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Doom: The Dark Side of Phobos - History

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i dig the title.

as for my progress, well, things never run to plan for analoq.

i've had to take my mix down a notch, my original ideas were too time-consuming.

my goal is now to finish my mix and finish it soon so that i can be available to take another track if necessary.



okae, back from winter break, back on cable and ready to donate bandwidth.

hmm, dark side of phobos works for a title, but it just doesn't sound..... 'threatening' enough for doom, y'know. granted, i can't come up with anything better, but still..


alright, i've got a candidate for my 'final wip' of my e3m3 remix that i've been trying to get done.

considering this is my first real project in Tracktion (been using logic for the last 2 years)...

there are some things that i had difficulty with and some stuff i just couldn't get right.

still, there's a lot here that came out decent.


i invite any intelligent or unintelligent commments.



analoq, my only real comment of note is that, and, seriously, this might just be because I am tired, the string instrument that comes in at :45 seems out of key? it might just be me, so feel free to correct me. Other than that, excellent track.


Random ideas:

The Dark Side Of (The) Doom (maybe too easy :-P, with mars instead of a moon)

Doomed Forever

Doom it my way

Doom in coop (coolest way to play doom :-D)

The 21 Layers of Hell

I agree for this one....



I finally went through and organized the jumbled mess that is the project list.


E1M1 - EvilHorde - Nameless
E1M6 - Beatdrop - Reprocessed
E2M2 - ArseAssassin - Nameless
E3M3 - analoq - Nameless


E1M2 - Joker - Industrial Strength
E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e - JDBC Request
E1M8 - DJC or Prophecy - Nameless
E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
E2M1 - Dan B - Nameless
E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul - Nameless
E2M6 - Adhesive Boy - Nameless
E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless
E3M8 - Prophecy - Nameless
Text Music - Larsec - Nameless
The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


E1M4 - Sir Nuts - Nameless
E1M5 - Richter/Dan B - Nameless
E2M7 - Bill - Nameless
E2M9 - nousentre - Nameless


E1M3: Toxin Refinery
E2M8: Tower of Babel

E1M3: Toxin Refinery FREE

Woah, I was sure that LordMaestro was doing this. I've always loved this track, so if it really is free... I'd love to try and elaborate on the WIP I posted here way back in August. The only reason I stopped continuing was because this slot was already taken.

Also, didn't Nasenmann already do something for E2L1? And TO for E2L8? And Roetaka for E1L4? I have quite a few "lost" entries from this project; if anyone wants to hear them. Some were pretty awesome. :)

Here's the ones that I mentioned above: http://www.canadianphilatelics.com/choksta/lostdoom.zip

alright, i've got a candidate for my 'final wip' of my e3m3 remix that i've been trying to get done.

considering this is my first real project in Tracktion (been using logic for the last 2 years)...

there are some things that i had difficulty with and some stuff i just couldn't get right.

still, there's a lot here that came out decent.


i invite any intelligent or unintelligent commments.


Wow. I´m getting huge retro vibes. Don´t know if they´re intentional or not, but I just get them, don´t you try and stop me.

I like this. It took me some time to get to the flow of the song, but when I got there I really started diggin´ it. And I like retrovibes. Damn, I BREATHE retrovibes. So this is excellent for me. Very cool, chill retrotechno(ish). YAY! I´d love to see this in the final project.

Hoarde, you interested in picking up another song?

Hmm.. I gotta see about that. I´ve been having some issues on creativity (in other words getting stuff done) lately. I´ll check the tunes that are available and see if I get any ideas. But I would gladly remix some more Doom. I´ll see if I can come up with something.

Thus it is open for grabs at this point (but only 100% sure grabs)

Well, I have some pretty elaborate and specific visions for where I would like to take the song... a deep adventure; verging on the organic. I'd say just keep this one "free", atleast unless I post a decent WIP. If someone else posts an entry first, then so be it. It'll force me to work harder in the meantime. :)

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