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I just played through the demo of shank which is super cool. But I'm *really* cheap atm and dunno if I want to a) buy a game which is about 3 hours for an average playthrough, B) spend too much money before the end of the week.

It's interesting how much the Black Friday sensation has begun spilling over into the UK market.


I'm looking at the Deus Ex games. I played the first completely through three or four times but I never got to Invisible War. I'm also thinking about snagging the Borderlands 6-pack if anyone wants to get in on that deal with me.


I won't be able to participate in Steam's black friday sales for myself since I'll be getting myself a PS3 this year. I do hope, however, that they offer Mass Effect for $5 again this year so I can get it for my father who likes a) shooters and B) sci fi.

I'm hoping they'll put Resident Evil 5 and Rocket Knight on sale. My top 5 wish list has them on it, plus the new Lara Croft game, Dragon Age: Origins- Ultimate Edition and Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga.

Impulse has Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition for $25...but then again it's Impulse.

Audiosurf for $2.50 and Batman Arkham Asylum for 10 bucks right now. Damn, can't pass those up.

I concur. Also, Reccetear's demo was quite interesting, think adventures of tron bonne and legend of zelda put together, also with selling stuff.

It's in the Indie pack, which some of the other games looked interesting as well.


Anyone have an opinion on EVE Online? I've had one friend who plays it and raves about it, but not sure what the general consensus is on the game. Also, is the deal on Steam a standalone product? Not just an expansion pack? I'm thinking yes, but I really don't know. For $5 with a free month, though, I'd guess it's worth a try...

Anyone have an opinion on EVE Online? I've had one friend who plays it and raves about it, but not sure what the general consensus is on the game. Also, is the deal on Steam a standalone product? Not just an expansion pack? I'm thinking yes, but I really don't know. For $5 with a free month, though, I'd guess it's worth a try...

EVE Online is alright if you have contacts in the games, but is very slow paced if you don't.


Indie Clever Pack for $5.


--World Of Goo


--Iron Grip: Warlord

--Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich Of Time.

I'm only familiar with the first two, but that's a great deal for those two alone.

Indie Clever Pack for $5.


--World Of Goo


--Iron Grip: Warlord

--Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich Of Time.

I'm only familiar with the first two, but that's a great deal for those two alone.

Oh man this is gold if anyone still needs those games, also, Torchlight is a great pickup if you have the time to play it.

To be completely honest, normally during these deals I am on the lookout for specific titles but this time I'm not even sure what I want, if anything.


Okay, so just how awesome is Torchlight? Because I've heard "pretty awesome," but I'm just wondering. See, I'm going back to school soon and probably not going to be able to afford all that much time to play games, and I'm still catching up on everything else I've missed being overseas without a computer for the last two years, so while $5 is a great deal, is it really essential playing? Especially since, when my dungeon crawler craving kicks in, I usually just play Diablo II intensively for a few weeks until I'm satisfied?

ITT: Imagery looks for excuses to take advantage of holiday deals but fails to roll on his Convince Self check.

Okay, so just how awesome is Torchlight? Because I've heard "pretty awesome," but I'm just wondering. See, I'm going back to school soon and probably not going to be able to afford all that much time to play games, and I'm still catching up on everything else I've missed being overseas without a computer for the last two years, so while $5 is a great deal, is it really essential playing? Especially since, when my dungeon crawler craving kicks in, I usually just play Diablo II intensively for a few weeks until I'm satisfied?

ITT: Imagery looks for excuses to take advantage of holiday deals but fails to roll on his Convince Self check.

Torchlight is very addicting if you get into the whole Alchemist scene. In my case, I leveled up to the point where I spawn 2 golems and 6 skeleton soldiers to help fight while casting a fire buff on my attacks and spawning a shield around me all the while raining down huge meteor bombs on unsuspecting little goblins.

Sounds easy, but if you screw up the pace you're just killed pretty easily.

Impulse has Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition for $25...but then again it's Impulse.

I saw that, and after doing some research on Impulse, I grabbed that deal. The damn expansion alone is still $30, so it was a good deal (I have a hard copy of DA:O). The only downside I've seen to Impulse thus far is that it's servers aren't as fast. Took some 25 hours of DLing to get the 12+ GB game (23+ GB after it decompressed everything), and I never went above 180KB/s during the DL (usually was at 155KB/s - 160KB/s). Shame, but, it's downloaded and all activated now.

ITT: Imagery looks for excuses to take advantage of holiday deals but fails to roll on his Convince Self check.

If it helps, I have put 200 hours into it. Also, the mod scene is great and will add variety to it after beating it vanilla gets a little stale for you.


Machinarium is $5 today, normally $20 (75% off). I watched the trailer and was pretty much instantly sold, looks like it has a lot of old school adventure game elements, a unique and very cool art style, and of course, good music. So even though I had no idea what I wanted this time around sale wise, looks like I found something good, and at that price, I don't have to feel bad for impulse buying it!

As for Torchlight, if you liked Diablo, you can't go wrong with it for $5. I didn't even think I'd enjoy it that much when I got it last Christmas, thinking it would be too simplistic or something, but naaaah, it was a lot of fun.

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