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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Hey prophet, a something I noticed when we were laning was that you didn't really make use of Alistar tanking for you.

Basically what would happen was that I'd get in a scuffle with either Rammus or Morgana, you'd fire a few potshots, and then start running back, leaving me to die. When we're at the point where they're focusing on me, you need to do your thing and start pelting them with arrows while running back in between your attacks so they basically get punished for chasing, and we can set up a possible turn-around if they overextend.

No hard feelings or anything, just a pointer. It's usually better to be safe than sorry, but you should be a bit ballsier inlane and not hesitate to harass with auto-attacks if anything gets in range.


That's probably the hardest thing about MOBAs: knowing when to fight and knowing when to run. The consequences for picking the wrong action are pretty dire, and your team will be mad at you either way. If you leave a fight too early, you might survive but you are condemning your teammates and possibly making their efforts be in vain. On the other hand, if you stay in a bad situation, you're feeding the enemy multiple deaths while gaining nothing in return (worse than nothing, you're losing gold/xp from laning, ganking.)


my biggest problem is that when i push, i get told that i'm pushing too hard, and i get left to die. there were one or two times that i stayed back when you pushed because my concentration was elsewhere and i didn't hear/see your rush, but most of the time that i wasn't doing anything was because i was out of mana :<

this is why i am a poor dps person, and am better with more survivable characters like cho or urgot where i can just spam abilities and hang out in a fight for a bit. did you note the tone in my voice when i said i could play ashe? =)


I agree with Zircon. Biggest thing about MOBAs is zoning and footsies. It's not easy to know when to go full in or to run away and it's definitely something that's gained through experience. Also reaction times are the second most important thing. It's not always easy to increase your own innate reactions but when you have more knowledge about the game you turn reactions more into anticipation so you get faster and faster with time.

I agree with Zircon. Biggest thing about MOBAs is zoning and footsies. It's not easy to know when to go full in or to run away and it's definitely something that's gained through experience. Also reaction times are the second most important thing. It's not always easy to increase your own innate reactions but when you have more knowledge about the game you turn reactions more into anticipation so you get faster and faster with time.

Related to both zoning and reaction times: the worst thing anyone can do is to be ultra indecisive. Don't walk out halfway to a lane and then decide that it'd be a waste of your time going, only to have to waste even more time running somewhere else. Keeping your down time to an absolute minimum is essential.


Related to the decision making aspect, map awareness is another huge factor. :<

This goes beyond simply being aware of MIAs, and is really essential for stuff like baiting and decisions on whether you should get out of a fight or hang in there because you know that help is on the way.

Posted (edited)

Her AP growth is bad so she can't do much other than tanking (like 0.3 or 0.4 on all her non-ultimate skills). She is strong in early-mid because of her CC, the innate damage on her skills, and the tankiness of her second skill but I wouldn't say that she's overpowered. If Leona is overpowered then Amumu and Alistar must be completely godlike.

Edited by Tensei

Leona does a LOT of damage if people remember to utilize her Sunlight correctly. Between her E --> W combo and the Q followup, if allies can get 2 bursts of Sunlight off instead of 1, it leads to a ton of early damage. A good Leona player needs to wait between EW and Q for the Sunlight proc to get the good damage.

Full 3 procs usually isn't possible, since the general strategy is to E warp such that Eclipse can't be dodged.

So far I think that the way to build her is by starting with Philo Stone and Heart of Gold, then building into heavy armor or MR depending on their team setup. If you don't get the gold generators before 7:00, skip them.

Posted (edited)

Alright, I think I've tried out most champions, and I have to say my favorites so far are Lux, Morgana, Nocturne and Ezreal. Stuff with skillshots is basically awesome.

Champions I feel very meh about are Kayle, Garen, Cassiopeia, Twitch, Evelynn and Katarina.

Edited by Tensei

I like Gragas, Mal'zahar, Karthus (:3), Kog Maw, Blitzcrank, Cho'Gath and Zilean, to name a few.

I don't really like Annie, Alistair, Malphite, Ryze or Master Yi.

I guess what it boils down to is I like heroes with a range advantage of some kind - long-range harassment, along with disabling abilities for escaping and AOE in teamfights.


Miss Fortune, Cass, Nunu, Karma and Udyr here. Trying to learn Mundo, but I suck at aiming his cleavers.

Trying Leona out, she seems really solid! With all the bitching the community is doing about her though, I suspect she's going to get some damage buffs.


i'd have to say that i've had a lot of fun with cho, fiddles, and urgot, although i'll admit i haven't played a lot of champions yet. i enjoyed the few games i've played with bowserclone, too, but i didn't play him enough to really get the hang of him.

i tend to like specific things that characters do, as opposed to the whole of the character. i love ashe's ult - sniping across the map is awesome. i love using cho to eat the dragon and baron, and the sound effect is awesome. i love ganking with someone like fiddlesticks who can do such crazy AOE damage and can permacast drain when he has bluebuff. i love rammus's voice, as it's the least annoying one in the game. i love that, with the right runes, a build that's got one or two relatively common mana regen buff items, and bluebuff, you can continually cast kog'maw's ultimate move without running out of mana, ever. i love sona and janna's support when i'm playing cho =)

i hate annie, shooty girl, and ryze, sooooo much. i've died more to those three characters than any other five in the game. and i hate taric for his stun move, which is so durn long that it feels like an eternity.


I think I like every character as long as I'm playing them. My favorites tend to be the real bursty AP carries like Veigar and LeBlanc who can kill you in two or three spells then simply walk away.

I'm really liking Leona but she is somewhat underwhelming due to specific aspects of her being tailored specifically to teamwork and the large majority of teammates being unable to actually do it right. The main thing holding her back is that she doesn't fit a role like a typical tank. Not only does the player have to play with Leona properly but her team must play with her properly. Given these things I think she's quite strong.

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