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You didn't have Portal? They gave that one away not too long ago!

Also, since Portal's currently $7.99, why wouldn't you just get Orange Box for $14.99?

Unless he meant he picked up Portal for cheaper earlier in the week...

EDIT: Alternatively, is borderlands one of those games where you don't really need the DLC to have fun, in which case, it IS only $10? Please answer no to this question. For my bank account's sake.

I thoroughly enjoyed General Knoxx plus it does some nice things like introduce some minor changes to add versatility to the classes and increase the level cap. You can definitely do without Mad Moxxi though.


So there are some cool sales right now. A few of them are actually repeats from Black Friday (EVE Online, KOTOR) but others are ones I have been waiting a while for! Like Mirror's Edge for $5!

Machinarium's cheap again, beautiful buy if you haven't already. Mirror's Edge and KOTOR both look like good deals, too, though haven't played Mirror's Edge myself.

Anyone know if Neverwinter Nights 2 is worth it if you haven't played the first?

If you want Machinarium, go buy the Humble Indie Bundle instead as it comes with a TON of great games. humblebundle.com -- no direct link because I'm on my iPod waiting for pizza.


Anyone know if Neverwinter Nights 2 is worth it if you haven't played the first?


Hell Yes.

Hell Fucking Yes.

NWN 2 is an absolute steal for this price and it's without a doubt the best deal out of todays ones. Worth it, if only for the Mask of the Betrayer expansion.


It's a fun take on the hex-grid RPG, with a troop-based spin, but it has caused my computer to blue-screen several times; something to do with the Nvidia graphics drivers. Tried replacing the driver to no avail, so I'll have to wait 'til I pick up a new computer to play it.

Enjoyed the parts I did get to, though. Definitely not easy, but certainly fun.


I'm tempted to pick up Global Agenda, since it looked interesting... but I'm not sure how much it relies on its online component. Although, it does appear that its online component is now free to play.


Taken SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition...not sure I will ever play that but...

I was tempted about the Doom collection but I think I can pass that for now, my main interest was only Doom 3.


New day, new deals... the interesting ones I see today are:

Amnesia: The Dark Descent for $6.80

The Quake Collection for $10.20. Note: Quake 4 is not on Steam, so it is not part of the Quake Collection or iD Software pack.

Dead Space for $6.80

Plants vs. Zombies GOTY for $4.00

I've been eyeing The Ball for a while, but I don't really know if it's any good, but it's part of today's sale. (Fun fact: It's published by the same people that make Killing Floor)


The Quake Collection for $10.20. Note: Quake 4 is not on Steam, so it is not part of the Quake Collection or iD Software pack.

Word of warning though - the soundtracks are not included, so there is no music in those games, which is a shame considering how good those soundtracks really are. They also don't seem to run under Windows 7. I used a free engine called DarkPlaces (which is a stand-alone executable which uses Quake's data files) to play Quake, dunno how to go about playing Q2 or Q3. Personally, I think it's really lame to sell old games like these without modifying them to work under a recent OS, especially without warning you about compatibility issues. At least the very oldest games like Doom and Wolfenstein 3D are shipped with DOSBox so you can just run them out of the box.


Well see quake 1 and 2 used redbook audio (meaning steamed the music from CD). I'm pretty sure it's not copyright issues, but instead an issue of reprogramming some stuff, but really that's just plain lazy.

Are you sure that the audio isn't there? I'm installing my copy right now just to check if it's in there somewhere

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