Terial Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 I cannot wait to hear the WIP of the Sonic 3 Credits! XD anyway, after the deadline, will you guys create a site and post songs there and update it allot with new stuff? Or will you just wait untill the project is perfected to post it on the web? just curious.
Rayza Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 I cannot wait to hear the WIP of the Sonic 3 Credits! XDanyway, after the deadline, will you guys create a site and post songs there and update it allot with new stuff? Or will you just wait untill the project is perfected to post it on the web? just curious. That deadline is only for the first work in progress. There will be more deadlines after the April 9th one.
hobo Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 Upthorn: One of my favorite songs in the game is now also one of my favorite mixes in this project. Rayza: I love the way you're taking this mix, keep it up!
Nicole Adams Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 Heh, I don't think the (YAY)'s were such a great idea... It might make the other mixers feel a little less yay Yay to me and Joker! (Since we were like the only two that didn't have "YAY" next to our names.) Nice job on your WIP, Rayza. I think the lead synth sounds fine to me. A lot more "gentle" than how it was in your first WIP. Keep it up!
Ichitootah Posted March 21, 2005 Posted March 21, 2005 <exclude analoq's tracks> Tertiated. The project just included many new mixers, and didn't have very rigorous quality screening, but that doesn't mean that the tracks by the experienced mixers that WERE on the project were bad. And there were quite a few.
SlightlyOddGuy Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 This project needs Sonic 3 Miniboss and the Glowing Spheres bonus stage. Anyway, most of the WIPs so far freakin' own, and I'm ecstatic to see this have such a great start. Here's hoping that it doesn't take a year and a half.
Upthorn Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 This project needs Sonic 3 Miniboss and the Glowing Spheres bonus stage. Anyway, most of the WIPs so far freakin' own, and I'm ecstatic to see this have such a great start. Here's hoping that it doesn't take a year and a half. I agree with you on the Sonic 3 miniboss. Glowing Spheres, though, is kind of iffy. The music is good, but there are a whole bunch of tracks to do already, and where, exactly, would it go?
SlightlyOddGuy Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 I'd drop it in next to the special stage, personally. I'll agree that it isn't crucial, but it'd be nice to at least get one of the bonus stages in there. Depends on the mixers and overall project length, I suppose.
Vilecat Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 I've been lurking in this thread for a while now, so excuse me for my sudden intrusion... But couldn't the different stage bonus songs be mixed together? Instead of adding only one, having all of them in a song could be nice. Of course that's if 1st : someone's up to remix them and 2nd : if it can be added to the project. Or something like that...
Upthorn Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 I've been lurking in this thread for a while now, so excuse me for my sudden intrusion...But couldn't the different stage bonus songs be mixed together? Instead of adding only one, having all of them in a song could be nice. Of course that's if 1st : someone's up to remix them and 2nd : if it can be added to the project. Or something like that... The three songs have radically different styles. Two of them are the kind of songs you wouldn't want to listen to outside of the context of playing the game. Glowing Spheres is the exception.
Vilecat Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 Aaw =/ I don't know, i like the 3 songs about as much. Kinda agree that they don't have the same "feeling", but i thought remixing them together could work.
SlightlyOddGuy Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 The official S3&K remix album has a track with the three of them and the special stage mixed together, mainly accomplished through adding drum solos between each song. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't a great success either.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted March 22, 2005 Author Posted March 22, 2005 I've made comments about the left off tracks, and I'm not going to restate them again.
UltimateSonicFan Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 Hey Sith, do you want me to send you my WIP via e-mail? I wish I could have more but the bones of it, but I suck at drums, so even the WIP will lack them. Thank you.
The Joker Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 Oh yeah, I barely remembered you asked for drum help... somewhere in the boards. I wish I could help you USF. But I really can't without knowing what program your using... what sound your going for, your actual mix sounds like.
Patrick Burns Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 I've made comments about the left off tracks, and I'm not going to restate them again. for heaven's sake, people... this we-need-a-project-to-remix-this-track mentality is really annoying me. if there are some tracks you want hear arranged, then step up to the plate and take a crack at it! all you need is some interest (which im assuming you have seeing as though you are here) some software (there is plenty of free stuff on the net) and a little bit of help (found right here at ocr). i guess there are any number of reasons why some one would start a project, but the primary reason is to encourage everyone (and not just those who happened to be in right place at the right time and "claimed" their track) to remix a soundtrack that isn't getting much attention. actually being on a project, particularly one of this caliber, makes little difference... other than getting your track posted on a web site that is only going to be seen by ocr goers anyway
Rayza Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 if there are some tracks you want hear arranged, then step up to the plate and take a crack at it! Well it's one thing to say it, but something entirely different to do it. I'm hoping that this project will have a certain caliber of quality to it. Not just anyone will be able to grab some software and make a tune that can stand among the others as a collection. Sure, I encourage anyone to make a mix of something that hasn't yet been decided upon. However, if you're new to writing music, keep in mind it will probably be a long shot to be included.
Patrick Burns Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 Sure, I encourage anyone to make a mix of something that hasn't yet been decided upon. However, if you're new to writing music, keep in mind it will probably be a long shot to be included. not suggesting that anyone's mix would be added to the project... i just want more people to try this stuff out for themselves. btw, rayza. im getting a 404 on your remix of vega's theme
Rayza Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 btw, rayza. im getting a 404 on your remix of vega's theme Oh yeh.. I was cleaning out my webspace and forgot I had linked to that one.. It's back now, thanks..
Vilecat Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 if there are some tracks you want hear arranged, then step up to the plate and take a crack at it! Well it's one thing to say it, but something entirely different to do it. I'm hoping that this project will have a certain caliber of quality to it. Not just anyone will be able to grab some software and make a tune that can stand among the others as a collection. Sure, I encourage anyone to make a mix of something that hasn't yet been decided upon. However, if you're new to writing music, keep in mind it will probably be a long shot to be included. I didn't think a suggestion would create such a commotion. I do have an idea of how much work it can take to remix a song, and i know working with audio isn't my thing, even post-synchro. I doubt it can stop us from asking around though (there wouldn't be a Requests section on the board if so), out of curiosity. I also agree on the quality part, which is why beginners, or even non-remixers should only be spectators, and not try to accomplish a job we're not good enough at. But a more experienced remixer could do it for us Sorry sithlord-aku, if you got pissed at this. Can i do another suggestion though? When you said you previously talked about the matter... err... where is it exactly? Could you put it on the front page with the other info (big letters maybe)? It might keep people from asking over and over ;;
Rayza Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 IF YOU WANT A TRACK ON THE SOUNDTRACK THAT ISN'T LISTED IN THE OFFICIAL PROJECT TRACKLIST, MAKE A WIP. IF IT IS GOOD ENOUGH, I'LL LET IT ON, BUT I'M BEING EXTRA STRICT. I think the problem was that there was already like 25 tracks or something and it was getting a little lengthy. The meat and potatoes of the soundtrack are there, just a few tracks that people are nit-picking about. We'll see what happens I guess..
sae Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 370+ replies and I JUST NOW heard of this project? I must be getting old...I just hope you people do a better job than that Hedgehog Heaven piece of trash. Can you say "pwnt"? What? Aren't you sort of riding on the buzz created by HH, or am I not understanding your reply? I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stay away from the wip's. But, bah, I don't have the musical knowledge to help critique them, so no use sort of spoiling it for myself.
Rayza Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 What? Aren't you sort of riding on the buzz created by HH, or am I not understanding your reply? No, Snappleman didn't like HH overall. I don't think calling it a piece of trash would be the right way to put it either. Oh and 400 posts now, 1/5 of the way to getting this moved to the Site Projects forum!
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted March 22, 2005 Author Posted March 22, 2005 Yeah, what Rayza said And yes USF, you can email the song to me. I'd RATHER you message me though.
SnappleMan Posted March 22, 2005 Posted March 22, 2005 No, Snappleman didn't like HH overall. I don't think calling it a piece of trash would be the right way to put it either. But any other way wouldn't really be SnappleMan-ish ...
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