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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Still, LoL has a ton of active abilities, and Veil only blocks one per 45 seconds. How is that good? I would think that there are far better items that add way more armor/MR (% reduction) and would thus block more dmg over the course of a fight, not to mention adding more HP, mana, passive/aura effects and so forth. But what do I know.


It's because of its cost vs how much it provides, it gives quite a bit of health and mana as well as MR and blocking a spell is just a bonus. Force of Nature is designed as a tanking item, not really a good bet for a carry... the BV basically allows anyone to get out of a skirmish if they're lucky to be caught 1 on 1. Also, clutch spell block.


veil is great for specific champions, horrible on others, and completely situational on everyone else. it's an upper-midcost item with only midcost effects, but on the right champion against the right team is utterly gamebreaking.

it's usually quite situational though.


I still don't see why it's so good. Because every hero has multiple actives (3-4 being very common), it seems incredibly easy to pop someone's veil, after which it won't be an issue again for another 45 seconds (even then, how many heroes have abilities on 3sec cooldowns...?) The only argument I see for it is that the stats are pretty good, but that's all.


It's not so easy to pop someone's veil when both teams are capable of CC and poking at each other before a team fight to try and garner advantage. Banshee's will cancel out a mistake that could lead to a lost team fight. Or an entire team of champions with banshee's veils can waltz into a fight knowing that the opening volley of cc either comes slower due to wasted time casting another ability to pop veil (in which they will be free to use their own CC once in range and win the fight for free) or only half the team will get CC'd due to coordinated stuns but that still leaves you at a large advantage cause you're ignoring spells entirely. This isn't at all comparable to Nullstone because that can be entirely useless against a good amount of the cast. Banshees will always be useful. There are tons of specific examples of banshee's being annoyingly good. Some examples include: TF ult, Karthus ult, Ashe ult, LeBlanc not being able to completely annihilate a champion in a few seconds cause of an incomplete combo.

Not to mention it gives solid mana and hp and good magic resist (just a Negatron Cloak is more than sufficient MR in most situations) to boot. In my opinion it is the premiere defensive item in LoL. I get it on pretty much every champion by default unless I'm snowballing so hard I forego any kind of defense. This includes guys like Vlad, Kat, and Shen who waste the mana part.


I think it's partially because of the cost/easy buildup, and partially because of the shorter range of abilities overall. You can't really pop someone's veil without getting in relatively close and getting initiated upon.

There are only a handful of non-ultimate/low CD abilities that can cover somewhat longer range (Nidalee's javelin perhaps), but there's nothing comparable to Aluna's Power Throw or Pharaoh's Tormented Soul which can easily project AoE damage with a fast projectile over a huge range.


Mostly tightening up animations to make him more consistent, but also buffing Bio-arcane Barrage. It's really much needed to make him feel more rewarding to play and to give his anti-tank role more of a central focus. Kog'Maw with Madred's Bloodrazor and any other damage item (my item of choice is Infinity Edge, but YMMV) can nearly 10shot anyone in the game if he catches them solo (4% max hp as magic damage from MBR, another 6% max hp as magic damage from BAB, and physical damage to compensate for resistances). It doesn't work so well against MR heavy tanks, but against squishies/offtanks/armor tanks he does exceedingly well.

Also about effing time on the Enchanted Crystal Arrow nerf.

leona sounds broken, have yet to see her yet

after watching the champion spotlight, i'm inclined to agree.

and also inclined to buy the moment she's added, and spam 3v3 with. if her skills end up working the way they are present in the spotlight, she could possibly be more broken than mordekaiser in 3v3.

also, once she's out, i'll be main tanking with her for our games when we all play. She's pretty much my dream tank, mixing shen's survivability with alistar's disruptiveness.


So kinda a throwback to the ward and BV discussion.

I just had an hour match against a "troll" team that had Janna, Alistar, Amumu, Maokai, and Urgot. Basically just a crapton of CC. I immediately told my team to get BVs and ward the crap out of everything. Luckily my friend played Teemo that game so we had plenty of shrooms and backdooring while they committed to a lane. Also lucky that I was Cho to eat through Alistar's ult. We also did a lot of hit and run tactics since we could see the whole match.

I pretty much think that without getting BVs and wards (and Madred's on our carries) we would have lost. They did have flash but it didn't make much of a difference. Eventually our team was fed enough and we won the fight at Baron's to clinch the game.


Man, now that I have the collector's edition I realize how hard it's going to be to get more heroes with shelling out dough. All the champions left are 6300IP, and I've probably only accumulated a total of 4000IP. Are there any tips or techniques to getting new champions more quickly?


Well if you're not of the "gotta catch them all" nature you won't really need to force play to get the champs you want to play, you will get enough points to get them naturally as you play. Personally I haven't played or bought every champion there is, and I'm not really interested in doing it. Just by playing as normal I get enough points to get every new champ that caughts my attention.

If you are a completionist though, you might want to shell some dough.

always play at least one ame a day for the win of the day bonus, try doing the tribunal for extra IP

He can't do the Tribunal until he hits level 30 and even then the IP gain isn't worth it. There is a good comedic factor seeing what some people will do in game though, haha.

But as for getting IP there is no fast track, unfortunately. Just gotta play.

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