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Modified MP3 Tagging & Official OCR Album Art!

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SUCCESS! ReMixes 1-2500 retagged! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41730

The latest ReMix posted is the first to use our new official album art and slightly modified tagging that should make things more convenient in iTunes, etc.

First, the visual:


Now, the (hopefully) less sexy tagging changes:

  • Album is now "http://ocremix.org" (no "www")
  • Title field includes single quotes around mix title (e.g. Sonic the Hedgehog 'Love Hurts' OC ReMix instead of Sonic the Hedgehog Love Hurts OC ReMix)
  • Track # is now populated with the numeric value of the mix ID (OCR01234 = 1234)
  • Compilation flag is set
  • Added Publisher, Album Artist and Album Artist URL fields (OverClocked ReMix and http://ocremix.org, respectively)

We'd like feedback on these changes, but much of this has already been discussed in Larry's MP3 tagging improvements thread.

We also are planning to release 2 updated torrents featuring these tagging revisions applied to all past ReMixes:

OCR00001-OCR02000 & OCR02001-OCR02400

All past ReMixes will include the following updates:


  • MP3 validation (e.g. MPEG frame consistency, length of stored VBR header) for player compatibility
  • Added missing VBR headers
  • Removed all non-standard ID3v2.3 tags and all non-ID3v2.3 tags (e.g. ID3v1, APE)
  • Standardized filenames and ID3v2.3 tags (e.g. proper game titles, correct capitalization/spacing of mix titles, single quotes around mix title)
  • Quality control & corrections of all existing fields (e.g. ReMixer name changes, missing/corrected composers/platforms/years)
  • Added Track # (ReMix ID #), Publisher (OverClocked ReMix), Album Artist (OverClocked ReMix) and Album Artist URL ("http://ocremix.org") fields
  • Added Compilation flag for grouping of single mixes as one album
  • Added game to Grouping/Content Group field for sorting by game title
  • Added ReMix titles (w/o game name prefix & 'OC ReMix' suffix) to Subtitle field
  • Standardized URL field (OCR Artist profile URL)
  • Added artist submission and website comments to Comments field (when available)
  • Embedded confirmed lyrics in Comments and Unsynced Lyrics fields
  • Removed extra silence from tracks


  • Higher bitrate encodings (but NO CHANGES OR REVISIONS)
    New bitrate/encoding requirement at either 192kbps or VBR1 (ReMixers, post your higher quality encodings here and/or send your WAVs, FLACs or HQ encodings to larryoji@ocremix.org)
  • Lyrics unavailable for some ReMixes (HELP US OUT HERE)


  • ReMixer name(s) as Artist
  • "http://ocremix.org" as Album Title
  • "Game" as Genre
  • Official album art design


Very nice album art and the tagging changes are nice. Though I like making the album art be the title screen or box art of the game the ReMix is from. I also change the album title to the game's name. But that's just me. That album art is really nice though........... *squirms from indecision*


I love the new art and the quotes in the titles. I'm tempted to re-download everything, but fear I may undo years worth of rating and library building if I overwrite all my files.

I am however updating the album art and album names as we speak.

This looks very polished. Good work. As far as the new tags, I think it might be helpful if the tags were exported to a spreadsheet so that the community could check for any errors before it is finalized since there have been so many changes. Just a thought.

There will not be any errors, because I am perfect! In any case, it seems like a headache, BUT I'll think about it.


This is absolutely amazing! Thanks guys for this much-needed update and the art looks sweeet! No more blurry 250x250 placeholder (which was fine but getting a little outdated...).

Love the track # update especially, doing these manually was getting painstaking.

Now the tags will almost comport with my own variations, but they are minor so no complaints here (I change genre to "Game Remix" and add the release year to album title for my own sorting purposes).


Not a big deal, & I might be alone on this, but I find it awkward having the album title "OCReMix.org" as well as having that be the title on the album artwork.

Why not "OverClocked ReMix" ?

Surely you want more visitors to the site, but isn't there a snazzier way of doing this?

Please don't kill me. scared0016.gif

See, you answered your own question!

No, I didn't! :shock:

but isn't there a snazzier way of doing this?

Is it too much for people to Google OverClocked ReMix? If people like what they hear, they'll come to the source. It's not like people type in URLs anymore. Right? scared0012.gif


First, the visual:


Nice to have finally an official artwork. I always used this (taken from Last.fm): foldersr.jpg

Anyway I think I'll convert the new cover into a 200x200 image too, bigger covers (in mp3 files) are useless in my opinion.

Title field includes single quotes around mix title (e.g. Sonic the Hedgehog 'Love Hurts' OC ReMix instead of Sonic the Hedgehog Love Hurts OC ReMix)

This is way better, now I understand why last.fm fingerprinted some of my OCRs in this way...

Track # is now populated with the numeric value of the mix ID (OCR01234 = 1234)

That would be pretty strange, but it makes sense. I think that my WMP will now change all mp3 names with a track number of four letters at the beginning, but that's ok, at least they won't be in alphabetical order anymore :) .

Compilation flag is set

Nice :)

We also are planning to release 2 updated torrents featuring these tagging revisions applied to all past ReMixes:

OCR00001-OCR02000 & OCR02001-OCR02100

Good thing, too bad I will have to manually select good mixes and give ratings to all of them again, but there's no other way.

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