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don't overwork yourself

stay in bed and get plenty of sleep so you can remix like hell tomorrow :D

we don't want a dead remixer

Nothing new for either of my mixes.

I don't even know if I'll work on Sky Sanctuary anymore. And Staff Roll is in the shop :wink:


Hey Snapple, you have it confused. The final boss (after the death egg zone) is before doomsday zone. Its unfortunately too late by now, but if its not, try it.

EDIT: Never mind. I fear this whole album is going to be butchered in its continuity. This is a Sonic 3 & Knuckles album and instead its coming together in a conglomerate of remixes. First it was the Sonic 3 ending, now the rearrangement of order. We're just going to end up with a mess of idea's that share no common thread on this CD if more people decide to go off on their own tangent. I don't want to critisize you KFC because it takes a lot of work to keep this going, but you need to be more of a sonic fan to really care about it. I do not know your intentions, but they are clearly not to make a full remix of every song in S3&K as I desire. My wish is not to manage this, but for you to apreciate what you are doing. You are heading the first S3&K remix album, quite possibly the most anticipated set of remixes of all time. Please do not fuck this up by steering away from peoples' expectations.

  UltimateSonicFan said:
Hey Snapple, you have it confused. The final boss (after the death egg zone) is before doomsday zone. Its unfortunately too late by now, but if its not, try it.

EDIT: Never mind. I fear this whole album is going to be butchered in its continuity. This is a Sonic 3 & Knuckles album and instead its coming together in a conglomerate of remixes. First it was the Sonic 3 ending, now the rearrangement of order. We're just going to end up with a mess of idea's that share no common thread on this CD if more people decide to go off on their own tangent. I don't want to critisize you KFC because it takes a lot of work to keep this going, but you need to be more of a sonic fan to really care about it. I do not know your intentions, but they are clearly not to make a full remix of every song in S3&K as I desire. My wish is not to manage this, but for you to apreciate what you are doing. You are heading the first S3&K remix album, quite possibly the most anticipated set of remixes of all time. Please do not fuck this up by steering away from peoples' expectations.

LET ME TELLL.... whew... deep breath.... stay calm :)

Please don't question my fandom of Sonic. Just because my name isn't based around him, doesn't mean I'm not a huge fan.

I do not know your intentions, but they are clearly not to make a full remix of every song in S3&K as I desire.

Problem two my friend. This isn't about you. Just because the project is done to YOUR liking doesn't mean it will be bad. Just try to enjoy it when it's done. There are a lot of mixers that will disagree with what you said (based on the ideas expressed by them earlier) so I'm just telling you what most of the others think as well.

  KungFuChicken! said:
  Walan XVI said:
My only expectation is to hear some great music from a game I love playing.


When you hear a Final Fantasy arrangment album or piano collection or something, do you hear every single song from the soundtrack? Nope. Rise of The Star for example. Is it using every song in the soundtrack? Nope.

Right. I also believe that the DOOM project isn't using every track, as well.

In short, don't let a little thing like continuity keep you from enjoying this project or the music. If you really end up not liking the project, let it be because of the music, not because Doomsday Zone is coming before Final Boss.


*nods* I hate all this complaining that "ooohhh noooo. the song I wanted isn't on there" too bad. "oh no this song isn't in the order I want it to be." well you see here: the problem is that you want it to be like you want it and only you. more people want it the other way.those you matter at least.

  Sora said:
*nods* I hate all this complaining that "ooohhh noooo. the song I wanted isn't on there" too bad. "oh no this song isn't in the order I want it to be." well you see here: the problem is that you want it to be like you want it and only you. more people want it the other way.those you matter at least.

Ok, that's enough. We explained to him what we thought, but he doesn't deserve to be talked down to.

Sorry if I offended you. I just don't want this to get out of hand.

  Hadyn said:

Snappleman - the idea of a transition sounds cool, but what if my remix gets voted and not yours? Then the transition wouldn't work...

Simple solution, my good man! If your track wins over mine, I simply redo the ending. It wouldn't be more than a 20 minute matter.

  UltimateSonicFan said:
Hey Snapple, you have it confused. The final boss (after the death egg zone) is before doomsday zone. Its unfortunately too late by now, but if its not, try it.

No, I don't have it confused. I've been playing this game for 11 years of my life, believe me when I tell you that I know it backwards and forwards.

It's simply a matter of what works musically. Continuity is great if it works that way. Once I get both tracks done, I will decide how to transition them, and if it sounds better in the correct order, I will do it that way, if not, then it'll be the other way.

Just reverse the tracks on your playlist and you should be fine :D


Heck yeah. I'd love some patented ellywu styled symphonica. Heck even straight orchestral from you would pwn (that's right "pwn").

On a side note, I started work on Death Egg Zone. I wasn;t sure how it'd go over, seeing as I changed the genre & mood of the song. It's now a in a lullaby.. or dare I say, Elfman-esque style.

It's was the only natural way to remix the song IMO. Here is the linkage.



Joker... I'm liking this an unusually large amount... It's by no means perfect, but the arrangement is really nice.

The mastering needs some work, and obviously it needs to be a little longer, but it's a very nice 'calm before the storm' sort of piece, which I like a lot.

Do you use FL? If so, I might ask you to send the file my way and maybe I can help out with some of the mastering? There're a few things i'd like to try, but only if it's cool with you :)



Soooo, I had a shot at the carnival night thingo earlier on, in an electronic style... sounded way too crap and generic, so I scrapped it. Then, about an hour ago, I came up with a way that I could do a guitar version... Thing is, i'm sick/tired/clumsy, and so couldn't record my own guitar without stopping every five seconds to sneeze/collapse/or simply drop something. Sooo, I put my idea down in FL using Slayer.

Here's the basic jist of it:

Keep in mind that I'll likely start again when I feel well enough to record live, but yeah. I'm looking for comments on the overall feel and arrangement :)


  Hadyn said:
Soooo, I had a shot at the carnival night thingo earlier on, in an electronic style... sounded way too crap and generic, so I scrapped it. Then, about an hour ago, I came up with a way that I could do a guitar version... Thing is, i'm sick/tired/clumsy, and so couldn't record my own guitar without stopping every five seconds to sneeze/collapse/or simply drop something. Sooo, I put my idea down in FL using Slayer.

Here's the basic jist of it:

Keep in mind that I'll likely start again when I feel well enough to record live, but yeah. I'm looking for comments on the overall feel and arrangement :)


Hmm, I know that drum soundfont you're using. Some shitty power set from Hammersound, right? I don't think that sound works for the song. You need something that's more dry, and also other kinds of percussion too.

It would be really cool if you keep the originals carnival theme. Start it with a big fat bass drum, like the original, and then slowly build it up.

Tons of interesting percussion and a nice guitar lead would make this one really cool.


said exactly what I was gonna say.

more percussion would really give a nicer feel to C.N.. And the bass should be like the original.


Believe me KFC, I do not think that you are not a sonic fan because of your name, much less that I think you are not a fan at all. Its just that if you asked anyone from the sonic community what they would like, they would like to hear all the songs remixed, unabridged, and to share the same continuity the originals' had in the game. So when I said what I desire, what I meant is what the die-hard fans generally desire. Don't get me wrong, I like what we have so far. I hardly doubt that fans will be very disapointed. I'm saying that if everyone decided to do what "sounds better", we're going to have 5 songs on this album that have anything to do with the game.

On another note, it doesn't help me remix something by telling me to start over. Its like saying my WIP sucks. How the hell am I supposed to know what I did right and wrong? I've had numerous people tell me how they love the track, and several others who encouraged me to work more on it. I cannot believe my song is that bad. You told me what I already knew was bad- the samples, the messy "drum solo", the sax... *still does not know where the sax came in*. It is all supposed to be a placeholder anyways. I don't have an extra 100 dollars I can put down for symphony orchestra samples at any time I want as I have so many other expenses. I know you are more capable of telling me what is musically wrong than telling me to start over.

BTW: I apologize Snappleman. In an earlier post someone said that Final Boss came after Doomsday, and you went along with it. I assumed you thought this was the truth rather than thinking it was a technical aspect.


Thanks for the offer hadyn. I sent you a PM.

Anyway, on to you Xenon. I like your mix. But it sounds rather BGM instead of a real song. What I mean is try a little more production work. Take out that horrible sounding waterfall & get a better sample to put there. I suggest trackign down some sort of building geyser. You not. One that starts off with a low bass tremble then into an all out water blast. Vary the drums a bit. Heck, put in a electronica snare roll, it'll sound cool. I also suggest a dissonant synth to go along with the lead. And that guitarish ssound you have... doesn't sound to good. Maybe an fxed piano might sound better.

That' all I got for now.

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