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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Hahaha, so good.

Also I'm now at about 1340 ELO, the highest I've been in awhile. Playing almost exclusively Graves, with some Ashe and Soraka mixed in. I've found that if you can really zone people out at bot and get high CS, it can significantly impact the game. Sometimes other lanes will feed but I'm 50-60 CS ahead of the enemy carry, usually with no deaths and a few kills/assists as well. I also always do the 3x Doran's/Wriggles build now. It's so safe and strong.

You and I need to dual queue at some point. My current partner has been really dropping the ball and you can only do so much when your jungler is failing. I was around mid 1500s but now I'm low 1300s. Maybe it's cause I'm not regressing to rage. I have no fuel to end my disappointment.

You and I need to dual queue at some point. My current partner has been really dropping the ball and you can only do so much when your jungler is failing. I was around mid 1500s but now I'm low 1300s. Maybe it's cause I'm not regressing to rage. I have no fuel to end my disappointment.

Sure. I would say mid and bot probably influence games the most, at least from my experience. A fed enemy top usually isn't that much of a problem, whereas a fed mid or bot can spell big trouble. I don't usually care about the enemy jungler. Can't remember the last time I got ganked in earlygame since wards counter just about every jungler.


fiona's kit is quite a bit more fun than i had expected. you can defend yourself pretty well with riposte as long as you don't jump into the middle of an enemy team and you have really good short-term damage output

She's basic, but I think she's pretty fun. Moreso than Naut ended up being, to me at least.

know what's fun? jungle blitz. his ganks are absurd, no one gets away, and when you build him tanky ad, he pushes towers like a boss. i've only had one game where i was more than one death past negative, and i always get loads of assists and deal second-most damage. he's just so much fun, and can push towers all over the map if he brings teleport.

  • 2 weeks later...

Met up with some of the Riot folks at GDC. Really nice people in every way. Morello was around, helping someone who had never played LoL before play their first game. I also got to chat with Veigar, one of the folks involved with competitive balance and making LoL an even better e-sport. It was a great conversation. He agreed that they want to get away from the current meta but they want to keep things organic, ie. they don't want to force the meta one way or the other. I told him about my team comp idea (2x AP bot, ranged AD mid/top, tanky AD jungler) and he was interested :-P

Posted (edited)
support champ released after tons and tons of people begging

cue complaining now

No one's complaining. Everyone seems to love her so far.

Doesn't hurt that it's a Xyph champ, and his champions are the best.

EDIT: All the rage this patch is coming from the Irelia nerfs, which do seem a bit out of nowhere.

Edited by Dexie
Posted (edited)
it seems you haven't had to lane against an irelia in a while

Actually I have. I'll agree her ult is nuts, that nerf was deserved, but the healing on her Hiten Style? It's so minor that cutting it in half makes no damn sense, especially compared to, I dunno, Warwick's passive+Q?

I understand they're trying to cut sustain across the board, but come on, there are champs with far better sustain than the healing on Irelia's W.

EDIT: Aw hell yeah, Lulu login screen. Nice new arrangement of the LoL theme too.

Edited by Dexie
Actually I have. I'll agree her ult is nuts, that nerf was deserved, but the healing on her Hiten Style? It's so minor that cutting it in half makes no damn sense, especially compared to, I dunno, Warwick's passive+Q?

I understand they're trying to cut sustain across the board, but come on, there are champs with far better sustain than the healing on Irelia's W.

lol riot nerfing warwick ever

you silly boy


Warwick has already been nerfed a few times in the past. His W used to be a global attack speed buff, and Q used to heal for 100% of the damage dealt. Even as it is now, it's pretty impossible to harass Warwick out of lane as long as he's got levels in Q and enough mana regen to use it.

I understand they're trying to cut sustain across the board, but come on, there are champs with far better sustain than the healing on Irelia's W.

the existence of these champs does not mean that irelia's sustain did not need to be nerfed

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