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THe next deadline is coming up. People who don't have any work at this point get kicked off the project.

I should also have another good update by then, so check back with this thread!

And don't worry about making something epic and spectacular by this weekend. All we want to hear is SOME progress.

And most importantly, DO NOT POST FINISHED WORK HERE!

Finished work ONLY goes to KFC and I.


Holy fuck i only have tonight and tommorw night to work on my wips!!! Ill be away from home on friday, saturday, and sunday (but ill still have access to the internet, just no remixing.)

And will you take me off icecap and put me on hidden palace already!? :P


sheesh, how many people are doing hidden palace already? :P

Anyway... yeah. While inbetween sessions of mastering down the finished incarnation for my Angel Island work I already started on a Competition Menu interpretation. I'll probably put up a minute-long demo tomorrow. :)


*flail* take me off Sky Sanctuary already. Mine's sucked so I stopped working on it ages ago. And Hadyn's been busy (as to be suspected :wink:) so we'll probably just be posting the same one that I posted before. (my copy not the collab.)

and I was wondering, do you guys want an intro song? (the sonic3 intro song?) [( I PMed KFC)] [({I'm impatient})] :wink:

I think the track that people are seeing as an intro is the Data Select theme. Sorry to see things aren't quite working out though, Sora :(

what I meant to say was "for the second CD what would be the intro?" (at least that's what I was asking KFC)


ah, now I understand O.o knowing the course of the game I think it's Mushroom Hill Zone, although I think we can do with some further clarification.

(That reminds me, one of these days I'll redo my own elder incarnation in some cleaner form or other. Yeah. I hate BuzzMachines.)


I meant would you rather have the Menu Select or the S3 Intro/S&K Intro to start off the CD?



Everything will be settled down by mid-late next week. After I get all the WIPs, I'll set final people to the tracks, then the REAL project will start.

My goal is to have as few people competing as possible, so that we can narrow it down and not have people wasting their time on tracks they most likely wont win anyway. (may sound a little harsh, but I was never known to be a softee ;) )

Hadyn's been busy (as to be suspected :wink:) so we'll probably just be posting the same one that I posted before. (my copy not the collab.)

I'm sorry hey, not only have I had all these different mixes to work on, but I have exams and a massive assignment to worry about now... With work on top of all of that, it's pretty hectic around here ^^;


Yeah. Things have been getting hectic & one unexpected thing after another seems to be occurring in me lifes. I'll try to have an updated version of Death Egg, but it won;t be much changed other than a few compositional differences as well as a new piano sample. I'll try, but the latest wip might have to do.

I'll talk to krispy & try to get a demo of the collab version of Beyond the Horizon.


Alright, even though I asked for it I didn't get put in as a candidate for the Competition Menu theme. But, I wrote a WIP anyway. :P

You can't have Rexy without piano coverage, am I right? Hehe. What I did was give in a light jazz piano feel towards that theme, as shown by the overall rhythmic surge towards the instrumentation itself. I was kind of hoping for a salooney feel before the racing challenges begin, which usually can be imagined to be the case for racers in real life.

And for those who don't get the "bar owner" in the title, that's named after Michael Schumacher, the most notorious F1 racer from the past 10 years or so 8O

I've got the basic arrangement itself fully established, I just need a few picking upon the technical procedings. Course, the mood is a big, big twist-around from Tomorrow's Wake so that could be saying something.

But be wary, I have a week left to mix stuff. Gulp?

Alright, even though I asked for it I didn't get put in as a candidate for the Competition Menu theme. But, I wrote a WIP anyway. :P

You can't have Rexy without piano coverage, am I right? Hehe. What I did was give in a light jazz piano feel towards that theme, as shown by the overall rhythmic surge towards the instrumentation itself. I was kind of hoping for a salooney feel before the racing challenges begin, which usually can be imagined to be the case for racers in real life.

And for those who don't get the "bar owner" in the title, that's named after Michael Schumacher, the most notorious F1 racer from the past 10 years or so 8O

I've got the basic arrangement itself fully established, I just need a few picking upon the technical procedings. Course, the mood is a big, big twist-around from Tomorrow's Wake so that could be saying something.

But be wary, I have a week left to mix stuff. Gulp?

Dammit woman, I added you!


since I'll probably be gone in the next few days:


It's only the stuff I worked on. When Hadyn's done juggling his busy life style we'll put something entirely new together. :wink: (poor Hadyn's always busy :lol: ) and Snappleman never really answered the question of: "Should we have the S3 intro start the second CD?".

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