KyleJCrb Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 I've been wondering about something: The OCR Release things on the first post. What exactly are those? Songs that are getting posted to OCR either at the same time as or shortly after the project itself is released.
Nineko Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 While we've not posted a single mix for what I believe is the longest period in the site's historylol:07-19 Eternal Champions 'Perpetual Motion' by zircon 07-30 Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo 'I Don't Fight Boys' by Malcos, Red Tailed Fox 08-15 Tetris 'Thirty-Plus Mix' by R3FORGED one month between OCR1497 and 1499... this wait is killing me
Vilecat Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 Btw, what happened to Metal Sonic? I thought the 1st pose shown/used for the album was pretty cool. Is there a reason why it changed? Had to? Was too detailed compared to the others? Or just because? I'm just curious to know why. I just changed that because I thought it looked/fit in better, and I also thought it was kinda difficult to make him out in that other pose. But in light of your comment, maybe I was wrong about all of that? Also, after hearing Hadyn's mix, I've decided to revise my vote, if thats ok. I just edited my original post to avoid confusion. Maybe i was expecting to see the 1st one, but it took me a few seconds to get what the picture with the 2nd pose was supposed to be. Personnaly i didn't have any trouble seeing what the 1st was, i recognized it right away. Well, for either one, you can easily recognize them if you played the game (or Sonic 2 i guess?). I just thought the 1st one was spiffy and all that
Koelsch1 Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 And I have a better mouthpiece now Oh, what kind?
Xenon Odyssey Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 And I have a better mouthpiece now Oh, what kind? I bought an Otto Link Super Tone Master - New York; however, with a Vandorean 3 reed, I can't even produce a sound out of it . My music teacher is letting borrow his Meyer with toothguard on it until I get good enough to use the Otto Link. And to make this post nothing short of a PM, I'll cast me vote! 1. Icecap 4 Life 2. Frozen Lavareef 3. Azure Lake 4. Hydrochill 5. Heads up for Tails
NEG Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 My top 5 from the teaser site: 1)Azure Lake[wip] 2)Credits(demo) 3)New beginnings(demo) 4)Lava Passion(Final) 5)unseen beta(demo) Good luck on the release guys, I've been following it all the way.
Ixzion Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 Howdy gents! This is my first post on OCR, but I've been a follower since 2003-ish or so. But I HAD to register to place my vote for Hydrochill (I hope it wasn't already included like that awesome Doomsday mix). I want that song BAD, son! So, here goes: 1. Hydrochill!!!! For God's Sake! 2. Azure Lake [wip] 3. Heads Up for Tails 4. Water on the Dancefloor 5. New Beginnings (demo) Love the work OCR and this project's group have been doing, especially! Keep up the good work, guys! -Big OCR Fan
Upthorn Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 Due to Hadyn's additional WIP, I have revised my vote. My original vote has been removed from its post to avoid confusion. 1. Sir Nuts - Run for your life knuckles 2. DarkeSword - Sand Cap 3. Hadyn - Heads up for Tails 4. Ichitootah - S3k Sessions 5. Rayza - Azure Lake (wip) (Previously my number 5 vote was for Joker + Krispy - Unseenbeta)
SnappleMan Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 Well, since OCR 1500 is taking longer than expected, it looks like the project release will have to wait for a bit longer. This gives me time to get back home to NYC and listen to all the songs in peace and quiet, make sure everything is cool. With the lack of vacation-type activities I'll be able to revise all the release data and all that and syncronize with everyone involved so the release can be as smooth as possible. I still haven't gotten word from DJP about the 3 songs I'm asking to have posted on OCR, so I'm guessing he'd be too busy to worry about a project release at this time anyway.
Sindra Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Damn people and their punctuality disfunctions..... ...ahh, who the hell am I kidding. -.-
Subz1987 Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Revised list: 1. Credits (demo) 2. New Beginning 3. Azure Lake (WIP) 4. Water Passion (WIP) 5. Heads up for Tails
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted August 16, 2006 Author Posted August 16, 2006 Dude, what's your deal man?
SnappleMan Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Haha, I hope Subz realizes that I'm just messin around this is a fun lovin' thread, once in a while I like to act like an ass Anyway, I hope there's no hard feelings, Subz!
Hadyn Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 5. Heads up my ass That still counts as a vote for me though, right? ps. thanks for votes people!
hobo Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 I have returned from Florida, and I've whipped together a couple of new back designs with the updated tracklisting. Please tell me what you think.
Vilecat Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Woah, neon-ish, cool stuff. But if there's only 1 design to choose and no multiple possibilities, i'm afraid Spire already won my heart. The blurred Sonic & Knuckles back side doesn't work so well, it makes parts of the text unreadable. 1st back design is better, and a more sober style seems to suit your design well. Oh, and maybe fix the logo on the front so there's no blue in Knuckles' forehead anymore? Imo it'd look better/more uniform with the rest of the logo.
hobo Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Yeah, I didn't think the second one worked too well either, I just wanted to see if anyone else liked it. I'll see what I can do with the front logo. Does anything need to be done to that first back design, or would you say that's ok? EDIT: It suddenly occured to me that three discs wont fit inside a two-disc case properly, so I'm going to work on another second case design.
Vilecat Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 Not necessarly, but i'm curious to see how the back would look like if the logo was less blurred. I don't know how much less, and if it'd look cleaner and/or better. Other than that, my half-awake brain can't think of much to add, delete or change at the moment.
hobo Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 I'll get a less-blurred version up shortly. Also, what info do I need for the booklet? eg. Something about the project, special thanks or something.
Subz1987 Posted August 16, 2006 Posted August 16, 2006 I hope you got my list before changing it I do want to see Heads up for Tails on the CD I'm cool, man. I've been here long enough to not take many things too seriously (except this project)
supremespleen Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 Vandorean 3 reedVandorans are weird to play.You should try Rico Royal.
Vilecat Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 Vandorean 3 reedVandorans are weird to play.You should try Rico Royal. Or a Van 2 1/2 instead of a 3. They're generally a bit thicker/harder (by about 1/2) than Rico, or at least that's what it does for clarinets. Rico Royal is about as good, you're not about to play in an orchestra anyway. If you're familiar with the technique, you could always use a very fine rugged paper to make the Van 3 reed thinner, until you can play with more ease. Or just keep the Van 3 reeds until weaker ones don't make the job anymore.
MagiNinjA Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 or just try them all and see what's best. duh. (yes, I play the clarinet too. I have an R13.)
Xenon Odyssey Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 I've played Rico regular and Vandoran since elementary school, and I play Vandoran 3 now on a Meyer mouthpiece. I'll consider alternate reeds and such, but right now I'm busy getting ready for my last year of high school, so my jazz band arrangement I'm doing is more important than what my solo sound is. so, the release is going to be after OCR1500, but is there anything else after that? Or is it going to be OCR1500 *BOOM* Project Chaos release? That doesn't seem likely...
-RK- Posted August 17, 2006 Posted August 17, 2006 so, the release is going to be after OCR1500, but is there anything else after that? Or is it going to be OCR1500 *BOOM* Project Chaos release? That doesn't seem likely... I just figured OCR1500 would get a week or two of solid exposure in that spotlight box, and then we'd slowly just kinda... slide in. But in a BIG BANG sorta way.
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