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Technically, there's no way for us to track it, but if someone who doesn't have either enters and wins, then the code would be wasted.

I was thinking more that I don't own one, but I do live with someone who owns one. Since there's no tracking of addresses it doesn't really matter, but sometimes they care about double entries for the same Xbox/PSN account.

(Snarky comment about the quality of Sonic Adventure)


I loved Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast, but they put no effort whatsoever into the port. None. They didn't make it widescreen, they didn't do anything. They didn't even fix the hit detection. Bgaaah *nerd fit*

I'm still going to enter though. And they better not spam me. >_>

wow, nice brandon

lucky bastard

If it makes ya'll feel better, this game is buggier than I remember it being. I fell off of the first level 3 times through the map. :-(

Makes me wonder why they've giving codes out for it.. for promotion? You'd think this would be one of the games they would be trying to hide.. not releasing modernly, haha. Don't get me wrong, I loved it on the Dreamcast. But they didn't fix it for Xbox. If anything they broke it. :3

Thanks to everyone who entered! Winners have been chosen and notified via email. To all the winners, congrats.

We've got a new contest right around the corner that might be right up your alley, so don't go too far :)!

I'm defernately joining the future contest! :-) Hopefully I'm as lucky on those ones as I was on this one.. and hopefully you get some cooler codes, hehe... haha... There's so many XBLA games that came out, way too expensive to get any of them.. I did get Limbo though.. but it was soooo short... gah.. anyway yeah, thanks a ton Tweek! :-)

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