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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Posted (edited)

Warwick and Udyr are close to unkillable in lane but that doesn't make them better in lane than in the jungle. Fiddlesticks isn't a bursty caster like Ryze or Annie and putting him solo mid really just nerfs his ganking potential to hell because you completely miss out on the infamous bush + ult = CAW CAW CAW combo in earlygame.

Edited by Tensei
After winning a teamfight or getting a succesful gank, taking a tower is *always* a bigger priority than taking Baron or Dragon. Enemy losing towers = More map control for you, which in turn gives you the opportunity to take Baron or Dragon without even needing to win a teamfight prior.

I'd just like to echo how important this is - I've lost games because people are trying so hard to be pro that they forget that we actually have to take down the nexus

they're fixing kayle's passive, finally. maybe she'll be better in-game now.

the funny thing is how every single ability that reduced a percentage of armor and/or mr suffered from the same bug and Riot apparently only noticed recently enough to fix it this patch


They said he wouldn't be in the store until a few hours after the servers went up.

They plan on doing this for all new champions, making sure their servers are stable after a patch before letting people buy them.

same thing happened with wukong, where he wasn't available for a while after the servers went live.

anyone played with skarner? he looks really fun.

Skarner isn't anywhere near Day1 LeBlanc or Nocturne but he's pretty damn fun. Solid jungle ganker. Doesn't deal with heavy burst teams but given enough time to breathe in fights he'll keep coming back with a lot of movespeed, attack speed, and health because of his exoskeleton spell.

And it's a smart idea to do updates this way now. You don't tax your servers with logins and downloads all at the same time. By waiting for most of the community to be logged back in before releasing the hero they had no downtime or problems with the shop which is previously unheard of for Riot.


played a few games with galio and wukong today, since they're free. wukong is pretty enjoyable - i can see him doing well as an offtank/burst dps guy, especially mid game. i want to try to build him with crazy lifesteal and see what happens, and also try an AP build with him. he's so much fun to just bushdodge the snot out of the other team, because people don't realize his stealth is a clone and not him.

galio is just so much fun if your team knows anything about him. i played a game earlier where i went 5-4-40 with him, and i played a game where i went 1-7-7 with him. he's great if your lanemate knows what they're doing, and he's great in teamfights where you have an awesome initiation or the other team has limited cc, so you don't get knocked around a lot. the 5-4-40 game was against a team with three heavy AD carries, where i could build an enormous amount of damage in the two seconds that my ult was up, and then gangplank would ult and finish up. he got a pentakill and two quad kills doing that =) the 1-7-7 game we got bad pubs and just couldn't get going, but galio's e does a nice job of getting people out of fights that are hopeless.

edit: i thought it was funny in phreak's video that his first gank with skarner ended with him being annihilated by the turret on a dive when it was pretty clear he should have GTFO of there. good to know it's not just me :<


galio is just so much fun if your team knows anything about him. i played a game earlier where i went 5-4-40 with him, and i played a game where i went 1-7-7 with him. he's great if your lanemate knows what they're doing, and he's great in teamfights where you have an awesome initiation or the other team has limited cc, so you don't get knocked around a lot. the 5-4-40 game was against a team with three heavy AD carries, where i could build an enormous amount of damage in the two seconds that my ult was up, and then gangplank would ult and finish up. he got a pentakill and two quad kills doing that =) the 1-7-7 game we got bad pubs and just couldn't get going, but galio's e does a nice job of getting people out of fights that are hopeless.


i just went 5/2/16 and it was awesome

Posted (edited)

Skarner's ult does look like it has some hilarious capabilities. He seems like he's not too powerful, but can definitely help in team fights and keep himself alive fairly well.

I wish he wasn't 6300 IP though, I was thinking of buying him but I want Leona first. :<


Also, I second this:

Song of the Summoned Contest 2.

This.... this should win.

Edited by Amphibious

i keep wanting to call galio garion i wonder why

also i want him really badly this week will be spent saving up for him so i can play him all the time.. he farms creeps like crazy so by endgame you're guaranteed to be invincible


saw that this morning. soooo true =)

tensai, it's around two seconds, and skarner doesn't move his normal speed when he's got someone in tow. mostly i've seen it used as a stun to let people catch up, and to pull an enemy AD carry off of your team's carry.

haven't seen a skarner go positive yet, so maybe i'm just getting terrible players.

Posted (edited)
I went 19/2/13 with skarner

You mean 29/2/21. In a co-op vs AI game. Those don't count.

I went pretty consistently positive with Skarner averaging around 10/2/13 for 4 games last night until I played too long and was tired so I kind of did average with 1:1 KDR for two games. He's a lot deadlier than people expect. I won a lot of 3v1s that I did not expect to win against heroes that usually do a lot of burst. With a Wriggles, Trinity Force, and Hextech Gunblade he is quite tanky and outputs a great amount of damage. The fact that I could disable the enemy carry as I finished off the squishy or disable their Alistar so I could freely devour their carry is phenomenal. Also as reference to how good he really is up until maybe the 35 min mark in two of the games I could take on the enemy Trynd who was decently farmed and had a few kills 1v1 with no fear. Exoskeleton is absolutely amazing.

I don't notice moving slower with the ult on but no you cannot flash. The duration is long enough honestly. Any longer and it would be too good. Also I don't know about Rampage since I haven't played him in forever but Skarner can actually attack whoever he has impaled.

His weakness lie in heavy cc and high mobility teams. He's a melee assassin. Much like Nocturne his ganks tend to predicate the rest of his game but where Nocturne can force himself onto his opponents easily, Skarner is in general a stronger hero but has to work harder to get in their faces.

Edited by eternal Zero

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