Nineko Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 hey, I was just having an idea to save some bandwidth in the hot days... the mirror I'm going to set up has unlimited bandwidth too, but still, I think a temporary release on rapidshare can be a good thing during the first month.
Upthorn Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 hey, I was just having an idea to save some bandwidth in the hot days... This is exactly what bittorrent was designed to do.
Fox_Starwing Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 Wow, i'm a long tome user of OCR...and this is my first post. This project is the one I've been waiting for, I've had thoughts as I listen to S&K music like, "now you know what would rule, if snappleman or braincells, or maybe sir nuts remixed this." the foremost one in my mind is the boss two theme. Then I see that I get BOTH snappleman and braincells in the same song. I literally hollered at the top of my lungs, "OH YEAHHH!" when I saw this. So, can't wait for the release and keep up the good work! Veni, Vedi, Vastum. I came, I saw, I shot everyone in sight
jontilton Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 hey, I was just having an idea to save some bandwidth in the hot days... This is exactly what bittorrent was designed to do. i use bittorrent and i agree that it's a great way to save bandwidth, but some people dont like using it and/or aren't computer savvy enough to figure it out so i think using something like sendspace or rapidshare is a great idea
KyleJCrb Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 hey, I was just having an idea to save some bandwidth in the hot days... This is exactly what bittorrent was designed to do. i use bittorrent and i agree that it's a great way to save bandwidth, but some people dont like using it and/or aren't computer savvy enough to figure it out so i think using something like sendspace or rapidshare is a great idea These guys make a good point, although I think that the unlimited servers could handle the traffic. It definitely wouldn't hurt to make the project available on some filesharing sites, though.
SnappleMan Posted July 18, 2006 Posted July 18, 2006 I don't see why we can't make a torrent for this. All we need is a couple dedicated seeders, someone to make the torrent, and the internet.
Red Shadow Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 I would be all too willing to seed. I leave my PC on all the time anyhow.
hobo Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 I want to say I did something for this project, so I'll seed too.
jmr Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 I can probably set up a bittorrent client on one of the computers at work to seed as well. It's left on all day, and no one's there from 4:30 in the afternoon to 9 the next morning. And even when there are others using the internet, it's at most 4 people. I *LOVE* having no supervisor at work!
JackR Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 I'd be more than happy to seed this project while I'm sleeping/at work. I've only got 30KB/s upstream, but at least it's something.
CleverConveyence Posted July 19, 2006 Posted July 19, 2006 Once again, if you'd like access to a server with unlimited bandwidth, email . He's already said he'd be willing to help.
supremespleen Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 I'll seed. Maybe give seeders access to the torrent early? That way, some people will be seeding when the project is released.
PlastikBag Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 I've got about 100 KB/sec up, and I'd be happy to seed this project. I'd be able to seed all day long.
Hadyn Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 All offers sounds good, but I don't know anything about torrents/how to make them/whatever. Also, I don't actualy have the project files - the songs, etc. I'm going to leave it up to Snapps and blue to distribute that stuff to any hosts or seeders, if that's alright with them. There's just not heaps I can do in that respect.
Nineko Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 I suggested a non-torrent based solution because there are several people who can't (or doesn't want) to use torrents. I can't, for example. I still think a Rapidshare (or whatever) free mirror will help a lot in the first days. Yes, "unlimited bandwidth" are good words, but I don't know how the servers will react when hundreds of people will try to download songs at 200kB/sec, or even more. I'm not worried about my server, of course. I just want that people can get an adequate download speed even in the first rush that will be obvioulsy a bottleneck. but again, just my 0.02€
hobo Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 But if there's no torrent solution, then that'll mean that all the people who normally use torrents will be adding to the 'bottleneck'.
Spoom Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 A direct download solution is good too but IMHO Rapidshare is kinda annoying to use... a download "wait" timer and they block you for ~1 hour if you download more than one large file at a time. If you could find a less annoying solution it would be much appreciated. ...Course, I'm likely going to be using the torrents anyway, so feel free to ignore this opinion.
Kanjika Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 Well, I hope there's at least one good server, so I don't have to use torrents (which i can't). Thats is because I get wireless internet from my dad who thinks he has to have like 5 virus programs, 2 software firewalls, and the firewall in the modem turned on to be safe from "computer viruses". I've disabled the firewall many times, but now he put a password on rhe settings (working on getting around that). Right now no BT for me.
BLueBeRRyKiWi Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 I do also find Rapidshare & alikes really annoying because of the timers, ads, & stuffs. It's not something personnal, Nineko , I'll live even without the world cup What there will be at launch time: - at least 4 HTTP direct-download mirrors (if not 5-6). The project's website currently handles up to 5 links for each song. Clicking a link and instantly downloading the tracks is far less annoying than having to click 2-3 buttons, suffer from 4 more pop-ups and timers and finally downloading. - a dedicated 100 Mbits BT seeder. Again, this is a fully managed machine, I have full access on it, it is monitored by 4 people including me, no personnal hosting as ISP may provide. I will make the .torrents, but can someone tell me who's in charge of OCR's tracker ? DJP hasn't replied my PMs yet. - I have already set up 2 additional HTTP mirrors, in case of a (very unlikely) sudden failure of our servers. - I came up with a transparent redirection script that can randomly select between mirrors. This would cause users to be redirected to a mirror website, having different links, etc. - The main page, which currently hosts the teaser website ( is hosted on another dedicated machine. There will be NO song hosted on this machine, just the websites. To sum everything up, we DO have : - 3 dedicated servers, 1 for the websites only (and I really mean professional hosting dedicated servers) - 4 HTTP mirrors 3 days ago we released 2 50 MB videos on a pretty crowded website and we barely hit 3 Mbits/s average, 1% CPU, which litteraly begs for more load. Plus, I will have some friends seeding the project uppon release. As of yesterday, the teaser website got 15824 hits (each file, image, page is counted as one hit), and has generated almost 2 GB of bandwidth (~140 MB per day) which is far less than I expected. I honestly think we won't have to bother with such annoying sites as Rapidshare, Megaupload, etc. as we already have far more ressources than is needed. Anyway, trust me, during the first hours after the release I will be constantly monitoring my mirrors, if something looks like it's going bad, I will find backup solutions.
PlastikBag Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 I have to agree that rapidshare is just a bad idea. It would take away from the professionalism of this project. With a site as nice as you've constructed (if the teaser site is only a hint of what's to come), it would suck to link to a site infested with pop-ups, waiting in long lines, and putting in a code for average speeds.
Nineko Posted July 21, 2006 Posted July 21, 2006 to be honest, I think that you are right. I actually hate rapidshare. I thought it could be useful, but it seems that the servers will be powerful enough. Now... where is the project? >_>
BLueBeRRyKiWi Posted July 22, 2006 Posted July 22, 2006 Update! You may want to check And some people who were involved at the beginning of Project Chaos may also want to check their PM / mails More updates in the next few days.
KyleJCrb Posted July 22, 2006 Posted July 22, 2006 - a dedicated 100 Mbits BT seeder. Again, this is a fully managed machine, I have full access on it, it is monitored by 4 people including me, no personnal hosting as ISP may provide. I will make the .torrents, but can someone tell me who's in charge of OCR's tracker ? DJP hasn't replied my PMs yet. DJP generally doesn't even bother with PMs, especially with the forums migration to new software happening soonish. You're much better off emailing him at
Xenon Odyssey Posted July 22, 2006 Posted July 22, 2006 Holy shit. <3 GaMeBoX Icecap 4 Life indeed. OMG MORE LAVA REEF! edit: page 98 already? dang...
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