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Top Gear 'Dark Racer'

Could be a lot more going on here, and the sounds are pretty lo-qual. In fact, I found some parts to be downright annoying - the bass sound around 1:50 and the part around 3:00 to name a few. Sorry Rob, but overall, can't say I really recommend this.

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I first heard this and thought it was pretty good. It turned out it was really just the melody I like (I had never heard the famous Top Gear track one before this). I heard other versions and they always brought me different feelings. One might be higher quality with a new feel to it. The original brought an even more video game feel than this one does (duh, it IS a video game).

I actually haven't heard this version in a long time, so this is basically just an overview of how different versions of this track feel. This one is just a lower quality one that brings back the memories of a good theme.

Having no "musical talent" and able to make a remix like this must take quite a lot of determination. Maybe I'm just comparing with my own talent, which is nada. Oh well, just felt this song needed some more reviews.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well the song brings nothing too new, i didnt like the long 1 minute intro, but the part where you get the the actual song, oh my, im loving, because your staying real with the song, and its fast-paced enough to keep on with the song.

You have more talent than i do, because you have the courage to take that criticism and actually make something sound not-too-bad. The song itself would rate 6/10 in my departement, but just because you have a great personality, and a lot of determination, im giving this 7/10 !

PS : Its your fault i started playing Topgear again, i hope your happy.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...


I didnt compose this piece, but I arranged it for the SNES version of TG, I was never that keen on the original piece which was transcribed from the amiga version of lotus 1 maybe... , I notice your mix changes half way through, I cant remember if my original piece does that or not, if it did it was because I was sick of that original piece ;)

Good work :)


  • 3 weeks later...

Dude. 8)

Well, I must say that from a music theory perspective, there's nothing too stellar and innovative about this mix...and like people have said, the instruments are kind of low-quality, and personally, I could do without the first 1:35. Doesn't really seem to fit in with the rest of the mix, IMO.

Having said that...

MAN!!! I'm such a SUCKER for fast arpeggiated synths! :lol: It's pathetic! :P Despite the fact that these arpeggios are rather basic and simple, I just eat them up. ;) When I compose/arrange, I always seem to sneak some fast arpeggios in there. Can we say 'hyper synths'? I love this mix from 1:35 onward for that one reason! At 2:29... ahhh, it's so great! :mrgreen: One reason I think I'm so crazy for that is because super-fast synths evoke a very "old-school" VG feel. You know, when the synths are so fast they're pretty much impossible to play on an actual keyboard or bass. ;) Plus, great job on the panning! Little details like that really make a big difference. I can't wait to listen to these funky arps on a good set of headphones. :mrgreen:

And let me also say that your choice of a 'pluck synth' (can't think of a better description) for the melody theme at 2:03 makes it sound very... cute. ^_^

So although it's nothing too fancy... it strikes a nice chord in the more... "primal" OCR department. ;) Nice, fast-paced fun! :)

  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

This song rocks. I love the remix. From a listeners point of view, I think it kicks ass. I love the build up. I love the tempo and the instruments used. This is one of my favourite remixes for sure.

Either way, props to Mr. Saunders. :D

  • 1 year later...

Super mechanical, but has it's own distinct charm. I like the attention paid to the panning, and the source is good, though i've never played the game.

Most of the samples sound generic, and oftentimes it's a bit too sparse, but the song is catchy.

if you liked the game, you'll have a good time with this one, otherwise you'll probably want to pass.

  • 1 year later...

A lot of people seem to take issue with the first minute and a half, but in my opinion that's the best part of the song. The latter half uses way too high-pitched a synth and is just grating on the ears.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00516 - Top Gear "Dark Racer"
  • 7 years later...

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