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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Posted (edited)
get 3 points, sit on them with 2 2 and 1 with a level advantage and win

Isn't this already what you're supposed to do?

The idea behind the late comeback is that a team gets no persistent advantages for doing well early. In Summoners Rift, if you do well early, you are rewarded with more gold and experience, so you're basically encouraged to play well throughout the entire game. In Dominion, the team that gets persistent advantages is the one that drops below 125 tickets, so it would make sense to me to pick 5 hypercarries who hit their stride once they get 3-4 big items, sit on two points until you drop below 125, then start rolling the enemy team. Once both teams are below 125 the advantages will at best be evened out, which is a WAY better position for you as the winning team than having a 500 - 125 lead.

Also, why you should hold onto the 3 points closest to your side: They're easier to defend and it's basically impossible for the enemy team to stealth cap. They will have to apply consistent pressure to a point (most likely the center top one because of the shorter walking distance), which should usually be manageable, depending on hero lineup.

Once you start attacking a fourth point you inevitably have to leave your other points unguarded, which opens you up for a stealth cap. And even if you do succeed, the fourth point will always be way closer to the enemy spawn, so it will be way harder to hold.

Edited by Tensei
guys we're not allowed to have fun in dominion we have to figure out how to force a laning phase

Screw that. I have to figure out where to start my jungle path at.


I'm currently at about 200 wins looking for a duo queue partner or more to play with. I'm trying to get into Ranked games and I play Ashe, Leona, Morgana, and Janna. Add me if you're interested in playing:

Username: Lostinthamusic

I'm currently at about 200 wins looking for a duo queue partner or more to play with. I'm trying to get into Ranked games and I play Ashe, Leona, Morgana, and Janna. Add me if you're interested in playing:

Username: Lostinthamusic

go ahead and add me =) i am always looking for someone else to queue with. solo queues are boring as sin.

level 30

i don't get it people don't get any smarter at the top level they just know how to build better


No they don't. You still run into stupid things like Warmog's on Cho, and Ashe/Cait/MF who rush Phantom Dancers as their first item, and so on, and so forth. :neutral:


Level doesn't need to be an indicator of skill because that's what ELO is for. Level is just a measure of how much time you've played. I'm sure that does have some kind of correlation to player skill, but obviously time played is not the same thing as wins v losses, which is what ELO measures.

Level doesn't need to be an indicator of skill because that's what ELO is for. Level is just a measure of how much time you've played. I'm sure that does have some kind of correlation to player skill, but obviously time played is not the same thing as wins v losses, which is what ELO measures.

True, but given the amount of time it takes to hit 30, one would assume people would have a grip on how to play the game and build their characters.

On another note...Xerath as a jungler? That would be awesome if he's able to do it.

Level doesn't need to be an indicator of skill because that's what ELO is for. Level is just a measure of how much time you've played. I'm sure that does have some kind of correlation to player skill, but obviously time played is not the same thing as wins v losses, which is what ELO measures.

Except in Normal your ELO is hidden so the only indicator is level.


the leveling system is bad because you can only use the worthwhile runes at level 20+ and no game should be designed around rewarding people simply playing it rather than playing it well

I'm convinced that there's a whole subset of people who grinded up to level 30 playing nothing but vs AI games.
A friend of mine is planning on doing this. He plays games on the same side as humans, but it's always AI opponents. I thought he was crazy, but I had 6 games in a row where I had less than stellar players on my team and the idea sounded tempting.

"You're starting in the top lane [of Twisted Treeline]? You're an idiot." (No declaration to rush bottom, mind. I'm simply stupid for choosing heads instead of tails.)

"Hey, you KSed that minion!" (He complained about KSing the whole game to both me and the other teammate on TT, but this was particularly petty. Granted, I did, but he probably could have killed a minion in the time it took to complain about it.)

"Summoner has disconnected." (When the enemies have killed all the other champions and our only hope to stop them from making significant progress or winning is that one player. This has happened multiple times, one time when we had managed to do significant damage to the enemy base and it was quite possible for us to still win.)

And the perplexing case of the enemy team losing 20 minutes into a Summoner's Rift game before we even made extreme headway into the game. Apparently, a hacker/griefer caused an auto-surrender. No clue how it happened. I would have preferred playing the game and losing to the free 150 IP.


Point is: gamers kinda suck. I had a good game after a long time, and I generally don't have problems. But if that subset exists, I understand why. It might have less to do with leveling than you think.

And I wanted to mention my summoner name: Reiloh. I've been doing nothing but Dominion lately because it's fast-paced and people don't have the luxury of time to complain.

Posted (edited)

Well, I'm like level 8 and I keep playing against AI, just because I don't want to end up being a burden to my team, and also to test out various summoners.

Edit: Ok started playing real games and well, why do people keep dropping if everything isn't perfect?

Edited by The Author
Level doesn't need to be an indicator of skill because that's what ELO is for. Level is just a measure of how much time you've played. I'm sure that does have some kind of correlation to player skill, but obviously time played is not the same thing as wins v losses, which is what ELO measures.

here's why i suggest halo 2's leveing system.

+1 - halo 2 allowed you to level independent of different game modes. coop vs. ai and 3v3 and customs don't count towards your total level.

+1 - leavers earned negative exp. while disconnect issues do crop up, it's more frustrating to have someone just leave. this fixes it.

+1 - your stats tracked wins and losses per map. while you can't see how someone does per map since there's only a few, tracking w/l ratios over champs and being able to see that will allow improvement for people who care. even if they're only visible by you as the player.

+1 - you could lose levels due to consistent poor play. while bad teams do drag you down occasionally, as a whole players average higher or lower in certain key statistics. halo tracked KDR, but since that's not as accurate as comparing gameplay to a baseline, go from there. my point isn't that you should lose a level since you lost ten games in a row, but you should lose a level since you lost ten games in a row AND went an average of 1-10-1 in those games as amumu or singed, characters that may not get lots of kills but should be able to generate assists simply by being around fights and using AoE moves. halo 2 also didn't punish you as much if you accounted for less than 1/Xth of your team's total kills and assists (as in, one fragment of the size of the team), even if you had just gotten steamrolled. so if you lose 50-15 with two towers down, and don't contribute 1/5th of your team's total damage or total takedowns, then you should lose a bit extra as well.

i, like zero, feel that a visible ELO that matters in normal games as well as ranked is a big deal, and would prevent the huge win-loss ranges that you see. i'll often win a game big - like, 60-20, steamroll win, not ever close - and then get rolled the next game by a combination of skillful play by the other team and comically bad play by mine. a good example is a day ago, when i went 16-2-8 in my first normal akali game. the next game i played amumu, and wound up surrendering at 25m with only two towers left (in my original lane) of the nine lane towers. we got rolled 50-12, with half of those deaths being credited to two people in bottom lane. it seems every game is either a huge win or a huge loss, with no consistency in the skill level of either team. basing it around a level means that it's not about the time that people play as much as it is about the ability of the player.

as for runes, use two level ratings. one in respect to how long they've played - maybe a summoner "age" - and one to show ability. allow runes to be used only to summoners over 18 of "age", for example.

Posted (edited)
Well, I'm like level 8 and I keep playing against AI, just because I don't want to end up being a burden to my team, and also to test out various summoners.

Edit: Ok started playing real games and well, why do people keep dropping if everything isn't perfect?

if you keep playing ai games you're going to get even more fed up with humans when you do so don't keep doing that, you'll miss everything you're supposed to be picking up on.

in ai games you can just do pretty much whatever but in a pvp setting there are certain tropes that people will expect you to know and if you jump into pvp at say, level 12, people will rage if you don't understand why you don't go mid as taric or something like that

edit: i've made up my mind to save up for xerath im not that far away from getting the ip. can't wait to autolock battle with other people

Edited by The Derrit

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