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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Posted (edited)

Just started playing again.

I fucking love Leona. With exhaust she is such a dirty CC monster. Especially in Bronze where you stun someone 3 times, slap an exhaust on them and watch them shit themselves and die.

Edited by ellywu2
So the game sucks to play through all ranks. Why bother playing it?

I started having a lot more fun with the game when I starting playing nothing but ARAM.

Posted (edited)

You won't get any good games if you're in Challenger tier, all the games there are people messing around because they're done with life.

So the game sucks to play through all ranks. Why bother playing it?

Assuming that the appeal of the game is solo queue? No reason to.

Of course, if you assume the appeal of the game is solo queue.

Edited by Neblix
I started having a lot more fun with the game when I starting playing nothing but ARAM.

Same here i just play 3vs3 using Singed (for the sake of trolling enemy teams), i see a lot of people complaining about EUW really compared to LAS EUW is the heaven


It's for captains mode

the captain sets up the roles he wants, then chooses from a list of queued up summoners who fit the roles and comps he wants, which means he can theoretically want any composition he can think of

a captain can break the meta if he wants, and he can find other players who share that sentiment instead of trolling soloq

how is this bad again

Posted (edited)

Huh? That's not how I read it. According to Lyte's post you can queue with whatever lane/role you want, it just might take longer to find a game with unorthodox roles/setups. If you want to queue with the intention of playing a 5x bruiser setup, you can. That's pretty awesome. I didn't get the impression that one person decided the roles or setup.

Edited by zircon
It's for captains mode

the captain sets up the roles he wants, then chooses from a list of queued up summoners who fit the roles and comps he wants, which means he can theoretically want any composition he can think of

a captain can break the meta if he wants, and he can find other players who share that sentiment instead of trolling soloq

how is this bad again


pretty much just that

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