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AD runes are more than necessary to play ad carry well. trades, last-hitting, sustain, crit damage... all of it's based off ad, and rolling into lvl 1 botlane with an extra 10-20 from runes (depending on your setup) can make or break you

ESPECIALLY with sivir, who absolutely needs bonus AD. you might be able to get away with critpage ashe or attack and movespeed cait, but sivir is all damage all the time


take some crit chance glyphs

one extra armor or mr or whatever is not often going to be what keeps you alive but a super lucky crit will basically win you a fight

edit: bardic beat me to it


it also shows me just how much damage quinn has and it boggles my mind people don't see it. i would pubstomp with NO ad runes with quinn, go like 10/2, pretty regularly. with runes? you beat everyone in trades, ESPECIALLY vayne.


Quinn has a lot of damage, true. But imo she has problems against a lot of teams. Her range is not good and using E/R offensively puts her in harms way. Champs like Cait, Ashe, Varus, and Tristana can poke or DPS more effectively at range, with Ashe/Varus providing incredible utility, and Cait/Tristana having really strong escapes too.

In lane, if you are up against a very aggressive bot you will have trouble as Quinn. CC supports will punish you for trying to use E, while Draven can definitely match your trades (if not hit you even harder). On the other hand, a poke lane can also give you a lot of trouble because you don't have the AA range to deal with it.

Not saying Quinn is bad but I'd say she's mid-tier at best.

it also shows me just how much damage quinn has and it boggles my mind people don't see it. i would pubstomp with NO ad runes with quinn, go like 10/2, pretty regularly. with runes? you beat everyone in trades, ESPECIALLY vayne.

Until the match hits level 6 then you have issues cause Vayne is dumb.

Posted (edited)

I generally pick Quinn against Vayne, Trist, Graves and Twitch (aka relatively short range ADCs). In fact, she is my go-to counter to Vayne, who is a stupidly safe pick for a hyper-carry with spammable roll+invis. She can never out-trade you in lane between Q/E/passive, as long as you don't get wall-stunned you should be able to beat her in lane and in teamfights (considering evenly skilled supports etc).

An ADC that prevents trading from enemy ADCs with blind is extremely potent. It's comparable to fighting a mage when you have silence (Kass,LB etc). Range from enemy mages is a concern as Zircon mentioned, but she would be overpowered with more range.

She is also a solid counter-pick top and mid as well, provided you have enough of a front-line from your team comp (which is the 'easier' way to play, as opposed to split-push strats). She massacres pretty much any melee bruiser, especially Tryn and Yi. Mid, you can use her against skill-shot mages. For example, if Lux misses a snare you can E onto her and punish hard.

Edited by Seven
I generally pick Quinn against Vayne, Trist, Graves and Twitch (aka relatively short range ADCs). In fact, she is my go-to counter to Vayne, who is a stupidly safe pick for a hyper-carry with spammable roll+invis. She can never out-trade you in lane between Q/E/passive, as long as you don't get wall-stunned you should be able to beat her in lane and in teamfights (considering evenly skilled supports etc).

An ADC that prevents trading from enemy ADCs with blind is extremely potent. It's comparable to fighting a mage when you have silence (Kass,LB etc). Range from enemy mages is a concern as Zircon mentioned, but she would be overpowered with more range.

this guy gets it


She could probably use some quality of life changes or minor buffs. Something about her ult just feels... wrong. I dunno. But I don't really have problem with mid-tier picks, as long as they are viable. So far most ADCs 'feel' pretty viable right now to me, though I haven't played Lucian.

Posted (edited)

My main issue with her is the 'swing time' (not sure of the correct term) on her passive-proc auto attacks. It makes it harder to follow up because of the animation time, and it is easy to 'cancel' the projectile which makes the missile travel but do zero damage (common bug on range champions and especially ADCs when you want to stutter-step).

Quinn's ult should be used solely for chasing/escaping and the execute re-activate. Autoing with Valor is generally pretty bad unless they're running and you need to stick to them; even moreso in team fights.

Her range makes her a situational pick, no doubt. But a niche pick in the right situations can really influence games. Tip: Try maxing E instead of Q.

By the by, my in-game is Bironzu. I'm Silver III with a month's experience in ranked, add me if you're up for a game!

Edit: Despite many peoples' first impressions, I feel Lucian is pretty strong, especially with the triforce buff. He doesn't have as much upfront damage like Graves or MF, but cycling through abilities while managing his passive and triforce procs, paired with his mobility, makes him a solid pick. He is comparable to Ezreal in a sense, but it's too early to tell just how good he is or isn't.

Whenever people cry 'underpowered' at a new champ, remember that people thought Jayce, Elise, Zed, and many others were UP at release.

Edited by Seven

lucian is *not* trash you just need to not build like the majority of adcs and go 'durr bortk bloodthirster I WIN NAO'

lucian like corki needs trinity force. it makes his passive do massive damage which is where all of his power is.


That's what I was referring to, yes. If you animation cancel too early AFTER the projectile leaves your character, you can negate its damage entirely. The projectile will appear, but do no damage.

I didn't know it was intentional, as Neblix stated.

PS: Played Quinn top against Jax... With BT/LW/Triforce, my passive-proc with triforce proc was doing 900+ damage without a crit. Zelda OP.

Quinn has a lot of damage, true. But imo she has problems against a lot of teams. Her range is not good and using E/R offensively puts her in harms way. Champs like Cait, Ashe, Varus, and Tristana can poke or DPS more effectively at range, with Ashe/Varus providing incredible utility, and Cait/Tristana having really strong escapes too.

In lane, if you are up against a very aggressive bot you will have trouble as Quinn. CC supports will punish you for trying to use E, while Draven can definitely match your trades (if not hit you even harder). On the other hand, a poke lane can also give you a lot of trouble because you don't have the AA range to deal with it.

Not saying Quinn is bad but I'd say she's mid-tier at best.

I find that Quinn makes a very useful counterpick character in the top lane. She's one of the few folks that can just shut down Renekton, Riven, Nasus, and the other melee-range bruisers that tend to sit there. Her range gives her an inherent laning advantage, but her combo of blind + disengage allows her to force trades in her favor against the majority of top lane melee characters.

As for an ADC, I think that in normals she's not great, but again on an organized team in ranked she has a place, as others have mentioned. Looking forward to Lucian for the same reasons, and I might well try him top lane also.

Edit: Almost forgot that Quinn makes exceptionally good use of Blade of the Ruined King's active, as she can go in with backflip, use as she approaches, and then flip outside of immediate countering range.


Only problem I see with her top is that you are losing a bruiser spot on your team. Sure she might be great in laning, but 30 minutes into the game the enemy bruiser will still be a big problem. You would have to have a tanky support + jungle to make up for it.


Definitely, you have to communicate with your team to run double ADC and get away with it, but it's viable with smart picks. You can have someone like Zac to engage, and Leona sit back and peel for your two ADCs. Not having the bulk that bruisers tend to bring will definitely backfire if you don't compensate though.

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