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Posted (edited)

Really? Against EA/ActiVision/Capcom/MS/Konami/etc you'd really put Nintendo at the very bottom as far as creativity AND polish is concerned?


Wow if you aren't trolling, I can't say that a single person could agree with you on this one.

Also why did you even get a Wii U if you feel this way? The only reason to own one is if you like Nintendo products, and it sounds like clearly you do not.

Edited by Crowbar Man
I don't compare Nintendo with other publishers because they're not on par, they're still catching up. The fact that they're releasing the best Sonic title in recent time is sad, and the fact that they had to save Mega Man from being a fat, alternate box art mess. They're not on the same level as EA, Activision, Konami, Microsoft, 2K, etc.

...What? I'm not even sure I understand what you're saying here... Nintendo is bad because they're releasing the best Sonic title in recent time? Isn't releasing the best of something good? And I could have sworn Sonic was a Sega property?

...And I don't even know where to begin tackling the second part of that post.

You DO know there's a 'Preview Post' button next to 'Submit Reply', right? I guess some people just like doin' it live.

Nintendo should have evolved as a company to the point where they could make a brand new game like "Journey" or "Bastion" and have it be successful just based on the game's merit alone. They shouldn't keep selling small variations on Mario titles based on the name.

Its a fair point but remember they still are a 'very' small company comparitively.

I thought on the wiis last few years they did very well supporting new IPs from outsorced companies (Xenoblade, last story and Pandora all excellent new IPs that as i understand it Nintendo at least partially owns.)

My only big dissapointment on current announcements is Retro doing Donkey Kong. Everything else pretty much as i expected within variations.

Is it enough? Not alone, there does need to be much more beyond this but its an improvement on the last dismal year.

Posted (edited)
Really? Against EA/ActiVision/Capcom/MS/Konami/etc you'd really put Nintendo at the very bottom as far as creativity AND polish is concerned?



Also why did you even get a Wii U if you feel this way? The only reason to own one is if you like Nintendo products, and it sounds like clearly you do not.

Nintendo just needs to make higher quality products. They're embarrassing themselves. Maybe I should just lower my expectations / Nintendo standards by a LOT.

Its a fair point but remember they still are a 'very' small company comparitively.

I thought on the wiis last few years they did very well supporting new IPs from outsorced companies (Xenoblade, last story and Pandora all excellent new IPs that as i understand it Nintendo at least partially owns.)

Nintendo didn't want to have anything to do with publishing those games in the US, that's why XSEED had to step in. It wouldn't have been profitable enough for Nintendo.

Edited by Brandon Strader

Remember when the gamecube hit its stride they were shouting about the 'Big Three' games: Mario, Zelda Metroid.

Ignoring Pikmin as its a year late, Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong... Only the Mario is a sequel to a handhold thats a sidestep from the Galaxy-like game everyone wants, Zeldas a remake and DCR looks good but its not Metroid Prime...

It looks okay but... Alone its not as strong.

Posted (edited)

Nintendo didn't want to have anything to do with publishing those games in the US or Europe, that's why XSEED had to step in. It wouldn't have been profitable enough for Nintendo.

Actually Nintendo of Europe did the translation, audio dubbing and release over here and they REALLY pushed them, particularly giving Xenoblade a LOT of tv ads, and after they were all out they billed it as a 4 part series of RPGs on the Wii.

Seriously, they billed them as being as vital as Zelda.

Its the only time i've felt sorry for American gamers. The games were ready for you but it took a year and another company to get them out. Shameful.

EDIT: yeah you've corrected yourself :P

Edited by Swifthom
Posted (edited)

So because Nintendo is making a follow up to a popular, creative, and very polished game (3D Land), somehow this is worse than making yet another Halo/CoD/BF or making terrible versions of CastleVania/Silent Hill/Resident Evil, a yearly installment of Madden, etc? and every single terrible Kinect game?

Gotcha. Nintendo is doing such a baaad job.

Nintendo just needs to make higher quality products. They're embarrassing themselves. Maybe I should just lower my expectations / Nintendo standards by a LOT.

Why yes, with products with such "low quality" as Galaxy 1 & 2, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, Nintendoland, 3D World, (and on 3DS lets throw in 3D Land, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Animal Crossing, Pokemon X/Y), Pikmin 3, every single Zelda product, and funding X/Bayo2/Wonderful 101, etc Nintendo really is such an embarrassing company. They should just stop making games altogether because they clearly have lost their touch

Come on now Brandon. If you honestly feel this way, why did you get a Wii U in the first place?

Edited by Crowbar Man

Now you're just being ridiculous, crowbar man.

So because Nintendo is making a follow up to a popular, creative, and very polished game (3D Land), somehow this is worse than making yet another Halo/CoD/BF or making terrible versions of CastleVania/Silent Hill/Resident Evil, a yearly installment of Madden, etc? and every single terrible Kinect game?

This is ALL Nintendo is doing. Look at their current line-up.

Why yes, with products with such "low quality" as Galaxy 1 & 2

Old (Not Wii U)

Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon

Hand held (Not Wii U)

Super Smash Bros

Won't be out for another year, didn't seem innovative at all compared to previous versions.


Probably the only thing applicable on your list, ironically is a collection of minigames based on existing games.

3D Land/World

Forthcoming Wii U game in the style of handheld title, not innovative whatsoever

Animal Crossing, Pokemon X/Y

Handheld games (not Wii U) and also not innovative or new in any way.

Pikmin 3, the next Zelda, etc

More sequels, I'll have to wait until there's more information about the new Zelda before I can accurately say whether they did a crappy job with it, but there was some talk that the designer was inspired by Skyrim. It could potentially be good.

Come on now Brandon.

I just came. *drops mic*


Funny that you're shutting down everyone else's opinion so strongly while being so defensive of your own.

There are those who are satisfied with Nintendo's offerings.

There are those who aren't.

So you fall in the latter category, so what? Your view isn't any less right or wrong than the view of the former category. There's no need to be so incredibly defensive about it.

Posted (edited)

You said Nintendo is worse than these companies in this regard, in creativity, polish, and quality.

Yet these are all still creative, polished, and quality products. Just because they are similar doesn't change the fact. The other publishers make similar products too, they just aren't as creative OR polished. They just have gritty brown realistic graphics as "higher quality"

Basically, Nintendo is doing the same as other big devs/publisher, just better, yet you've put them on the bottom of the list anyways.

NONE of them are breaking grounds on innovation, but if there was a single publisher/dev who would try, Nintendo would be one. Everybody outside of Nintendo, Valve, and to a lesser degree Ubisoft/Sony is just happy pumping out the same boring products over and over again.

Innovation is generally only coming from Indies/Smaller Studios these days

Edited by Crowbar Man

I sorta agree with everyone on this one.

But honestly Brandon is right. Everything is just unoriginal now. Trying to defend something like 3D World as an original title is just a joke. Smash Bros. does seem a little less innovative than in the past, but I still really like the look of it.

So now I'm just praying they don't screw this up with Zelda and eventually Metroid.

Posted (edited)

The disagreement isn't with originality (though again, what publisher is innovative or original these days, honestly?)

Its with creativity, polish, and quality, which Nintendo will usually win in these areas, on top of very often being innovative from time to time.

But from his posts putting Nintendo beneath EVERY SINGLE PUBLISHER (other than Sega) in originality, creativity, polish, and quality. This is including EA/ActiVision, the current kings of destroying originality/creativity while creating low quality unpolished products.

I don't think anybody would agree with that but even if that is his opinion: Why did he even buy a Wii U? lol

Edited by Crowbar Man

originality is a vague and nebulous concept that doesn't bring anything meaningful to any discussion of any type of entertainment media

stop talking about it


originality, much like the words "normal" and "natural," is but a term which has a rather fluid definition in that each person who uses it does so under a different personal meaning. what one deems as original another may deem to be a rehash, and vice versa.

so really, originality is a moot point. especially when we're at a time in the industry where comparisons with "new" ideas can be made with old ones with relative ease.


I kinda agree with Brandon on this one, his stance seems to reflect mine and reminds me of a video i saw a while ago. I thought it was made by the guys who do the webshow Hard4games.

And the title kinda describes my feelings. They don't blow me away like they used to. Maybe it has something to do with them, maybe with me. But when i look at their latest Mario games, new Smash Brothers or Zelda i don't think that they are much different that the ones i played around 10 years ago. That's not to say that they aren't good, like Crowbar Man said, and i totally agree with him on this, Nintendo still has some of the most polished and well crafted games out there. But for me, that simply doesn't warrant an automatic buy, be it games or systems. Alot of people tend to say that you shouldn't try to fix what isn't broken. And that's true.

I just wish they would change it up a bit more, or try some things that are more OUT there.


yeah skyward sword's focus on intuitive and fluid motion controls were basically the same thing as a link to the past

and I mean mega man in smash bros? mega man is basically the same character samus anyways I mean you jump and shoot things in their games and therefore they must be exactly the goddamn same am I right people of course I am

originality is a vague and nebulous concept that doesn't bring anything meaningful to any discussion of any type of entertainment media

stop talking about it

This is true.

The disagreement isn't with originality (though again, what publisher is innovative or original these days, honestly?)

Its with creativity, polish, and quality, which Nintendo will usually win in these areas, on top of very often being innovative from time to time.

But from his posts putting Nintendo beneath EVERY SINGLE PUBLISHER (other than Sega) in originality, creativity, polish, and quality. This is including EA/ActiVision, the current kings of destroying originality/creativity while creating low quality unpolished products.

I don't think anybody would agree with that but even if that is his opinion: Why did he even buy a Wii U? lol

First off, with creativity, Nintendo is seriously starting to die out. They are still great, don't get me wrong, but I think compared to times in the past, they've really died out on this one. Polishing? Sure, it's not all that bad and it never has been, and I can't really say anything about that since I haven't touched a Wii U.

Putting Nintendo under EA, though, is ridiculous, Brandon. Since when did EA ever do anything good. They are the definition of bullcrap.

yeah skyward sword's focus on intuitive and fluid motion controls were basically the same thing as a link to the past

and I mean mega man in smash bros? mega man is basically the same character samus anyways I mean you jump and shoot things in their games and therefore they must be exactly the goddamn same am I right people of course I am

After so many years of lurking, it kinda feels good to recieve the same treatment you give everybody from you. :P

I kinda agree with Brandon on this one, his stance seems to reflect mine and reminds me of a video i saw a while ago. I thought it was made by the guys who do the webshow Hard4games.

And the title kinda describes my feelings. They don't blow me away like they used to. Maybe it has something to do with them, maybe with me. But when i look at their latest Mario games, new Smash Brothers or Zelda i don't think that they are much different that the ones i played around 10 years ago.

I just wish they would change it up a bit more, or try some things that are more OUT there.

Yup. People are going "OH WOW A MARIO GAME IN 3D!" like it has never been done before. There have been a ton of Mario games in 3D. So ok, maybe this is the first time they have 4 players in a 3D game. People are acting like this is somehow innovative or amazing. All I can think is "Welcome to a decade ago, Nintendo."

I don't think I ever said the games were bad. I've said they're not creative, and the design was shitty and lazy, but their games are always polished and never (or rarely) buggy. Nintendo lost the innovation that used to make them interesting in the past. They kind of innovation they tried to tap into with the original Wii, and that they harnessed successfully with Super Mario Galaxy.

This is true.

First off, with creativity, Nintendo is seriously starting to die out. They are still great, don't get me wrong, but I think compared to times in the past, they've really died out on this one.

Putting Nintendo under EA, though, is ridiculous, Brandon. Since when did EA ever do anything good. They are the definition of bullcrap.

Check out the list of games EA has published: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Electronic_Arts_games

On that list you will find blockbusters as well as games that don't appeal to you at all, like FIFA. But here's the difference between Nintendo and EA -- Nintendo is just now considering a 3D game with 4 players to be fresh and innovative. EA on the other hand, is publishing games that appeal to a huge, diverse audience. You may not give a damn about FIFA or any given game on that list, but there are millions who do. And that's not to even mention blockbusters like Mass Effect trilogy, or personal favorites like Dante's Inferno and Shadows of the Damned. I still want to get Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning. So jump on the EA hate bus if you want but joining hate mobs isn't cool anymore. You have as much right to be critical of EA as I do to be critical of Nintendo, though.

After so many years of lurking, it kinda feels good to recieve the same treatment you give everybody from you. :P

Welcome back, don't let them chase you away. :-)


Y'know, now that I stop and think about it...what other 3D platformers have had multiplayer as a major selling point of the game? And not as a side mode or anything, but as part of the main, actual game?

Posted (edited)
Y'know, now that I stop and think about it...what other 3D platformers have had multiplayer as a major selling point of the game? And not as a side mode or anything, but as part of the main, actual game?

Shrek 2 for the PS2. That was the last time I heard it as a selling point.

Edited by Brandon Strader

Check out the list of games EA has published: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Electronic_Arts_games

On that list you will find blockbusters as well as games that don't appeal to you at all, like FIFA. But here's the difference between Nintendo and EA -- Nintendo is just now considering a 3D game with 4 players to be fresh and innovative. EA on the other hand, is publishing games that appeal to a huge, diverse audience. You may not give a damn about FIFA or any given game on that list, but there are millions who do. And that's not to even mention blockbusters like Mass Effect trilogy, or personal favorites like Dante's Inferno and Shadows of the Damned. I still want to get Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning. So jump on the EA hate bus if you want but joining hate mobs isn't cool anymore. You have as much right to be critical of EA as I do to be critical of Nintendo, though.

Basically, I just don't like EA for all those sports games, yeah. There's like nothing interesting about them. Never was, never will be. I feel they are an absolute waste of time. But I do see what you are saying. Nintendo is great (or was great) at doing good stuff with Mario and Zelda and even their own systems, but they have always been a bit behind. They were the last company to switch to discs. They were the last company to switch to 4P. They were the last company to switch to HD graphics (by 6 years--good grief Nintendo). Nintendo has always figured out what the brand new thing is to do much later on.

And this may explain why the Wii U isn't "all-in-one" obsessive, which worries me... because now I wonder if they will finally catch up and get all concerned about that and that just will disappoint me. That's the one thing I really have liked about Nintendo all these years. They are really concerned about the games more than anything else.

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