredibly complex, just good, clean, well-produced orchestral that complements the movie's goings-on. Do that, and you're good.
Collaborator Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Hahahahahahahh...hah..ha. Oh dear lord. -The Collab
SilentMartyr Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 Hey Claado If you want I could help out for the banner/CD cover for the thingy. I made my sig and I have a bunch of other stuff I have done. I can send you/show you my "portfolio" if youd like. Also I have a craaazy idea but ill tell it to you later, I wanna see if youre down with me doin this first.
mv Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 hi there! Claado, i'm interested in tracks #8 (Guardia Castle) and #11 (The Masamune). Hope that'll be alright, i haven't read all posts so i don't know if someone asked for those yet. I'll also make a remastered version of Darkest Omen if possible. cheers, mv
Claado Shou Posted November 10, 2004 Author Posted November 10, 2004 Very cool, mv. I'll sign you up immediately.
sephfire Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 Sweet. I was hoping mv would be joining. /cheer EDIT: Just uploaded a new version of Inciting Incident. Nothing new in the arrangement, just remastered a bit to work on stereo widening, etc. Can anyone give me some suggestions? I'd like to get this down before starting on any of the others.
ellywu2 Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 Might be of help to help get the orchestra sound whilst mastering EDIT: well, i actually looked at it myself, and it is really really simplified, so i'm sure you could google up a better one if you looked.
Claado Shou Posted November 11, 2004 Author Posted November 11, 2004 Alright, so I'm looking at deadlines. Something really simple, just to keep the process moving along. How about this: -All selected tracks must show some progress by December 1. I don't really want to go any further than that, since there's always the chance that more songs will be chosen by people already doing mixes. So yeah...whatcha think?
sephfire Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 Fair enough. I was actually planning on starting work with the Magus Battle tonight sometime, but I'll first make some changes based on that chart ellywu2 posted. Thanks for that BTW, it'll be very helpful. Still sorting out collaboration deals with a couple people. I'll post here when we figure it out Claado.
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 11, 2004 Posted November 11, 2004 yaay veteran's day! = days off from school! now i can finally get started on my scene ----------------------------------------------- eDiT: okay so I worked on my scene like all afternoon and I'm hella tired now; I kind of ran out of brain power on what to do with this song for today so I'm going to sleep (I gotta get some rest because I have to go fail my driving test tomorrow ) here's what I got so far (pretty much just the beginning): *Right Click/Save As Please* hope ya like it... the base drum in the slow section is SUPPOSED to represent a pulsing heart-beat but I don't know how to make it sound like that yet lol... let me know what you guys think of it so far, and tell me if I need to make changes in the style or just start over... (I'm not sure if it fits the guidelines on what instruments can/cannot be used, and how it's arranged) thanks oh yeah, and I just switched to using Cubase because the other program I used was 'gay' and it would literally take me four hours to do one hours worth of work, so I'm like n00b at this program; still finding out how to work it lol... and how are you supposed to do crescendos with samples more thing... if no one is planning on taking Scene 10 (Mt. Denadoro Climb), I'd like to take that scene as well. I think it would be better if I worked on two mixes at the same time because it gets annoying listening to one song over and over and over and over again. okay nite
sephfire Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 Ok Claado we've sorted a few more tracks out for you: "A Shot of Crisis" - ellywu2 & sephfire "Morning Sunlight" - SirRus & sephfire I think these plus my solo track should be enough to keep me busy.
Claado Shou Posted November 12, 2004 Author Posted November 12, 2004 Wow, Ben. That's hella awesome. Let me repeat, hella awesome. Yes, your instrument choice is nice, as well as the pause and the speed-up - very dramatic, though I would prefer if the volume stayed at a constant level the entire time, instead of fading out in the middle. The scene can definitely be suited to fit this music. Just remember that the song needs to stay within time limit and should have the slowdown after Lavos is defeated, plus the faster pace as they escape the crumbling Black Omen and watch it fall into the ocean. Keep that in mind, and this is a definite keeper. Alright, seph, I'll put that up on the front page. I've been working on some Halo stuff (not just the game) and was enthralled by it. G'luck, mate.
ellywu2 Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 Ok, the first look of my wip I was working on it tonight, just having a mess around, trying to go for a hans zimmer/Rome total war kind of sound. It's meant to sound heroic towards the end Its scene number 9, near the end of it. It doesnt include frog saving the gang, i have to work out that bit a bit better. This is done using the OST listing (claado could you send me the script part for scene 9?) and its easily fiddled around to fit the scene. Ok, some things which i know are bollocks...The percussion. I had a cool kind of off beat thing going on, but FL crashed, so for the moment its crashes and badly sequenced timpanis. Theres no 'fluffing' of it done yet, i.e i havent at little trills and bits of percussion. And erm, yeah its a bit heavy on the low end. *I KNOW THERES A WRONG NOTE AT 1:08(im on dialup so it takes a while to upload a new version )* Anyways, enjoy what i have so far guys, and help me out *EDIT: Tada!*
Claado Shou Posted November 12, 2004 Author Posted November 12, 2004 Holy crap, dude. That's wonderful work. Very nice string work near the end, if I may say so. BTW, may I request that when you post a WIP from SoundClick, you use the hi-fi stream address instead of the .mp3 address? If you're not a SoundClick member, you can't access the song, and since nothing's final, no downloading is necessary...just listening. I appreciate it immensely.
JasAce5 Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 ok claado... so you're post was really long and I read it fairly fast.... but are you actually planning on MAKING the movie? Cuz I didnt' see that part in there, but what good is a script and a soundtrack if you're not going to make the movie?Also, did you say you TOOK OUT Ayla and Robo??? I hope I read that wrong... how do you just Take Out two Main characters?? 1. No, I do not plan on making the movie. I have expressed a hope that should these two aspects of the movie come together, somebody will be willing to help create the third, namely the visual. But for now, the OST and the script are the only two finished products we're shooting for. 2. Yes, I took out Ayla and Robo. Along with them, I took out nearly an hour of unnecessary and confusing sidequests/backstory which would have drowned the movie with more than it needs. So know that my decision was well-thought-out, and the resulting product is not hurt, but instead is helped because of it. take out alya and robo? youve got to have lost your mind! thats like cooking only 2/3 of a pie! put them back in now! unessessary and confusing sidequests?!? bs, man, i denounce you as even being even a remote ct fan, this collection might be good for a real movie, but youve got to put those characters back in, they play an important part in the story. because of robo, chrono, marle, and lucca would have never tried to save time without robos help, and they wouldnt have made it past 2300 AD. i could bet money that this script/story, even tho it is unfinished, is 10x better than your script claado. even tho the story stopped at the recieving of the epoch, its most likely better than your script. CT novel
Claado Shou Posted November 13, 2004 Author Posted November 13, 2004 Oh boy...let me guess. You didn't even read the synopsis, did you? I'll say this one more time: Robo and Ayla were never necessary to the plot of Chrono Trigger. Robo's only contribution was cosmetic; he allowed them to access the End of Time by being the fourth party member, but with the way the script is set up, he no longer has that responsibility. And with the Dreamstone taken out of the story, Ayla's role is nonexistent as well. I was actually thinking of having Robo be a cameo character in the movie, or some sort of portable device that Lucca finds in the future and carries with her. You know, a super-advanced PDA or something. But Ayla stays out. Period.
Fritz the Cat Posted November 13, 2004 Posted November 13, 2004 Robo and Ayla were representatives of their respective time periods, though. And, at least in Robo's case, he was the first 'living' person they met in the future. I mean, what else were there? A few dozen people waiting to die in the ruins of their cities?
Claado Shou Posted November 13, 2004 Author Posted November 13, 2004 Robo and Ayla were representatives of their respective time periods, though. True...which is the only reason they were included in the game, so that there would be a guide of some sort in each time period to help the group. But since 65,000,000 B.C. is gone entirely, Ayla's role is wasted space. Also, I suppose you could say that 12,000 B.C., 600 A.D., and 1000 A.D. represent some sort of life, while 2300 A.D. represents death and apocalypse, which would make the need for a character representative unnecessary. Good observation, though...for the game's purposes, Robo was a mainstay. For the movie, he isn't.
ellywu2 Posted November 13, 2004 Posted November 13, 2004 Ok, i'm really sorry to spam, but i updated it. Added the end of Frogs fight possibly? Clydefrog brought up some good points in the WIP forum, so i'm going to work on them before i do more work fleshing the piece out. same link as before by the way!
DarkeSword Posted November 13, 2004 Posted November 13, 2004 Everyone criticizing the script, just please shut the hell up. Nobody cares if you're indignant that your precious Chrono Trigger has been bastardized. Does the title of the thread say "Chrono Trigger Movie Script Review!!" ? No. The script is merely a framework for the project. So shut up. Repeat. Shut up. (shut up) Anyway, I've got tracks 19 and 20 as of now. Not biting off more than I can chew. We'll see how things go. PS. Shut up.
Claado Shou Posted November 13, 2004 Author Posted November 13, 2004 Thanks, DarkeSword. Couldn't have put it better myself...though you can tell people to shut up and I can't because you're a judge. Anyway, VERY nice work, Mr. (elly)Wu. It's coming along incredibly well, I can tell you that much (and that vocal sample is well-used). I see this piece being finished by week's end. Also, can you give me a definitive name to call you? I don't know if you find Mr. Wu offensive or whatever, so, uh, any hints on titles?
sephfire Posted November 13, 2004 Posted November 13, 2004 Hey Claado, question... On Dec 1st do you want a WIP of EVERY track we've claimed, or just a WIP of the tracks we've started working on? Either way is fine, I just want to know what I need to have ready. BTW ellywu, Frog's theme sounds fantastic. And Ben's Final Battle really got me psyched. Great work so far, both of you.
ellywu2 Posted November 13, 2004 Posted November 13, 2004 ha! Call me what you want mate, as long as its not twat or something like that
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