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Man, those are still so close... DJNova's would really fit in with you zooming through space at insane speeds, while Hadyn's sounds perfect for a final boss fight. Man, great work, both of you.

And Emeralds of Chaos is a pretty cool name... Any other suggestions?

I like DJNova's a lot. It's fun and dancy. I'd love to hear it finished. But from the sound I'm hearing from the other wips, Hadyn's is more suited to be in this project/collection. It all depends on what mood we're going for.

Depending on what mood we're going for, "Hedgehog Hell" could be good. As a kind of a nod to Hedgehog Heaven, since this project began so soon after that one's finish, kind of using that as the impetus, but also to say "We're not that."

Alternatively, "Master of Emeralds".

Because, while I don't dislike the suggestion of "Emeralds of Chaos", I have objections to it winning the vote simply because it's got nothing going up against it.

By the way sithlord-aku, if you need someone to help with organization, I'd really like to help out. I don't have any remixing experience, but this project here is my dream, so I want to be of some use. Let me know.


Heh, Hedgehog Hell sounds quite good actually.

And I also wish to be of some use. I have waited for a project like this for some time, and I want to be a part of it.


nesper is totally going to kick my tail, my arrangement is sucking. Finale drives me nuts! I'm still going to try though, and if sith hates my mix then nesper's good to go, but I am not dropping out. I'll take my spring break next week to come up with a completed rock arrangment midi(who knows, maybe I'll shoot for two just in case :wink: ).

One thing though, when I get it finished, does anybody else here have a completed version of finale so I can send them the .mus to fix the velocities and volume as well as save it in midi format?


Hey, Upthorn. Thanks a bunch for the commentary concerning my WIP, and I'll be sure to take note on some of your material into account.

Heck, the reason why I implemented a fade-out at the end was that I still have another minute of music to write to add to the nature of the second act, at least with a more climatic closing sequence and a planned transition into the next source in line (Hydrocity Zone).

I did notice some of your problems though;

First, the transition, at about 2:15, brings to mind one of those silly chase montages you see in cartoons.

Yeah, that's just me going overboard with the drum composition, I guess. :P Those were the same problems I had with the earlier versions of Sixty Feet Under, although I'm sure I'll fix that for the next revision.

Second, at about 3:36, it suddenly turns upbeat again I think I understand what this is (the need to go on despite the pain), the change is a bit too abrupt. You probably know that already. To aid in smoothing the transition, I offer the following advice. Right now, that end part is a bit too happy feeling, what would work better is something that feels a bit angry (in music, as in real life, the transition from sad to angry is smoother than from sad to bouncy).

Yeah, suppose that can be fair. The reason why I ended up making it that way was that I was already running out of time when making the WIP, so I had to copy over a few trace elements from the first half to fill the space up. I'll see if I can look into that area over time.

I told you I still needed to work on the second half :P

Anyway, I'm sure to keep on going as soon as opportunities arise again. Meep.

Hey, Upthorn. Thanks a bunch for the commentary concerning my WIP, and I'll be sure to take note on some of your material into account.

Heck, the reason why I implemented a fade-out at the end was that I still have another minute of music to write to add to the nature of the second act, at least with a more climatic closing sequence and a planned transition into the next source in line (Hydrocity Zone).

I did notice some of your problems though

I'm glad my commentary was helpful, as I was worried for a minute that I was being overcritical, and might come off as trollish. Your work so far is impressive, keep it up.

The title needs to be something simple and memorable. Frankly, both of the suggestions so far sound pretty lame. But let's not worry about that now.

Exactly, you guys are getting way ahead of yourselves.. There are far greater tasks to be completed before the title..


yo. I wanna compete for SkySanctuary

mines probably won't win cause it's more of a "softer" kinda theme. but mebbee someone could do a collab with it later or something.

will post wip tomorrow.


Good morning world!

Thanks to whoever left feedback overnight, keep it coming! I'll be working on my piece again when I get home from college - about 7 hours from now - and I'll need all the critiques I can get so I can make my mix as good as possible when I get back to work on it ^^;

here's that link again:

On a side note, I was only able to download the first half a minute of djnova's piece, then it just stops. I've had the same problem with a few other downloads lately (not being able to download the full file) - anyone know what I can do to resolve this?

Cheers people!



Please give your input on the tracks I have decided not to use.

Here is a list of the tracks that are not being used.


Sonic 3 Title Fanfare

Sonic & Knuckles Title Fanfare

Hidden Palace Zone

Act Cleared Fanfare

S3 Knuckles Theme

S&K Knuckles Theme

Gumball Bonus Stage

Glowball Bonus Stage

Slot Bonus Stage

Chaos Emerald Fanfare

S3 Super Sonic/Invincibility Theme

S&K Super Sonic/Invincibility Theme

S3 Extra Life Fanfare

S&K Extra Life Fanfare

Continue Fanfare

Race Results

Drown Warning

S3 Act 1 Boss Theme

S3 Ending Fanfare

S&K Ending Fanfare

S&K Credits

My thoughts on them:


The "Sega" voice would be out of place. I hope noone even uses it as a sound effect. That kind of thing is okay in standalone remixes, but I don't think it works well in projects, like this.

Sonic 3 Title:

The title songs are short, so I labeled them fanfares (they're what plays before you get to the title menu). However, considering that DJ Seith remixed the drowning warning, TWICE, into full length songs, I think the Sonic 3 one should be up for grabs.

Sonic & Knuckles Title:

This title fanfare is the same as the Sonic & Knuckles Super Sonic/Invincibility music, except it doesn't loop. A remix of this would be a remix of the S&K Super Sonic theme.

Hidden Palace:

This track should be included in this project. It is an essential piece. I do not understand why it is not being used.

Act Cleared:

Fanfare, it would be out of place between tracks. Furthermore, using this as a sample inside a track would detract from this project if not the track itself.

Sonic 3 Knuckles theme:

Simplistic, a remix isn't necessary for this project, but if someone can do something with it, I think we should let them.

A short remix could make a nice segue between Angel Island and Hydrocity.

Sonic & Knuckles Knuckles theme:

This is more of a song in it's own right. I don't know where it would be put, and it's not essential to do, but if somone can make one, why not?

Gumball Bonus Stage:

Has a very, very different mood from the rest of the soundtrack. Also, it'd be difficult to do something with to make it a song that can be comfortably listened to separately form playing the game.

Glowball Bonus Stage:

This is an actual song. I would very much like to hear a remix of this. I don't know where it could be fit into the project, though.

Slot Machine Bonus Stage:

See comments for Gumball Bonus Stage.

Chaos Emerald Fanfare:

More of a sound effect. Could possibly be used at the end of the special stage theme without being detrimental it.

Sonic 3 Super Sonic Theme:

Was annoying in the game, but mostly just because it was too fast. I think we should have a remix of both this and the S&K super sonic theme. This could serve as Super Sonic, and be placed before (or after) one of the Boss themes.

Sonic & Knuckles Super Sonic Theme:

Was much less annoying in the game. Except that I ended up hearing it instead of all the other songs. I think this should be included in the project, and be placed between the Final Boss theme and the Doomsday theme. Preferably with the Doomsday theme being the latter.

Sonic 3 Extra Life Fanfare:

Please don't use this in your remixes for this project. I want this project to be good.

Sonic & Knuckles Extra Life Fanfare:

Please don't use this in your remixes for this project, either. It would be disruptive.

Continue Fanfare:

Comments regarding the extra life fanfares also apply to this.

Race Results:

If we're having the themes from the race stages, why not the music from the results screen? On the other hand, why are we having the themes from the race stages, where do they fit in?

Drown Warning:

I wouldn't be overly upset it this were used in the Hydrocity remix. Just a little, though.

Game Over:

Well, I think we're going for a good ending here...

Sonic 3 Act 1 Boss Theme:

I think this would make a nice addition to the list. It's nothing like the S&K version. We could spread the boss themes more evenly through the rest of the songs.

Sonic 3 Ending Fanfare:

10 seconds long, slight variation on the S3 Super Sonic theme. No place in this project.

Sonic & Knuckles Ending Fanfare:

10 seconds long, slight variation on the S&K Super Sonic theme. No place in this project.

Sonic & Knuckles Credits:

This is mostly just a mix of a bunch of themes from S&K, remixing this would overlap Mushroom Hill, Lava Reef, Flying Battery, Sandopolis, Death Egg(?), Sky Sanctuary, and S&K Super Sonic. Remixing this could very well be pointless.

Hidden Palace:

This track should be included in this project. It is an essential piece. I do not understand why it is not being used.

As I said on the front page, this will be considered mixed in with Lava Reef sicne they basically sound the same.

I didn't see that, sorry. That stated, I disagree.

While there are some similarities between Lava Reef and Hidden Palace, namely sharing a supporting melodic theme, Hidden Palace's main melody is quite distinct from Lava Reef's.

I suppose, though, that if the one transitions from Lava Reef to Hidden Palace, that would be fair...

Edit: I feel like pointing out that you Did ask for input on the tracks that aren't being used. And it is my opinion that this project would be incomplete without a Hidden Palace remix.

Edit 2: It's always nice to refresh the thread after editing a post, and find that a moderator echoed your sentiment.

Hidden Palace:

This track should be included in this project. It is an essential piece. I do not understand why it is not being used.

As I said on the front page, this will be considered mixed in with Lava Reef sicne they basically sound the same.

No, they are not the same; the songs share a continuo line; however, the melodies are different, and they are even listed as separate zones. Excluding Hidden Palace Zone is excluding a very important song in the game.

Hidden Palace:

This track should be included in this project. It is an essential piece. I do not understand why it is not being used.

As I said on the front page, this will be considered mixed in with Lava Reef sicne they basically sound the same.

No, they are not the same; the songs share a continuo line; however, the melodies are different, and they are even listed as separate zones. Excluding Hidden Palace Zone is excluding a very important song in the game.

OK, I'll make Hidden Palace seperate. :roll:

Hidden Palace:

This track should be included in this project. It is an essential piece. I do not understand why it is not being used.

As I said on the front page, this will be considered mixed in with Lava Reef sicne they basically sound the same.

No, they are not the same; the songs share a continuo line; however, the melodies are different, and they are even listed as separate zones. Excluding Hidden Palace Zone is excluding a very important song in the game.

OK, I'll make Hidden Palace seperate. :roll:


(cool :))

a first early snapshot of my wip....


got a nice groove goin....

GameBox, what do you use to mix with? What program I mean. Second, is this onoly supposed to be 19 seconds?

And third, If you use FL, I think a collab would be in order. We could compete, but my song is coming along slightly similar to yours (I'll have mine up later though, very busy lately), so I think a collab would make this song teh sweet. :lol:

AIM or PM me if interested or whateva.


Sonic & Knuckles Super Sonic Theme:

Was much less annoying in the game. Except that I ended up hearing it instead of all the other songs. I think this should be included in the project, and be placed between the Final Boss theme and the Doomsday theme. Preferably with the Doomsday theme being the latter.

I could consider adding it to the end of my mix, as part of a transition to the doomsday theme?

I'm not sure how it'll sound though - going from my dark mood, to a happy, fast theme, and then to a theme of impending DOOOOOOOOM.


It could work.


Sonic & Knuckles Super Sonic Theme:

Was much less annoying in the game. Except that I ended up hearing it instead of all the other songs. I think this should be included in the project, and be placed between the Final Boss theme and the Doomsday theme. Preferably with the Doomsday theme being the latter.

I could consider adding it to the end of my mix, as part of a transition to the doomsday theme?

I'm not sure how it'll sound though - going from my dark mood, to a happy, fast theme, and then to a theme of impending DOOOOOOOOM.


It could work.

Well, I'm picturing it in my head as this:

Huge, evil scary boss. Evil scary boss music.

It looks like the end for our hero, until he goes Hyper-Sonic, and trounces the big evil scary boss. (What? Isn't that how you always played: "You may be big and scary, but I have more than 50 rings. Sucks to be you.")

Only to have him run away into a spaceship with the Master Emerald. (Which is what the Doomsday zone is, hypersonic has to catch up with the Doctor, and save the Master Emerald.)

And that my freind, will be up to the Lava Reef remixer.

Which I was going to work in anyway. Start out really rocking the piano, with the main bit from Lava Reef, then calm down for Hidden Palace, then build up to a kickass ending. Whatever the piano-equivalant word for "shred" is, that's what it'll be doing.

And why aren't we remixing the bonus stages, anyway? At least the one with the spheres, I really liked that(and was really really good at it too--almost always could get to 999 rings and several extra lives in there).

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