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Is everybody here only using Fruity Loop ?

I'm stunt by how many threads there's about Reason here.

Adding a RECORD section to replace Reason would be great I think.

Replacing the Reason section with Record would be dumb. Making it Reason & Record would be smarter. Reason is still WAY more widely used than Record.

Also, I use only Reason+Record. :)

Also, re: neblix question it's easy to do in Record. Each mixer channel has a separate out so you can pull a signal straight from a channel and route it into whatever.

Also re: neblix question. It's as easy as creating sub-mixers. If you want to mix something before routing it to your main mixer, create a mixer for it. It's not at all annoying and way more flexible than said "just click a button". Why? Because you can route your kick through distortion, then a mixer and add some delay, then through a filter, then to another mixer and blend it with another kick, then that mixer two a drum kit mixer where you apply some room reverb to everything, then to a compressor+EQ, then to the main mixer, then to the mastering.

You can route whatever into whatever. You can have your kickdrum signal control the FM modulation of a Thor synth patch. THAT's something, eh?

And the reason some might say Reason is "easy" is because it's very logical. If you want to route audio somewhere you literally route audio somewhere. If you have ANY experience with hardware, that is a big difference. Beyond that Reason+Record are built by one team with the same design goals. This means everything works seamlessly, everything hooks into everything and your devices are much less stand-alone plug-ins but building blocks that you can use in SO many different ways. For example the Scream distortion also happens to work as an envelope follower and the RV-7000 reverb can be used as a gate.

etc. :)

Completely untrue on so many levels dude. There is no program that is easier to split and combine audio signals than Reason. Also there are multiple methods to side chain. It is built into the mclass compressor. You can also side chain anything located on one of the mixer channels to a multitude of signals.

You misunderstood him. The Reason (only, not Record) mixer IS NOT that good. No phase inversion, no gain knob, two-band EQ, tiny little level fader, only four AUXs and no audio-out on separate mixer channels, requiring some work-around and more mixer instances that should be necessary. Record fixed all this though. Saying the Reason mixer is one of the best (which you shaun didn't, but others did) is a bit narrow-minded. :)


Also re: neblix question. It's as easy as creating sub-mixers. If you want to mix something before routing it to your main mixer, create a mixer for it. It's not at all annoying and way more flexible than said "just click a button". Why? Because you can route your kick through distortion, then a mixer and add some delay, then through a filter, then to another mixer and blend it with another kick, then that mixer two a drum kit mixer where you apply some room reverb to everything, then to a compressor+EQ, then to the main mixer, then to the mastering.

Oh, okay. I see then. I still disagree that the multiple mixer methods are faster than just selecting what other tracks to route to, but that's just me.


Hey folks,

Just thought I'd add my two cents when it comes to Reason. I use Reason with Sonar, mainly working in Reason for everything to do with synths and sequencing, then rewiring into Sonar to add recorded elements and replace some Reason instruments with VSTs.

My main thing is this: I have never considered Reason to be a proper DAW, simply because it never really dealt with recording stuff. (I haven't used Record, so I don't know how it has changed the dynamic of the program). I consider Reason to be a synth; a massive, almost infinitely versatile synth consisting of innumerable ways to make sounds, which I then put into my real DAW (Sonar in this case) and mix there.

Reason is amazing for a whole number of things: it has my favourite MIDI sequencer ever (and I've tried a lot, Sonar's is especially sucky), it contains so many perfectly complementary synths and effects, it's a very very handy way of messing around with a keyboard in order to find melodies while still being able to find the right sounds and its hardware modelled interface means I can just plug wires wherever I want in order to see what I come up with. The moments when I spot an LFO running quietly away and I route that into the filter freq. of another synth somewhere completely different are magic.

Reason is balls when I want to add my voice or my guitar. Just balls. Sonar, however, is amazing. So I plug Reason, this epic synth, into Sonar and play it like an instrument. I don't treat it like a proper DAW and I barely do any definitive mixing within it if recorded elements are to be used.

This post started to ramble, and I apologise :neutral:


Reason is amazing for a whole number of things: it has my favourite MIDI sequencer ever (and I've tried a lot, Sonar's is especially sucky),

Uh, i have no problem with the rest of your post, but this bit I do. I'm not sure how efficient/workflowing the arrangement window is, but the piano roll in Reason is pure crap. Mainly because you have to hold a button just to draw notes. But I guess that's more a thing for mouse musicians, because I don't record and edit input from a MIDI keyboard, I just draw my notes and humanize manually. I just find it tedious that I have to select notes to and hit a key to delete notes rather than just click the right mouse button and sweep over notes that I don't want any more. Especially with the new 9.7 version lasso and zoom improvements, I think FL Studio has the best and easiest to use piano roll out there, and I've tried Reason, REAPER, Cubase (own it), and Garageband. I'll be delving into Pro Tools in my music production class soon, but I don't have high expectations for its piano roll if it's anything like the other "industry standard" DAWs like Cubase.

For mouse musicians, I'd recommend a Reason ReWire into FL Studio rather than using Reason as a primary system. FL Studio's piano roll has kickass control types and sending the sequenced MIDI to Reason would yield the ultimate synth melodies.

That's just my two cents on Reason's "MIDI sequencer".

Uh, i have no problem with the rest of your post, but this bit I do. I'm not sure how efficient/workflowing the arrangement window is, but the piano roll in Reason is pure crap. Mainly because you have to hold a button just to draw notes. But I guess that's more a thing for mouse musicians, because I don't record and edit input from a MIDI keyboard, I just draw my notes and humanize manually. I just find it tedious that I have to select notes to and hit a key to delete notes rather than just click the right mouse button and sweep over notes that I don't want any more. Especially with the new 9.7 version lasso and zoom improvements, I think FL Studio has the best and easiest to use piano roll out there, and I've tried Reason, REAPER, Cubase (own it), and Garageband. I'll be delving into Pro Tools in my music production class soon, but I don't have high expectations for its piano roll if it's anything like the other "industry standard" DAWs like Cubase.

For mouse musicians, I'd recommend a Reason ReWire into FL Studio rather than using Reason as a primary system. FL Studio's piano roll has kickass control types and sending the sequenced MIDI to Reason would yield the ultimate synth melodies.

That's just my two cents on Reason's "MIDI sequencer".

And FL Studio's piano roll drives me nuts and I can't do anything in it.

To each his own!

Uh, i have no problem with the rest of your post, but this bit I do. I'm not sure how efficient/workflowing the arrangement window is, but the piano roll in Reason is pure crap. Mainly because you have to hold a button just to draw notes. But I guess that's more a thing for mouse musicians, because I don't record and edit input from a MIDI keyboard, I just draw my notes and humanize manually. I just find it tedious that I have to select notes to and hit a key to delete notes rather than just click the right mouse button and sweep over notes that I don't want any more. Especially with the new 9.7 version lasso and zoom improvements, I think FL Studio has the best and easiest to use piano roll out there, and I've tried Reason, REAPER, Cubase (own it), and Garageband. I'll be delving into Pro Tools in my music production class soon, but I don't have high expectations for its piano roll if it's anything like the other "industry standard" DAWs like Cubase.

i'm a long-time and likely biased FL user, but i agree 100% with this. in my eyes, reason's piano roll was MADE to be used specifically with a midi controller (which although i do own one, i don't really use it). i hate having to command-click to place every note and select notes individually with the mouse to delete them.. i also hate having to size every note manually instead of it placing the last modified/clicked note (if that makes sense.. FL users will know what i mean :???:). i dunno if theres a way to streamline these processes (i have reason 5, on mac), but without a midi keyboard, reason's piano roll is frustrating and useless to me.

but as Arcana put it, to each their own.

i'm a long-time and likely biased FL user, but i agree 100% with this. in my eyes, reason's piano roll was MADE to be used specifically with a midi controller (which although i do own one, i don't really use it). i hate having to command-click to place every note and select notes individually with the mouse to delete them.. i also hate having to size every note manually instead of it placing the last modified/clicked note (if that makes sense.. FL users will know what i mean :???:). i dunno if theres a way to streamline these processes (i have reason 5, on mac), but without a midi keyboard, reason's piano roll is frustrating and useless to me.

but as Arcana put it, to each their own.


I mainly use a MIDI controller but for editing my performances and sequencing a solo or something, Reason's piano roll is just fine. In any case, to me it's a vERY small piece of the puzzle and the modular and streamlined approach to everything is much, much, MUCH more important than how many clicks are required in the sequencer/mixer.

I dont know why you people are selecting individual notes to delete them... you know you can drag a box around notes to select them and then hit the delete key?

Hold the right mouse button and move over MIDI note to delete it in FL. Increases speed of workflow. When you get used to speedy MIDI input you get intolerant of other, slower systems.

I dont know why you people are selecting individual notes to delete them... you know you can drag a box around notes to select them and then hit the delete key?

You know that takes way too long? Holding down the right mouse button to delete notes is much much faster.

To me the only "gross and dumb piano roll" is the one in Reason. It's really tedious to get things done as fast as you need to, plus it doesn't offer as much control for as little time.


Ive used both daws extensively, and I find that most of the reason that people don't like reasons is because they dont know how to use it effectively enough. Ive learned how to use both, and when you know what you are doing, FL's is no faster than reasons.

Lets take an example of this one delete function.

Lets say you have a bunch of notes in fl that you want to delete. You have to traverse your mouse over each and every one while holding the right mouse key. Or.. you can draw a big box around all the notes you want to delete (big sweeping box motion vs controlled point to point motion) and hit a button. I'm just comparing the 2 methods that were brought up.


Lets say you have a bunch of notes in fl that you want to delete. You have to traverse your mouse over each and every one while holding the right mouse key. Or.. you can draw a big box around all the notes you want to delete (big sweeping box motion vs controlled point to point motion) and hit a button. I'm just comparing the 2 methods that were brought up.

Who said you can't do that in FL? Now you're just making stuff up. :P

How did this thread turn into FL vs. Reason.

Please don't? :sad:

Well the OP is "why more FL Studio users than Reason", I'm simply pointing out from an FL Studio user's perspective why they wouldn't ever want to switch to Reason.

Hold the right mouse button and move over MIDI note to delete it in FL. Increases speed of workflow. When you get used to speedy MIDI input you get intolerant of other, slower systems.

this, exactly. it's not that I dislike reason, I intend to get my money's worth out of it someday.. it obviously has it's advantages over FL imo (and vice versa), but the piano roll is not one of them.

or as anosou put it, i need to LRN2KEYBOARD LOLZ! :roll: (seriously, i do)

Who said you can't do that in FL? Now you're just making stuff up. :P

Ugh, if you would have actually read my post I distinctly said "I'm just comparing the 2 options that were brought up".

And I'll stop now so this doesn't turn in to a "which program is better" debate. We all like the shit we use. End of story.

No, you're making it look like Reason is better than FL Studio by clearly "forgetting" that FL can do the same thing.

*rage* lol wow how can somebody be so uninformed. I put that specific line in the post SPECIFICALLY to not have this argument. Learn to read.


Well the OP is "why more FL Studio users than Reason", I'm simply pointing out from an FL Studio user's perspective why they wouldn't ever want to switch to Reason.

FL Studio is cheaper. It's much easier for a newcomer to music to justify the $150 than it is the $500 for Reason.

FL Studio is a very good value, I recommend it to many people. But that doesn't take away from Reason's strengths, of which there are many.

  • 2 weeks later...

neblix loves FL. He REALLY loves FL. I still have a several-page long PM 'debate' between him and me from months ago.. and I just wanted to try out Reason and decide for myself. I guess that's unacceptable.

But neblix, you win in the end. I may not be an esteemed artist, but I only use FL now. Whatever Reason's strengths are.. I just couldn't deal with the slowwwww workflow.

FL spoiled me.


As a reason user myself, I can say that the methods to sequence are different to FL, which from what people tell me, is mostly mouse orientated, with right click serving to delete any midi data you don't want.

Due to its ideal mouse oriented sequencing method, FL is probably the better choice, but Reason has its own methods for quick sequencing, but to take advantage of this, you have to learn keyboard shortcuts which might seem annoying at first. Once you've got them tho it becomes second nature.

When in the EDIT window, you can toggle from the mouse to the draw tool using Command (on mac). I'm not sure of the command for this on windows but I'd assume its the ctrl key.

Thats the only command I use alot however, and I get around fairly quick.

For deleting single notes at a time, I'm afraid you guys are going to just have to get used to that delete or backspace button, if you click your mouse (left click for windows) on midi data while holding down backspace, you'll delete that note. I prefer the click and drag method, which if you do while holding down the backspace or delete key, will delete the data for you when you let go of the mouse.

As for quick switching of tools, the Q,W,E,R,T and Y keys are all shortcuts to change them as well, Q is the mouse tool, W is the draw tool, E is the rubber tool (which also deletes various notes) etc.

In other words, you need to learn a few commands on your keyboard to get around reasons sequencer efficiently, but once you do, I doubt its any quicker than FL.

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