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The bottom line is this: 21 of the remixes are complete, 5 are being worked on, and just one 1 is unclaimed.

Actually, me + Rexy, Xenon Odyssey and Geoff Taucer were competing for the unclaimed one, and Snapple told me yesterday that we got the track.

But you know how lazy he is to update the first page...


I know I don't want to bring the debacle in this thread, but I swear that this is NOT Michael Jackson that we're remixing. :whatevaa:

Has he responded to any emails you sent him, Snaps? If not, I can only guess that he's still sick, so I think you know what to do.

In my absence, Snapple, if I'm not up by Monday, please take over the guitar work on Credits.

Well, that monday came and went, and he's still struggling to come here. What do you think you should do?

Have you tried calling him back? I'm sure that if your phone allows it you'd have been able to view his number as he dialled you.

I'll try calling him tonight after 9 (free nights and weekends, and I'm almost over in minutes). I have his numba.

WTT trade MWW song for Data Select PST


and also, just to clarify...lava reef has been taken care of already, right?

mmo term

translation: Willing to trade a mmw project song to listen to Data Select. Please send a pm.

But Data Select isn't done yet. :P


Hey KFC, I was trying to finish re-recording the takes for Final Boss but most of my Cubase projects got corrupted somehow. I'll have to use the pre-final I sent you a while back (the one I asked you to send back to me). The takes are all great in that one and I'm extremely happy with how it turned out anyway, so I don't see a problem.

Anyway, as soon as I finish with tomorrows exams I'll finish work on the unclaimed/unfinished tracks. No sense in waiting around for anything. I might just ask random people to contribute something to the songs, maybe a chaotic collaboration session by a few of the project artists, put some fun back into things.

maybe a chaotic collaboration session by a few of the project artists, put some fun back into things.

Sounds good!

I still haven't had a chance to look at putting the site into PHP (rather than coldfusion). I'm still caught up in assignments and paid graphic design jobs, but I'll hopefully be able to look at it within the next couple of weeks. Regardless, the Flash website could still go online sooner, as a sort of "coming soon" promo site. I have two very cool background tracks for it which will be enough for starters.

All I need now is whatever info the project directors want to appear on it.

This includes info for the "news" and "about" pages, and perhaps some stuff for the "thanks" and "links" pages, though that can wait until the project release. It's just that, for the site to be made public, I definitely need info for the news and about pages. I think Snapps said he was going to handle this a while ago, so yeah, if you could, now would be a decent time to write up some stuff.

This page is mainly for promotion purposes, more in-depth info will be displayed on the php site later, once I get around to transcoding it. So yeah. Just a paragraph or two about how awesome the project is will be enough :)


I might just ask random people to contribute something to the songs, maybe a chaotic collaboration session by a few of the project artists, put some fun back into things.

AIM me plz :wink:


We appreciate your offer Nineko, but I think Snapple meant in-house project people collabs. :?

Nonetheless, sounds fun; if you want me involved in any of which, it'll have to be until after April 23rd, if you really want to know.

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