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Super Meat Boy! 2-CD Special Edition Soundtrack

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The Ultimate Super Meat Boy! Soundtrack Edition is now available!

This Double-CD set contains 73 tracks, including the original Super Meat Boy! digital soundtrack release, and a second disc containing 2 NEW remixes, menu screen music, cutscene score and more!

The digital-only version is still available at x.co/LlGV

yeah, so it's finally out, and it's only 10 fucking dollars!?!?!! plus, for an extra five-spot, you get a SIGNED COPY. how boss is this shit? the two NEW REMIXES included on the second disc are A_Rival's and mine, and they are (unbelievably) tracks 1 and 2 respectively. but forget that. this game has an amazing soundtrack. just buy it already! danny b deserves to father your children; this is the least you can do.


The lack of attention this thread is getting is a travesty.

Anyone who hasn't picked up this soundtrack yet is doing themselves a disservice. At the very least grab the digital release for the ridiculously low price of 4 dollars, although you would be hard pressed to come up with an acceptable excuse to pass on the pimped out 2-disc edition.

If you've played the game, you already know why this music must be owned and heard. If you haven't, you should buy the soundtrack and play the game.


11 Days ago overclocked remix made a post on facebook saying

"http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02158/ - SUPERSIZE IT! Two all-beef Super Meat Boy ReMix patties, from Ben Briggs & A_Rival (http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02159/), served up fresh! Super Meat Boy Special Edition OST will be available for purchase on Monday!"

does this mean there is a overclocked album for super meat boy? or is it just promoting the soundtrack for the game?

or did i miss knowing that overclocked did the music for super meat boy?


Couldn't be the official sound track. That's been available for more than eleven days. I'd bought it quite some time ago from Danny B's website.

A whole remixing of that album would be cool. The music there is certainly worthy of that kind of attention.


So what did OC Remix do for this soundtrack? did they make the soundtrack for this game? im guessing the 2 remixes are probably the 2 ive heard already, but would this soundtrack be considered a "OC Release"?


Danny B, who is a somewhat very prolific OCReMixer, composed the soundtrack; other remixers were given a chance to remix one of the tracks from the OST to be put in the print version of the OST.

I'm not qualified to say whether or not this is an "OCRelease", but considering it is the game's actual soundtrack and not a full-on remix album, I would err on the side of no.


Well the return all robots release wasnt a remix album, but a soundtrack, and it was still acknowledged as a release on front page. full with its own section, torrent, and website.

So what did OC Remix do for this soundtrack? did they make the soundtrack for this game? im guessing the 2 remixes are probably the 2 ive heard already, but would this soundtrack be considered a "OC Release"?

no, SMB is not an OCR album. but it has awesome ocremixers on it and you should buy it right now. :)

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