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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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i love vel'koz but i rarely get to play him. i'm usually in support or jungle and i prefer initiation supports.

i find that his mana costs are so stupid low and his ratios so good that starting with a ring and getting a chalice early is usually enough to never, ever run out of mana. that's with being poke-happy too.

one thing i do on him a lot is go for cd boots instead of spellpen, simply because i just stack damage in every other slot and i rarely end up with cd that way. if i get a deathfire late i'll drop them and get spellpen boots, but otherwise it's just not worth it in my opinion. the cd gives you way better everything rather than just doing a few percent more damage.


Hey, add me to the player list. I've been back into LoL something fierce, lately. I mostly play ARAM, though, to those who might be interested in joining me at some point. I'll do the occasional SR match, but I just find ARAM to be a helluva lot more fun.

EDIT: Durrrrr, forgot, my screen name is BeatdropMusic.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Log in to LoL after over a year of not playing, notice everyone on my friend list is in some ranked division or another, funniest part being that some guys who were complete scrub-lords when I played are now gold and platinum players, and people I remember as being completely sensible and willing to cooperate are in silver/bronze. Looks like everything is working as intended?

At least it's a lot prettier now! The biggest problem I'm having playing is that the store feels really slow to navigate, but it did ever since they changed it to have recommended/all items with a bunch of nested menues.

  • 1 month later...
did they nerf tristana yet

Yes!! Tristana and Lucian both got some Nerfs last patch. Tristanas base attack speed per level went from 4% to 2.5%. Her Rapid Fire ability got a small buff to help compensate, but the duration of the ability also got nerfed pretty good too. It went from 7 seconds to 5 seconds.

  • 6 months later...

Hey guys, i'm looking for more people to join  our LCS fantasy league! 


The way it works is that the bottom ranked people at the end of the season have to buy a skin for the top ranked people. If you are in the middle of the pack, you do nothing, and get nothing!


Any interest?


Hey guys, i'm looking for more people to join  our LCS fantasy league! 


The way it works is that the bottom ranked people at the end of the season have to buy a skin for the top ranked people. If you are in the middle of the pack, you do nothing, and get nothing!


Any interest?

That sounds like fun! I would like to join.


I cannot wait until Ekko is nerfed.  He is way overtuned as he is now.  In the meantime, do any of ya'll know good openings of when to fight him?  Pre-6 he's vulnerable, but after that it feels impossible to go all in.  When you do, he'll just shield + 2 second aoe stun (which I think is the most blatantly overpowered part of his kit) and then ult any damage away.


The best thing I can come up with is use long-range pokey champs like xerath or vel'koz.  The damage won't be enough for him to ult it away, so you poke him out of lane.  Plus you won't be in range of his dash-blink.  Thoughts?


Ekko's gonna be another Yasuo. He's definitely overtuned right now, but not nearly as much as everyone is whining, and he will guaranteed get overnerfed by the time Riot's done with him. I will say he has too strong an early game for how well he scales.


His W is so hard to land, I don't know why you're having so much trouble with it. You have to place it 3 seconds in advance, and the field lasts for a blink of an eye, most of the time you'll miss the stun, the .5 second notice is enough time for most players to dodge it. It's definitely nice in a wombo, though.

As it stands, I think the strong stun is a good reward for how hard it is to actually use effectively.

The shield is too strong, though. I'd say nerf it from 80% AP to 60% and see how that flies (though i can see it going as low as 40%).


It's his passive that's bonkers. 40% for 2 seconds at level 1, scaling up to 80% for 3 seconds? That's a slow for your target AND a speed boost for you. I think it could be cut in half (20% at level 1 to 40% at level 18), but I think it's better to shave a full second off the duration at all levels, and only cut 20% at max level, really focus him in on an assassin pattern rather than sustained hyper carry.


But ALSO cut the base damage on his passive, to give him a more vulnerable early game.

His E is the definition of mobility creep, but I don't think that represents as much a problem with Ekko as with the overall state of the game.


So yes, he needs some significant changes, but I don't think he's nearly as strong as people are saying.

That said, I like his kit. He's fun to play and fun to play against because he's all about making use of interesting mechanics available to you. I like him for the same reasons I like Yasuo. Playing with or against him is more about outplaying your opponent than outplaying their champion.

  • 1 year later...

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