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I see you guys are hoping Valve considers "through January 2nd" to mean that the last sale day starts January 2nd.

I will warn you, Valve can count that in either direction. "Through Sunday" almost always means through 10am PST Sunday.

They are usually better when they name specific days, but don't be surprised if they opt not to.

I see you guys are hoping Valve considers "through January 2nd" to mean that the last sale day starts January 2nd.

I will warn you, Valve can count that in either direction. "Through Sunday" almost always means through 10am PST Sunday.

They are usually better when they name specific days, but don't be surprised if they opt not to.

Their Black Friday sale began its last day on the final mentioned date.


Today is the recap sale... the following deals returned:

Plants vs. Zombies GOTY - $3.99

Killing Floor - $4.99 ($6.99 with character packs)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Bundle - $4.99

Amnesia: The Dark Descent - $6.80

Left 4 Dead 2 - $6.80

Dead Space - $6.80

The Hitman Collection - $7.49

Grand Theft Auto IV Complete - $9.99

Neverwinter Nights 2 Platinum - $9.99

Mafia II - $12.49

Empire & Napolean Total War GOTY - $24.99

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit - $29.99

Strangely, I'm being shown a "Not available in your region" for GTA4.


Not that I had anything else on my list to buy, and have certainly bought enough already, I am a little surprised that there was no final epic EVERYTHING IS BACK day. Then again, just about everything has been brought back once already, so it's more just a "oh... that's it then huh?" kind of feeling.

Final tally for me:

Deus Ex Collection

Half-Life: Source (should have waited to get this yesterday I guess, thankfully it was only a difference of $3.00 versus the 50% I bought it for and the 85% I could have gotten it for yesterday)

Civilization V (gifted to my brother)

F.E.A.R. Complete Pack

Crysis Complete

Amnesia: The Dark Descent


Half-Life 1 Anthology (never played the expansions and they were 74 cents each, hard to say no to)

Between all these and the additions of any of the Humble Indie Bundle (1&2) games that I didn't already have to my Steam list, my library has grown considerably in the last month. Now, to actually play some of these games....


Does anyone have the PC port of Dead Space and have anything to say about its quality? I kind of want to get it but I've heard some really bad/mediocre things about it.

My tally:

Super Meat Boy



Far Cry 2 (Bought it thinking it was Uncharted; not sure why)

I still have STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl from last year. Is this game good? I remember trying to play it, it crashed immediately, and I forgot all about it.

Does anyone have the PC port of Dead Space and have anything to say about its quality? I kind of want to get it but I've heard some really bad/mediocre things about it.

I own it, but it's still on my "To Play" list.

Anyway, my final tally is:

Super Meat Boy

The OddBox

Puzzle Quest

The Sherlock Holmes Collection

Blue Toad Murder Files

Global Agenda

I thought about getting Amnesia, but having played Penumbra Overture and not really finding it that fun, I decided to pass on it.

I got Killing Floor in the previous sale, but you should buy it if you play computer FPS games, so you can join us with our two OCR KF servers!

Does anyone have the PC port of Dead Space and have anything to say about its quality? I kind of want to get it but I've heard some really bad/mediocre things about it.

they don't know what the fuck they're talking about

shit's fantastic


My Steam haul:

Batman Arkham Asylum

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

Serious Sam Pack

Star Wars Jedi Knight Pack

Tomb Raider Anniversary

Misadventures of PB Winterbottom

Bullet Candy (Gifed by Dhsu)

Geometry Wars (Gifted by Dhsu)

Super Meat Boy


City of Heroes: Going Rogue (really just counted as extra game time and an item pack since I already play it)

Mass Effect 2

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Railroad Tycoon 2

Railroad Tycoon 3

SimCity 4

Plants Vs. Zombies

Humble Bundle 1 & 2

Also picked up some games from Amazon:

Bioshock 2

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Triple Pack

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum

Velvet Assassin

King's Bounty Platinum Edition

And some from GOG:

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic

Moto Racer 2

Thank you, gift cards.


aw shit. Killing Floor went on sale the first time, and I didn't buy it. After that it was still discounted for the holidays and I figured eh what the hell I'll get it. Now after I bought it, it goes on sale again!

I want a refund!


Ok so I got the indie beat pack. Had to get something :)!!

Besides, I haven't bought any new games in forever.

I thought I was the only one with a Marche avatar :whatevaa:

I feel for you Jaswald (if you change your avatar 8)).

uh no. i've been using this avatar since '05. probably before you were even born.

Speaking of icons, if the forum admins would ever add the 64x64 TF2 icons, I'd switch to the ubered RED Spy.

FFTA's AI was really bad. I had an Archer attack my character with 'Block Arrows' which gives a 100% to block any arrow attacks. It did it again the next turn.

There was also a battle where you could hit the lvl cap without much effort. Just took some time.

But I still think FFTA is good overall. Better than FFXIII.

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