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i hope you guys won't murder me for hurrying you guys up or anything but when do we get to see a final hosting date for this project?
it may be out by the end of 2006.

all I say is...take your time, the best work is the one that you put time in it, thank you...yes this is my first post...but I came because a friend of mine showed me this project lol

I look forword to it

i hope you guys won't murder me for hurrying you guys up or anything but when do we get to see a final hosting date for this project?

When it's done.

for what I know, it IS done (but one track).

we're just waiting for djp, who didn't post a remix "for the longest time in the site history".

release the project already, who cares about OCR #1500.


Was there a particular reason that they couldnt release the 1500 AND Project Chaos at the same time? I mean it would be cool because then instead of two seperate headlines you could have one big one. Now I know that's probably not going to happen, but I was just wondering why exactly.

Unless of course this was discussed before, then in that case disregard this whole thing. :lol:

But what exactly is it that we're waiting for to be finished? Is it just Snappleman's Doomsday track? I'm not asking when, just wondering what the hold up is.

Yes, SnappleMan's Doomsday track is the last song, but that's only a tiny part of what is holding things up. As he said a few pages ago, Snapple is planning on going back through all of the tracks and remastering them. There's also most likely some finishing touches being put on the artwork and final website, not to mention bonus content integration, ID3 tags, making up the torrent, garnering more mirrors if necessary, along with whatever else. There's a lot more to a (good) project than just plopping the songs on some webspace. Oh, and DJP has to release remix #1500 onto OCR first, which should be within the week.


Yes, SnappleMan's Doomsday track is the last song, but that's only a tiny part of what is holding things up. As he said a few pages ago, Snapple is planning on going back through all of the tracks and remastering them. There's also most likely some finishing touches being put on the artwork and final website, not to mention bonus content integration, ID3 tags, making up the torrent, garnering more mirrors if necessary, along with whatever else. There's a lot more to a (good) project than just plopping the songs on some webspace. Oh, and DJP has to release remix #1500 onto OCR first, which should be within the week.

That was a very good and true post, just wanted to quote it for emphasis.


Yes, SnappleMan's Doomsday track is the last song, but that's only a tiny part of what is holding things up. As he said a few pages ago, Snapple is planning on going back through all of the tracks and remastering them. There's also most likely some finishing touches being put on the artwork and final website, not to mention bonus content integration, ID3 tags, making up the torrent, garnering more mirrors if necessary, along with whatever else. There's a lot more to a (good) project than just plopping the songs on some webspace. Oh, and DJP has to release remix #1500 onto OCR first, which should be within the week.

That was a very good and true post, just wanted to quote it for emphasis.

Well, I'm doing this too, you know. ;)

Go figure that a couple hours later, DJP posts 1500. :lol:

OCR 1500 has been released.

It's only a short amount of time now!

No. Shut up.

I see you have the enthusiasm also.

well he had the right, I think we are all tired of people not wanting to wait for anything in my eyes


Actually, for your information, I have been very patient. I wouldn't care if it took another year to be released. I'm aware how much work goes into getting such projects released. I would be more upset if it was released to early and sounded bad, than it was released many months later and sounded teriffic.

Perhaps I did sound impatienet with that post though. If I did, my mistake.


Yes, SnappleMan's Doomsday track is the last song, but that's only a tiny part of what is holding things up. As he said a few pages ago, Snapple is planning on going back through all of the tracks and remastering them. There's also most likely some finishing touches being put on the artwork and final website, not to mention bonus content integration, ID3 tags, making up the torrent, garnering more mirrors if necessary, along with whatever else. There's a lot more to a (good) project than just plopping the songs on some webspace. Oh, and DJP has to release remix #1500 onto OCR first, which should be within the week.

That was a very good and true post, just wanted to quote it for emphasis.

Just don't let him screw stuff up like Prot and the Relics of the Chozo. "Remastering," though, sounds a lot safer than, "collabing or soloing every fucking song," and I trust Snapple a hell of a lot more than Prot... though I guess this would make this post irrelavent, I'll leave this up for anyone thinking the same thing as me.

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