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I'm a little disappointed man. the cover art and title itself had me in hopes for some weird spastic electro. it's pretty good but yknow, basic stuff.

density, subtlety and compression are your best friends in dance music. record your next one to be bigger than you think you would ever make it and success will roll in.


Your vocals are awesome.. it's like you're not even singing exactly but it sounds good. Also, the lyric that was something like "is it love, or co-dependency?" made me stop and be all "wow, that's a good point and well said o_o"

The only track that bothers me is the intro to Too Soon. Something about that pumping just doesn't agree with my ears, abrasive. But everything else I will be listening to over and over.

I think I'm in love with "Too Soon", this piece shoulda been the last song lol. We need to start talking man, I choke up when it comes to talking with people with greater skill than me though xD.

thanks! feel free to hit me up on AIM or skype or whatever I'd love to chat

Snagged this the other day and forgot to listen to it until just now, this stuff sounds great dude!

*edit* that you singing dude?

absolutely yes that is me singing :D

finally. geez.

and the great mythical beast emerges from the shadows :o


Nice album, thanks! I really enjoy it so far.

I only listened once through so far, but I thought "Love the Game" felt like it should have been at least twice as long. You went so many different places in that song that I felt like they all deserved to be explored more.

I may have more analysis after I listen to it a few more times at work. In the mean time, :nicework:.


I'm gonna be honest and say I didn't like it very much my first listen through. I'm not entirely sure why. You're still a cool dude, I just...I dunno. I plan on giving it a second shot, I might've just been in the wrong mood or something.

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