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Man, the Wii version is rather weak compared to this PS3 port.. they added 3/4 more story and lots of neat bonuses.

Well I'm sure that must be great for PS3 owners then.

Now that I think on it though, it sounds like they're trying to avoid all the fallout they had with the Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia fiasco by just releasing the one superior version of Graces stateside as opposed to a "bait and switch".


BUY THIS GAME. Supporting bamco will make them less wishy-washy about future tales games making it outside of japan.

I played the demo a while back and had a blast with it, even though i couldn't understand what was going on half the time. Combat was a blast with ridiculous moves and visuals. This might end up being my favorite tales game.

Well you know, here's the thing. If you're a Tales fan you should know by now that Sony is the system to be getting Tales games. Any other company's console always gets the half-assed version.

It's not only that (though that's a very astute observation), in this particular case the Wii version was so buggy that they eventually issued a recall on it. There is a REASON Tales Studios has been outright hemophiliac with their money.

... Honestly, I'm kind of okay with that. I want them to keep failing, until they get off their asses and make a Tales game that isn't so stuffed with anime cliches that it shits "it's nothing"s and ellipses.


it's not so much that people need to buy it so much as people need to stop importing it

they aren't going to spend all that money on localization if all of the tales nerds just import it and play it in moonspeak

It's not only that (though that's a very astute observation), in this particular case the Wii version was so buggy that they eventually issued a recall on it. There is a REASON Tales Studios has been outright hemophiliac with their money.

... Honestly, I'm kind of okay with that. I want them to keep failing, until they get off their asses and make a Tales game that isn't so stuffed with anime cliches that it shits "it's nothing"s and ellipses.

And how do you know if Graces is stuffed with Anime cliches?

Also, I could bring out tons of similar topics about most types of games coming from any corner of the world. So why want someone to fail because you don't like that style?

To me the Uncharted series has tons of US action movie cliche's that I cringe at, why would I wish them to fail? Makes no sense.. pretty childish if you ask me.


BUY THIS GAME. Supporting bamco will make them less wishy-washy about future tales games making it outside of japan.



Shit, I don't even own a PS3 and I'll probably buy 2 copies anyway just to get Namco to bring these things over regularly.

I've played through about 30 minutes of the Wii version, and I liked a lot of what I played, but obviously I can't read kanji, so I couldn't get much further. :<

Along with Xenoblade and The Last Story(which is a crazy breath of fresh air for a Hironobu Sakaguchi game), I think Tales of Graces is probably one of the games I want on my Wii the most.


Hell just read the description for the game and play for about 15 minutes.

Asbel is your typical plucky kid who gets in over his head. Hubert is is chicken little brother that eventually gets out of it, and Sophie is typical amnesiac chick.

I'm not saying it's bad, I like going through cliches every now and again(I play through Lunar 2 regularly enough), but it's there.

Hell just read the description for the game and play for about 15 minutes.

Asbel is your typical plucky kid who gets in over his head. Hubert is is chicken little brother that eventually gets out of it, and Sophie is typical amnesiac chick.

I'm not saying it's bad, I like going through cliches every now and again(I play through Lunar 2 regularly enough), but it's there.

I can understand what you're saying. But I think 95% of everything nowadays seem cliche by only experiencing the first impression of something.

Like Commander Shepard from Mass Effect.. oh my F'n god what a boring robotic stiff army-cliche character. Drake from Uncharted, brown haired one-liner machine done a million times in movies. I would love to hear some un-cliche character examples. lol

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