Rozovian Posted January 27, 2011 Author Posted January 27, 2011 Again, this is not about ppl getting a free guide to making music, this is about me getting feedback on the guide I'm making. When it's done, it'll be available to everyone. Right now, it's aim only. Deal with it. Quote
BlackPanther Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 Wish I could help. Must...get...internet back on ;_;. Quote
ad.mixx Posted January 29, 2011 Posted January 29, 2011 ehh.. hope I wasn't completely useless in all that feedback >.< Quote
NegimaSonic Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 Eh? Google DOCS couldn't ya update that without having to change the link? Also I think Mediafire works that way but it'd be a bit more difficult. Anywho, I'd give it a look but I probably can't immediately read it like today-today or even tomorrow-today but I'll aim ya anyway. Quote
Rozovian Posted January 31, 2011 Author Posted January 31, 2011 So far, I've been getting good feedback from everyone... who's given me any feedback. There's a few of you who haven't actually responded. Quote
NegimaSonic Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 So far, I've been getting good feedback from everyone... who's given me any feedback. There's a few of you who haven't actually responded. I'm slow and have schoolwork and games (I admit it) that I'm doing. I went through about 3/4 of it already. The experts already said most of everything I think so far. Now as a true noob, I feel I understand some things a little better now. As far as grammar mistakes that hadn't been mentioned already in the document that I had, there's the use of "tho" that should likely be "though", you wrote "sppecial" instead of special, "irl" probably should be in real life, "recored" should be recorded. Meh, just go in Microsoft office on spell check a bit. Of course not everything it says that's wrong is wrong, but you might wanna take a look for the final version. Also, later in the document you start the "tell a newb" stuff. I don't know if that's necessary if you're talking to a newb...we won't be telling anyone anything that soon. I can tell it would benefit from visuals but I don't think you're allowed to use visuals with your tuts on here so that's not an option. But had I not seen a piano roll before or some of the grids you've mentioned, I wouldn't know what you mean. "Bitcrush complex sounds to make them fit a lo-fi " I have no idea what you meant when you wrote bitcrush. And that's the one and only time that word appears. Quote
Rozovian Posted January 31, 2011 Author Posted January 31, 2011 "Bitcrush complex sounds to make them fit a lo-fi " I have no idea what you meant when you wrote bitcrush. And that's the one and only time that word appears. ^the kind of feedback I need. Also, feedback by aim plz. Quote
Nonamer Posted January 31, 2011 Posted January 31, 2011 As a total noob, I could use this. I'll send you feedback within the week. (AIM just added) Quote
Rozovian Posted February 4, 2011 Author Posted February 4, 2011 Yay, a v4 done, and it should correct most of the crits I've gotten... or clarify that you grammar nazis can hate on my idiosyncrasies all you want, ppl and kind'a and stuff - they're staying. (hear that, DAFYDD?) I should have updated the sd3 tracklist this week. Busy weekend, busy week. Should have more time this weekend to get stuff done. Would like to get the updated guide out there, so anyone who hasn't yet read it and wants to, hit me up on aim. Also, feedback plz. It's an exchange, not a charity. At least not yet. Quote
Nonamer Posted February 5, 2011 Posted February 5, 2011 When this guide is done, are you going to publish it on the forums, or is it going to remain something off the forum? Also, try to AIM contact me the guide, and I'll try to send you feedback. Quote
Mak Eightman Posted February 5, 2011 Posted February 5, 2011 Yay, a v4 done, and it should correct most of the crits I've gotten... or clarify that you grammar nazis can hate on my idiosyncrasies all you want, ppl and kind'a and stuff - they're staying. (hear that, DAFYDD?)I should have updated the sd3 tracklist this week. Busy weekend, busy week. Should have more time this weekend to get stuff done. Would like to get the updated guide out there, so anyone who hasn't yet read it and wants to, hit me up on aim. Also, feedback plz. It's an exchange, not a charity. At least not yet. I gave you some feedback, I hope. I'm sd3's the only n00b!!) Or maybe not anymore.. Waiting for tracklist update, to be sure who(or what:)) I am. And one thing.. Probable I can give you some feedback but AIM sucks and unfortunately, I have it. I'll try to think what can I tell. If you still need it. Quote
NegimaSonic Posted February 9, 2011 Posted February 9, 2011 Unless v4 is very different, I probably won't have any criticisms outside of what I initially wrote. Quote
Rozovian Posted March 9, 2011 Author Posted March 9, 2011 Bump, needs have changed. The guide is almost done, now I'm thinking about releasing it. I just need to know I haven't made any big mistakes. Any experienced remixers/music ppl wanna give it a read, point out everything I'm lying about? Also, thoughts on how to release it are welcome. ocr's wiki, regular forum posts, and pdf are the formats I'm considering. Preferences/other ideas? I'm on AIM most of the time, hit me up there if you wanna help/talk/whatever. Quote
Rozovian Posted April 5, 2011 Author Posted April 5, 2011 lol, I haven't actually been on AIM much, lately. hit me up if you do see me, I want thing thing checked before I start turning it into a pdf. btw, I might need screenshots from other DAWs. Logic, GarageBand, Reason, FL, and REAPER shouldn't be a problem, but if you use a different DAW and want to help with that, hit me up. ...when I'm online again, such as right now. Stupid other stuff getting in my way. So, pros or semipros to beta read it, and ppl willing to contribute screenshots wanted. Quote
avaris Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 Hey dude I'd love to check it out. Would you be able to PM it to me? Quote
Rozovian Posted April 12, 2011 Author Posted April 12, 2011 I like real-time feedback, so I'd prefer you catch me on aim. Then again, I'm busy most of this week. I don't think I have your email, send me something to my gmail, ad.rozoSPAmmITYvian, my gmail and I'll hit you up with the latest version. Actually, anyone interested could just email me. yes, it's ad dot rozo... btw, I wanna talk Sonic Elements with you. Quote
avaris Posted April 13, 2011 Posted April 13, 2011 You got it Kinda hard for me to talk during the day at work...time difference is a beyatch. Quote
avaris Posted April 14, 2011 Posted April 14, 2011 Hey Rozo just wondering if you got the email I sent. Quote
Rozovian Posted April 26, 2011 Author Posted April 26, 2011 All right, for those interested, we now have a public beta. PM me your thoughts. Link to the guide in the first post. You may not read it if you don't provide feedback. You may read it if you find that something is missing, excessive, wrong, or helpful, while reading, and let me know. (also, avaris: as you know, yes I got them) Quote
Chernabogue Posted April 26, 2011 Posted April 26, 2011 I downloaded it, I'll read it and post feedback soon. Quote
Chiwalker Posted May 14, 2011 Posted May 14, 2011 "and doesn't let the music breathe (and by music I mean listener, and by breathe I'm not sure what I mean). " <-- HAHA Nice writing so far! Quote
PROTO·DOME Posted May 14, 2011 Posted May 14, 2011 One Grammar Nazi thing to say that's bugged me FOREVER, stop adding the apostrophe to "kinda", it's not the correct way to spell it as per the English dictionary. I can see that you're adding it in to indicate that it's a portmanteau, but generally slang words such as 'kinda' don't use it. For example 'gonna', 'gimmie', 'sorta' etc. I feel better. Quote
LordGavin Posted May 14, 2011 Posted May 14, 2011 Cool. It's nice to see someone put together something so extensive for reference. Luckily, a lot of what you've talked about either makes good sense to me, or I already understood. Whatever it is I'm doing wrong, I should keep doing that. XD Anyway, you really do need to fix the "ppl" abbreviations in your guide. Honestly, just use the word "people" to avoid the situation of someone not knowing what that means and getting confused. Especially when you're talking about other abbreviations, like DAW, having "ppl" thrown in next to it might make others think "ppl" stands for something music related and not a simple word. That also goes for any other such shortenings you've used that aren't necessary. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted May 14, 2011 Posted May 14, 2011 I think Rozovian is more concerned about content at this stage. Quote
Rozovian Posted May 14, 2011 Author Posted May 14, 2011 I think Rozovian is more concerned about content at this stage. This, thanks neblix. LG has a good point tho, which I'll consider. PromoToe'd is just provoking me to use my idiosyncrasies more prominently. Am I making the compression section stuff clear enough, do you actually read the synthesis section, are the questions at the end in any sensible order, did I get overtone and harmonic mixed up, do my methods actually make sense to anyone but me, is the frequency stuff too technical, am I missing some convenient ways of saying stuff, what don't you understand, etc.? Quote
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