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Played it at PAX yeah, but also just don't like the newer Mario games, because they've dumbed it down "to it's roots" to appeal to the "retro" and "casual" gamer. That's fine, but they also took out a bunch of the challenge and secrets the older ones had. They're ok games, but they don't excite me, and I think they're milking them too much.

If by "milking them too much" you mean putting one out every three or four years, then sure. If a game has stuck in your consciousness for that period of time that it's still fresh in your mind when the next one comes out 3-4 years afterwards it's probably doing its job. Your quotes are also incredibly telling. They're made for people who "like mario games."

When I first heard about 3D Land I was excited, because I was expecting a new 3D Mario adventure game like SM64. When I realized it was 2-1/2D I was hesitant but got it anyway. Overall I thought it had a decent amount of levels to unlock, but it was WAY too easy (the fact that you are given an invincibility suit if you die too much REALLY ticked me off), and it was very forgettable.

I guess it wasn't too easy if you were seeing the invincibility suit EVER. That doesn't come out until like 5 or 10 deaths on one level.

This one is basically just 3D land with a few changes, none of which are very interesting. Cat suit is ehh... It should have been on the 3DS, but even then, I really had hoped we would get another Galaxy or Sunshine...

a) you not liking the changes does not make them bad changes

B) your immediate dismissal of new powerups based on looking at them means very little. Turning into a raccoon isn't really that "cool" either it just happened when you were (your age - 15 years) ago.

The new Zelda I'm actually interested in! I was a little surprised they didn't make a Majora's Mask remake but I love Wind Waker and thought it looked nice! They did mention that this new Zelda would try to go back to the original formula, in that you don't need to defeat the dungeons in a certain order, but I'll need to see how and if they go through with that. Skyward Sword was probably my least favorite in the Zelda series, but it had elements I liked. Flying was fun :3

It seems like skyward sword is the new cool game to hate on now. disregard the fact that it is in nearly every way superior to twilight princess (except maybe in aesthetic)

I was having a hard day. What I mean is I'm tired of Nintendo's conflicted goals. The Wii U was released with a goal of attracting more of the hardcore gamer demographic,

it was?

yet they're still putting emphasis on casual gaming,

they are?

with a continued lack of support for AAA titles.

this is flatly incorrect. anyone who looks at the nintendo release schedule from august to mid next year knows nintendo is putting out more games than anyone else in that span. by a lot.

To be fair, they've shied off from emphasizing this as much, or at least have tried too, but they still do it, and it bugs the hell out of me. NINTENDO! GAMES THE WHOLE FAMILY CAN ENJOY! EVEN GRANDMA IS HAVING FUN!

how dare they sell games to more people than JUST you and JUST what you want. because video games are YOUR thing and NO ONE ELSE should have fun with them.

they should be ashamed.

Posted (edited)

Oh man, seems like some of the same conversations are bubbling up again.

3D Land being Easy: Really? Hmm. Can't agree there. How far exactly were you into the game? I've played to 100% (all 5 profile stars... no sparkles though) It isn't easy! Mario games tend to start off with easier levels, then ramp up to "throw your controller while screaming" levels later, maybe you didn't stick around enough.

Also the invincibility leaf showing up SHOULD make you mad... and embarrassed. I know it made ME mad when it showed up, because it meant I was getting my butt kicked again :/ BTW: You obviously don't USE that if your looking for challenge (i never did) you only use it if you are too unskilled to beat the level... and it doesn't show up unless you die a lot.. and they stop showing up completely later on ... so what were you talking about easy again? :)

3D World: If people have seen that new trailer for 3D World that released on Monday and still aren't interested, I dunno what to say. I could see not being impressed by the old trailer, but that new one is simply amazing. To each their own I guess! It looks amazing visually and has tons of new power ups and situations, easily resembling Galaxy level of awesomeness. And its co-op to boot!

Wii U Price: $300 (Wii U) vs $400 (PS4) vs $500 (XBO), while this definitely puts Nintendo at a small advantage, I'd say they would of probably been better at the $250 sweet spot ($300 is still a lot of money for something that isn't as powerful as PS4/XBO). However I'm glad they dropped down to $300 at least because $350 (XBO) vs $400 (PS4) would of been way too close for comfort. Throwing Zelda bundles in the mix was a smart move too, hopefully they have more bundles like that for the holiday

Age old "Nintendo needs more violent/bloody games":

Nope. These don't even sell well when they bother putting them on a Nintendo platform ( 3rd party or Nintendo themselves publishing). Why do people insist this? The ability to have games that appeal to people of any age is what Nintendo has always been about, and the magic that separates them from the rest of the pack. These are what draw people to Nintendo and tend keep them there.

Keep in mind: The Wii U has plenty of violent/bloody titles by 3rd party. Still not selling! Nintendo releasing awesome titles like Pikmin 3, Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Smash 4, Zelda WWHD, the next Zelda, etc are what will drive the console.

Edited by Crowbar Man
I really don't care for 3D World. Seems like a home console version of the 3D Land. I wanted something entirely new and innovative from Mario. I was quite a bit disappointed.

do you people even know what those words mean anymore

I'm fairly certain you don't

do you people even know what those words mean anymore

I'm fairly certain you don't

He knows what it means, maybe you need a refresher. Super Mario 3D World might be innovative, but I find it hard to believe it will be more innovative than the original 3D Land, since 3D Land is actually in 3D on the 3DS. As for whether it is 'new', well it is a derivative of Super Mario 3D Land, so it's not quite new. Maybe you could say it is "fresh". Either way, it should be good, and pointing out & arguing over semitics is silly.

Posted (edited)

There was a crap ton new stuff shown off in the trailer of new items, power ups, situations, etc. And all the levels look more sprawling and stuff going on than 3D Land did, and 3D Land itself was pretty awesome.

Plus, a co-op Mario in 3D is a new feature to the entire series itself, along with the classic use of the 4 SMB2 characters/gameplay styles (which can be used in single or multi)

I dunno, hard to say this one doesn't have anything new when every trailer they show off shows amazing new things.

Also, while the 3D was cool in 3D Land, I usually turned it off so not having 3D isn't a big deal... though since they called it 3D, they could of enabled 3D in the game at least (3D HDTVs and all, even if they aren't popular). Pretty cool, but not super "innovative" IMO

Stuff in the trailer:

Clear Pipes (last trailer showed you can freely move in these pipes, a new feature to Mario)

Fire Flower

Tanooki Suit

Boomerang Suit

Cat Suit

Coin Block

Propeller Block

Bullet Bill Block


Pirhana Plant Pot

Goomba Hat?

Kuribo's (?) Skate

New Style Map System (Cross between classic Map and free moving) <- As much as I loved 3D Land, the "Single Line" linear map was a ridiculous step backwards.

Story: Not any details but it isn't "Save Peach Again" this time at least... saving some sort of fairy instead!

Edited by Crowbar Man
Or maybe I spelled it that way because I knew you would argue it because that's what you do.

Switching semantics with semitics is a running gag of mine.

between you and yourself and no one else

since 15 minutes ago

There was a crap ton new stuff shown off in the trailer of new items, power ups, situations, etc. And all the levels look more sprawling and stuff going on than 3D Land did, and 3D Land itself was pretty awesome.

Plus, a co-op Mario in 3D is a new feature to the entire series itself, along with the classic use of the 4 SMB2 characters/styles (which can be used in single or multi)

I dunno, hard to say this one doesn't have anything new when every trailer they show off shows amazing new things.

it's obviously not "new enough" for him

Posted (edited)

That would work as a comparison, if it weren't for the amazing level designs (from a game play standpoint) that go into the Mario series that make them you know.. platformers.

Not quite copy/paste like your standard AAA yearly FPS followups.

Also Console vs Handheld, new features like co-op, a leap in graphics, etc.

While something completely different would of been great too, I can definitely deal with an idea as awesome as 3D Land taken to the limit instead what we got cramped into a handheld form. Co-Op added too is amazing bonus

Heck, Galaxy 2 was literally more levels/ideas that were left over from Galaxy 1 and a lot of new stuff added, but same engine/graphics/everything, and that was still an amazing game.

We're getting a LOT more between 3D Land and 3D World

Edited by Crowbar Man
Or maybe I spelled it that way because I knew you would argue it because that's what you do.

this is the saddest thing I've ever read

what if I said

who cares

Posted (edited)


actually yours is. saying 'they didn't change anything about the platformer except the environments and the tools you use to interact with them' is the same as saying 'they didn't change anything about that action game except instead of hitting people with a blade you now shoot them with bullets'

Edited by The Derrit
actually yours is. saying 'they didn't change anything about the platformer except the environments and the tools you use to interact with them' is the same as saying 'they didn't change anything about that action game except instead of hitting people with a blade you now shoot them with bullets'

a) I was joking.

2) the new Mario is the close to the same thing as 3D Land except it's HD, the stages are slightly different, and there are new powerups. that is just not enough for a new Mario platformer. it doesn't look like crap, it just looks like the same thing. and Mario has been known for having brand new unique main series games nearly all the time (like World to 64 and 64 to Sunshine and Sunshine to Galaxy).

c) it's mah opinion brah.

If by "milking them too much" you mean putting one out every three or four years, then sure. If a game has stuck in your consciousness for that period of time that it's still fresh in your mind when the next one comes out 3-4 years afterwards it's probably doing its job. Your quotes are also incredibly telling. They're made for people who "like mario games."

I guess it wasn't too easy if you were seeing the invincibility suit EVER. That doesn't come out until like 5 or 10 deaths on one level.

a) you not liking the changes does not make them bad changes

B) your immediate dismissal of new powerups based on looking at them means very little. Turning into a raccoon isn't really that "cool" either it just happened when you were (your age - 15 years) ago.

It seems like skyward sword is the new cool game to hate on now. disregard the fact that it is in nearly every way superior to twilight princess (except maybe in aesthetic)

it was?

they are?

this is flatly incorrect. anyone who looks at the nintendo release schedule from august to mid next year knows nintendo is putting out more games than anyone else in that span. by a lot.

how dare they sell games to more people than JUST you and JUST what you want. because video games are YOUR thing and NO ONE ELSE should have fun with them.

they should be ashamed.


-I like Mario games a lot! Your blind defense of them and refusing to accept that any of them have flaws is also telling.

-Well no shit of course I'm going to die. I did manage to beat it 100% in 2 days though, so yes: It was easy.

-a)Never said they WERE bad changes. Just uninteresting. Which they kind of are to me.

-b)I played it, and so my "dismissal" of it is pretty damn justified. I can understand if people like the idea of it, but what I played of it was most definitely NOT revolutionary.

-disagree but I can see where you're coming from. I say least favorite loosely because they were both still great experiences. Fi kind of blew it for me as a companion though, and yeah I know that's not really an original complaint but I still feel that way.


-not so much recently, but yes.

-oh boy cooking mama X and pro bass fishing 19 here I come. Quantity over quality is basically what you're saying now...

-OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH SARCASM! YEAH BECAUSE THAT'S TOTALLY THE POINT I WAS TRYING TO MAKE! YEAH, FUCK ME FOR EXPECTING GAMES THAT ARE A LITTLE MORE SOPHISTICATED THAN THE ONES I USED TO PLAY 15 YEARS AGO, AM I RIGHT!? I shouldn't even DARE to expect games that are more advanced, creative, immersive, witty, and artistic than ones that came out on the N64!

-YES, they should be ashamed, and goddamn they should try harder...

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