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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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The same thing about lane pushing in HoN applies to LoL; Don't AoE down creep waves unless you're deliberately pushing down a tower, or if your own shit is getting pushed in. Creeps clashing near your tower is a good thing at almost any point in the game, as it gives you safe, free farm.

This is something I'm starting to think sounds good on paper, but more often than not doesn't matter in a typical game. What I usually see happen is something along the lines of:

1. Dude AoEs the creeps.

2. Hangs back while wave pushes to the tower.

3. Tower gets all the kills and pushes it back.

4. Rinse, repeat.

Kind of how harrass is theoretically important, but most of the time champs have enough regen to make it a waste of time.


I'm mostly thinking about later on in the game when both first-tier towers are gone already. If you AoE down the creeps at that point, the point where the creeps clash will move further away from your own tower and it will get more dangerous to farm. Early on, especially when there's no jungler around, you can just push as much as you like because it doesn't matter as long as all the enemy champions are accounted for.

Posted (edited)

yea not really tensei if anything you get chip damage on the opposing tower from creeps and map control

also i love using zilean but i hate how no one gets how to work with him watching my team be like 'wtf zilean why weren't you attacking' when the only attack i have is time bomb and its already been used is obnoxious

Edited by The Derrit

Haha, just had a game where in the final push I ended up with 877ap as Vladimir. Void Staff, Rylai's, Rabadon's, maxed Mejai's, Sorc boots and Abyssal plus Baron buff, Will of the Ancients aura and the arcane elixir. :3 But everyone else on our team was pretty farmed as well, so I don't take any credit.

Haha, just had a game where in the final push I ended up with 877ap as Vladimir. Void Staff, Rylai's, Rabadon's, maxed Mejai's, Sorc boots and Abyssal plus Baron buff, Will of the Ancients aura and the arcane elixir. :3 But everyone else on our team was pretty farmed as well, so I don't take any credit.

I recommend you try a triple Warmogs build. 8)

Haha, just had a game where in the final push I ended up with 877ap as Vladimir. Void Staff, Rylai's, Rabadon's, maxed Mejai's, Sorc boots and Abyssal plus Baron buff, Will of the Ancients aura and the arcane elixir. :3 But everyone else on our team was pretty farmed as well, so I don't take any credit.

See my last game as Karthus. 5 Archangels Staff + 1 Rabaddon's Deathcap. 1400 or so AP I forget the exact number. Ezreal on the other team took roughly 60% life from a single ult of mine.


I really like the faster pace of the base game -- especially how quickly play ramps up. There's almost no laning / passive PvE at all, it's all about combat all the time...which is ideal.

Quests further that by forcing team fights at spaced intervals, just in case old farming habits come back. Absolutely cannot wait for this, and am much more pumped about it than Dota2 atm.

I really like the faster pace of the base game -- especially how quickly play ramps up. There's almost no laning / passive PvE at all, it's all about combat all the time...which is ideal.

Quests further that by forcing team fights at spaced intervals, just in case old farming habits come back. Absolutely cannot wait for this, and am much more pumped about it than Dota2 atm.

Yeah it really spices up the experience. Reminded me a lot of Arathi Basin from WoW at first, but there's a lot more to it. Starting at level 3 is a really cool idea too.

I only got to see 1 game before I left for work, but there will be more streams tomorrow and Sunday I think at the same time (12:00 - 3:00 PST), so I'm pretty excited to see more.

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