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Posted (edited)
It is all over every bit of Nintendo Press stuff.

They said specifically over the COMPETITION or their own games? Nintendo doesn't usually acknowledge competitors in any PR.

To say that a coin collecting marathon is unique to itself is false. Many games count arbitrary stats. Like any shooter ever made. Any driving game ever made. Any game with a leaderboard ever made.

Comparing NSMB2 to the rest of the NSMB series (Specifically U). Not every game ever created. Seriously, have you bothered to look at NSMB2 trailers or advertisements? Thats the focus. Coins everywhere and a giant coin tally.

Or how it is really going to be played: Four players and the asshole whom is not going to do anything but grief. Ice flower all over again.

Since its a local multiplayer game, why do you play with jerks? Also this is no different than NSMBWii, so if you didn't like it well why bother?

Saying NSMB is not a real mario game is also dumb. Mario Party and Mario Kart are not real Mario games. They dont have the platforming elements that traditional Mario games have. If anything one could argue that the 3D mario games aren't real mario games by your logic as they dont fit into the 2D platforming model.

But no I dont understand game mechanics and am a complete idiot because I don't let game devs phone it in. Which is exactly what Nintendo does these days.

Uh see thats the thing. NSMB is Nintendo's "phone it in" series. Its been kinda crap since the 1st game and the quality didn't improve much with any of the other titles. The whole premise of the series is "Hey this kinda looks like an old Mario game, but doesn't really because the art is terrible CG crap everywhere. We're trying to be retro but not that hard. AWFUL MUSIC TIME." I still play them, and manage to have some fun, but its a terrible terrible subseries.

And no, Mario Kart, and Mario Party, sports etc aren't real main Mario games. They are all sub series.

The 3D Mario games have been entries into the main Mario series, and all developed with Shigeru Miyamoto as producer. He and his team will be making a real Mario game for the Wii U in time, I'm sure.

A change in resolution and the number of players allowed is not substantial difference at all. If one read this thread alone they could assume it's actually even just a port based on what you've listed.

The game is the same. 2D Mario platforming with bright art style, very low gravity value, and cooperative play. The music will probably be the same/similar.

The only thing different will be the levels. You may as well argue that Super Mario Galaxy 2 was substantially different from 1. It wasn't; it may as well have been an expansion. The engine was identical, they added some new items and made all new levels and music. Some people have done that before; they called it Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

I'm fine with all of that, though. I personally like the "more of the same" if the same was good. Just saying Brushfire wins here by a landslide.

All this could be said about NSMBWii to NSMBU. But NSMB2 and U have a different focus. Again, 2's focus is on collecting coin nonsense. Thats its whole premise. Any time you see screenshots and footage? COINS! EVERYWHERE! GOLD COIN FLOWER MAKES EVERYTHING COINS! Its like they forgot they already have a series for collecting valuables (Wario)

NSMBU is a continuation of NSMBWii. If he said "NSBMU doesn't look any different than NSMBWii" I wouldn't have any argument. NSMBU is NSMBWii in HD with different levels and a 5th screen helper. Its focus is the same: Cooperative play based on crappy NSMB subseries. But 2 and U have completely different purposes. NSMB2 is more a follow up to NSMB1 than NSMBWii. (DS -> 3DS) both on handhelds, both low res, both single player focused experience (both have 2 player but require 2nd cart / handheld and not a focus or heavily advertised)

Edited by Crowbar Man
All this could be said about NSMBWii to NSMBU. But NSMB2 and U have a different focus. Again, 2's focus is on collecting coin nonsense. Thats its whole premise. Any time you see screenshots and footage? COINS! EVERYWHERE! GOLD COIN FLOWER MAKES EVERYTHING COINS! Its like they forgot they already have a series for collecting valuables (Wario)

NSMBU is a continuation of NSMBWii. If he said "NSBMU doesn't look any different than NSMBWii" I wouldn't have any argument. NSMBU is NSMBWii in HD with different levels and a 5th screen helper. Its focus is the same: Cooperative play based on crappy NSMB subseries. But 2 and U have completely different purposes. NSMB2 is more a follow up to NSMB1 than NSMBWii. (DS -> 3DS) both on DS, both low res, both single player focused experience (both have 2 player but require 2nd cart / handheld and not a focus or heavily advertised)

"damn we need to come up with something different...


Posted (edited)

:lol: Yeah, if you noticed I'm not shedding it in a positive light. Again, they already had a series (Wario) where you collected coins (and treasures) with a total tally, but even that series was focused more on platforming than OH BOY COINS TURN EVERYTHING INTO COINS. So not sure why they stuck that crap and made such a big deal about it in NSMB2. But that is what they did. And thats all NSMB2 is about basically. Mario isn't a greedy guy so why he gives a flip about coins in NSMB2 is beyond me

I'm just saying its a different (and IMO not good) focus. NSMBU is more of the same (from NSMBWii). There is no stupid coin collecting motif going on. Theres also the very obvious difference "ones on a console, ones on a handheld" but you know.

Also Brush's opinions are a little bit contradictive when he gets onto current gen consoles for "not being enough HD" but can't tell from a pure technical standpoint the difference between 3DS 400x240 resolution and Wii U's 720p. Not that it again really matters in the end, but just saying.

Edited by Crowbar Man
:lol: Yeah, if you noticed I'm not shedding it in a positive light. Again, they already had a series (Wario) where you collected coins (and treasures) with a total tally, but even that series was focused more on platforming than OH BOY COINS TURN EVERYTHING INTO COINS. So not sure why they stuck that crap and made such a big deal about it in NSMB2. But that is what they did. And thats all NSMB2 is about basically. Mario isn't a greedy guy so why he gives a flip about coins in NSMB2 is beyond me


Posted (edited)

A colored port/remake of the Virtual Boy Wario Land would make a lot of sense for the 3DS. That game is awesome, but .. its on the VB. I'd settle for a Virtual Console release but remake would be nicer


would rather have a new Metroid game tbh

One of those were made recently. Unfortunately. Hopefully better luck next time :/

A new Prime on the U should look rather nice if they decide to get Retro back involved. They could do it dual stick or wiimote style (like the 3 or the trilogy ports). Id imagine they'd come up with stuff easily to do with the GamePad

A new 2D or 2.5D Metroid game would be even better but I don't see that happening.

Edited by Crowbar Man
One of those were made recently. Unfortunately. Hopefully better luck next time :/

A new Prime on the U should look rather nice if they decide to get Retro back involved. They could do it dual stick or wiimote style (like the 3 or the trilogy ports). Id imagine they'd come up with stuff easily to do with the GamePad

Won't happen. Other M retconned the Prime series out of canon.

Posted (edited)
But that is not what Nintendo said, so it is a moot point to hold onto fanboy hope.

there's a link i'd like to see.

and if you link me to the interview with sakamoto i'm just going to laugh because if you read the real interview it's completely different than the poorly translated version.

and yes i have read it

Edited by The Derrit
there's a link i'd like to see.

and if you link me to the interview with sakamoto i'm just going to laugh because if you read the real interview it's completely different than the poorly translated version.

and yes i have read it

You dont need to look at the interview which is muddled and terrible. You need but look at Other M. Samus states in Other M that it's her first time doing a joint mission with the Galactic Federation since becoming a freelance bounty hunter. This obviously ignores the Prime series via in game dialogue. Or Monologue. Whichever.

It goes on further throughout the game making various nods and references to the rest of the series, except for the Prime series. It would stand to reason that, while not directly saying that isn't in canon, that they don't want it to be apart of the timeline. Even in the proper translation of the interview Sakamoto states that "Nearly everybody has asked about the Prime series, which are part of the Metroid timeline, but are completely different." What does "completely different" even mean in this context. No one knows. Even if they are not decanonizing it, they are at the very least trying to shy away and make people forget about it. Much like the CD-i stuff and many other perceived misuse of the Big N's toys.


I'm hoping the big shuffling and restructuring of Nintendo's programming/dev teams will result in the rebirth of some old franchises, and maybe a new one here or there.

Maybe if we're even lucky Aonuma and Sakamoto can stop damaging their respective series with each passing installment.

You dont need to look at the interview which is muddled and terrible. You need but look at Other M. Samus states in Other M that it's her first time doing a joint mission with the Galactic Federation since becoming a freelance bounty hunter. This obviously ignores the Prime series via in game dialogue. Or Monologue. Whichever.

It goes on further throughout the game making various nods and references to the rest of the series, except for the Prime series. It would stand to reason that, while not directly saying that isn't in canon, that they don't want it to be apart of the timeline. Even in the proper translation of the interview Sakamoto states that "Nearly everybody has asked about the Prime series, which are part of the Metroid timeline, but are completely different." What does "completely different" even mean in this context. No one knows. Even if they are not decanonizing it, they are at the very least trying to shy away and make people forget about it. Much like the CD-i stuff and many other perceived misuse of the Big N's toys.

This always bothers me. Unlike the CD-i stuff which is abysmal, the Prime series is arguably the best Metroid has to offer since the era of the Super Nintendo, and I've even heard Prime 1 compared favorably to Super Metroid.

I think if they're trying to make people forget about or decanonize Prime, it's out of some stupid pride thing? Because that the games developed by Retro were better than the games directly developed under them (never mind that Team Ninja were involved with Other M)? I wouldn't put it past the executives in Japan being upset that the American development team of Retro Studios did a better job than their teams.

Of course, that's purely speculation, but it seems foolish to make people try to write off one of the best selling titles (and series!) that the GameCube even had.


Even in the proper translation of the interview Sakamoto states that "Nearly everybody has asked about the Prime series, which are part of the Metroid timeline

so to your earlier point...

that is not what Nintendo said, so it is a moot point

completely different is code for 'i didn't make it so i know nothing/care nothing about it.' not that it's not canon. there's nothing that says it's not before fusion. and he specifically says it's part of the metroid timeline.

so yeah. a nintendo developer's pride does not make the prime series non-canon. it just makes him upset that someone else did a better job with his baby than he did. sucks for him but that's how it goes sometimes.


unless they specifically state it as such, in-game canon always overrides what someone could say in an interview. in addition, not mentioning something in-game does not count as retconning it out. if there was a specific mention that showed something else happened during that same period of time as prime, it would be a retcon.

however, if it's only vague nods at the other games but not prime, then it's not a retcon.

also, that's just one person saying it. if multiple people within nintendo agreed, then yeah, it might be more credible. but as derrit said, it's just him being upset someone did more with his creation than he did. of course he'll defend what he made over what he didn't; it's only natural. that doesn't make it canon though.

You dont need to look at the interview which is muddled and terrible. You need but look at Other M. Samus states in Other M that it's her first time doing a joint mission with the Galactic Federation since becoming a freelance bounty hunter. This obviously ignores the Prime series via in game dialogue. Or Monologue. Whichever.

It goes on further throughout the game making various nods and references to the rest of the series, except for the Prime series. It would stand to reason that, while not directly saying that isn't in canon, that they don't want it to be apart of the timeline. Even in the proper translation of the interview Sakamoto states that "Nearly everybody has asked about the Prime series, which are part of the Metroid timeline, but are completely different." What does "completely different" even mean in this context. No one knows. Even if they are not decanonizing it, they are at the very least trying to shy away and make people forget about it. Much like the CD-i stuff and many other perceived misuse of the Big N's toys.

Sakamoto has repeatedly dismissed the Prime games in numerous interviews I've looked at over the years, and to me, that is the biggest insult to the staff at Retro Studios.

He had little involvement in the Prime games, and that was a good thing. If Retro is given the chance to another, they'd be better off keeping Sakamoto's grubby hands off of it.

If they do another Metroid game similar to that abysmal Other M, with Sakamoto attached to it, I won't even bother with it. People wondered why they didn't do a 25th Anniversary Metroid celebration, I think Other M explains that easily.


In the end, money speaks volumes. As much as I enjoyed Other M's playstyle over the Prime series, it sells for a measly $7 at my local Gamestop. NEW. It's pretty obvious that Nintendo is aware of how badly it performed and it's safe to assume that they won't give Sakamoto another chance at the same role. I mean hell, Gunpei Yokoi contributed a lot to Nintendo but was essentially publicly shamed after the Virtual Boy fiasco.


I am looking forward to seeing Zelda and Metroid in HD (as well as other series and possibly some new ones of course). I hope the Zelda series is completely reinvented. And I would love a darker style, not to say that I didn't like the past few installments or their styles. I would like to see something truly non-linear though. With that sense of "oh shit / what do I do" from the first few games.

I think Nintendo will definitely step up the next Metroid. I wonder where they can take the series now. Will they retcon the bottle ship story? Clean it up a bit? What about the developer? Ninja? Retro? Who knows.

And please....please bring us a console Fire Emblem....and market it. Because it's awesome.

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