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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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I might as well clarify this now...I have no intention to do this same project with Chrono Cross. Though Chrono Cross does have exceptional music, I believe that anyone interested enough in a Chrono Cross project would already be aware of Chrono Symphonic. Just the way I see it. Which is why if another project gets started, it will be with a separate game series. And since I've already made a promise, if at all, that series would be Zelda.

But enough about that. Apparently somebody at http://music.world-gaming.com/ saw the project and thought it interesting. Probably not a huge community over there, or even very popular, but some free publicity nonetheless.

Several things are still waiting to fall into place, so just you people wait. And check the website! If you haven't already, that is. :)



You asked us for bios ... do you have an example of what you want them to look like? I don't really know what to include in it ...

Currently reworking Morning Sunlight and Magus Battle. May be a while with school keeping me pinned, but it'll get done.


I know I'm not Binnie or Prot, but seeing as how Prot is banned from OCR and Binnie only comes on occasionally, I'm the only one (excluding full time mods - damn them) who has moderation powers in Site Projects. Now, I don't know if I have the authority to move a thread there, but I can consult the higher powers and see if I can get you guys moved to SP. You can PM me the stuff you would have to give to Prot in order to push towards the Site Projects and I'll take a look at it.


Sorry for not posting for so long...lots of stuff going on outside of the project, you know. Like school.

Anyway, to answer sephfire's question about bios, just have something really short and to the point...but make it in third-person and with your real name (which is already listed, BTW). For example:

"Andrew was born in Dover, DE, and then moved to Jacksonville, FL with his mother. He now resides in Goose Creek, SC, where he is a Sailor in the U.S. Navy and goes to school full-time to become a Nuclear-Power Machinist's Mate."

Thar yar. Something like that.

To respond to Mythril Nazgul, I greatly appreciate the offer to move to Site Projects, and in a week or so, we may be ready. But right now, it's just a little too premature. I know it's going to be a great move and all, but like I said to somebody else wishing to do the same thing, it's like offering to let a 12-year old play in the Major Leagues. There's still some growing to do.

However, when everything is in place, your offer will be most considerably taken up, if it still exists. Thank you again...and expect something rather interesting previous to the jump.



lol... I haven't been here since forever, forgot about this project already... but I was bored and searched my name on google and was suprised to actually find a search result (ahaha, yeah I'm stupid :P), and it happened to be the new website for this project.

I haven't worked on anything since Claado went on his two month whatever, but I recently acquired the motivation to work on and finish my tracks. I didn't like how the Mt. Denadoro climb track was turning out so I started working on a different version last night... Here's what I got so far:


*Right Click, Save As Please*

Sorry about having to DL crap, but you can delete it after you listen to it. :D

It's sort of the same because the piano, but I like it a lot better, and if I planned it correctly it'll hit near, if not right on, the 2:30 mark, which is the time constraint for that track. What do you guys think of it?

and yeah, sorry about not visiting the thread, or the entire website for that matter, I was busy doing a lot of other stuff like work, school, and writing other crap...

...oh and I love the new title (well, it's not new anymore but I've just not visited the thread since like last year...) as well as the new banner thingy, it rox :)


Just in case angelfire craps out, I've made a WIP folder on Chrono Symphonic's herograw webspace, and it should finish uploading one minute after this post:


Claado, if you want me to dump all the old WIPs in there as well, let me know, since I saved everything from servehttp (including Auditions and WIPs).


Niiiiiiice. This is sounding much better than the previous Denadoro track, that's for sure. I just have one issue with the harp that's being strung in the background...I think that if it were an octave or two lower, it would sound much better than it does now. Other than that, this is going to be very nice.

Oh, and I hope you don't mind, but the name "Wind" lacks a sort of cinematic name...for now, I'll just put it under the old title of "Denadoro Climb" and when you have another name you'd prefer, let me know.



well the name of the song being remixed is called 'Wind Scene' i think.... so i just named it wind for short, i don't have a title yet. =)

...and i just tried going to that http://symphonic.herograw.com/WIPs/ and i think it crapped out instead :?


I deleted the "WIPs" subfolder, and I replaced the old "Denadoro Climb" instead. It's in the normal http://symphonic.herograw.com directory now.

yeah I kinda figured that one out by myself but thanks anyway kekeke :wink:

Does it seem like PLBenjaminZ's "Final Battle With Lavos" just cut off and not end? It gets this wicked low strings groove going and just... stops, mid beat. or it just me?

...maybe It's because it's no where near done yet. :? The site says 50% done, but the way I see it, it's not even 30% done yet... I'll get to working on it again, sometime soon... Sorry I know it's a late reply but I haven't been here, going through the thread 'for fun' right now lol...


This is going really great. I'm glad there's a progess-site as well so we can keep checking it out. I still think To Far Away Times needs another instrument to keep momentum, but if it's not noticable by anyone else, then I guess it's just a personal thing.

Keep up the good work.

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