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Yeah, good times were had by all.

Another quote that few of you wouldn't really recognize:

Z 5aber - "Secret brown team, secret brown team!"


If any of the old clan'ers check this, they might appreciate it more. Good times.

On an adminstrative note, invites have all been sent and are up-to-date. Ready for more, as needed.

Cyan_Ide: NO...no CTF...NO CTF..don't even think about it Lazy Leaf!

....and guess what we didn't play....until you left. :lol:

Great night everyone. Now I have to stay up all night writing my "50,000 page dissertation" as penance for my Xbox Live revelry.


It's 9:00!

I'm on my way, WAIT FOR ME!!!

We caught you. We know you have 40,000 blocks of Hilary Duff on your XBOX.

My favorite quote of the night:

Wingless: Anybody call for a web slinger??

Haha! I forgot about that.

What made that so hillarious (for me) was that right before I said it, I walked up to the top 3rd level where the elevator drops you off. There were two of you guys up there looking down, and as I looked down myself, I saw about three opponents. So, right before I jumped down three stories, I said, "Anybody call for a webslinger?", and (I believe) killed everybody down there once I landed.

Or I could've been killed outright in the first few nanoseconds. That's showbusiness.


I thought all the assassinations in the rocket slayer match were kinda funny.

Also, I belive that 9:00 to you guys is about 7:00 to me. I'll try to keep that in mind tonight.

On another note, I have tomorrow off, so it's Halo all day for me.

...ugh, I just remembered that I have to go to the dentist today and get my front teeth shaved down and replaced with ceramic caps. :( So if I can't talk well tonight, you'll know the reason.

edit: spelling errors fixed

Cyan_Ide: NO...no CTF...NO CTF..don't even think about it Lazy Leaf!

....and guess what we didn't play....until you left. :lol:

Great night everyone. Now I have to stay up all night writing my "50,000 page dissertation" as penance for my Xbox Live revelry.

Ha, that was funny.

Lazy: Well, if you aren't going to play CTF, I'm leaving.


Me: Let's play CTF now just to spite her!

Cyan_Ide: NO...no CTF...NO CTF..don't even think about it Lazy Leaf!

....and guess what we didn't play....until you left. :lol:

Great night everyone. Now I have to stay up all night writing my "50,000 page dissertation" as penance for my Xbox Live revelry.

Ha, that was funny.

Lazy: Well, if you aren't going to play CTF, I'm leaving.


Me: Let's play CTF now just to spite her!

Her? When did this happen? Tch, man...i'm so uninformed.

Anyhoo, i expect another good night of clan'ing it up tonight. Especially with my good pal Southern Comfort by my side. Good times, good times.


Team OCRemix grows by leaps and bounds!

QotD: (That guy)Wait! Wait! Don't shoot! I just wanna talk to you!


Honorable Mention:

Icy Guy: {5 minute monologue on who's going where, what they're carrying, current accelleration, current rate of decent in meters per second squared, median exchange rate, bio-metric luminescence, and thermo-quantum rate of reuptake per kelvin per 3 AU (given the current solar rotation relative to the center of the galaxy}


Well, that was about as much fun as I could have, what with my teeth constantly throbbing. I'm gonna go have some ice cream and see if that helps a bit.

Awright, enough of my griping.

No! More griping!! I am in PAIN here!!:wink:

All we seemed to get in clan matches was ties; does that mean we were good enough to keep the others from winning? Or were we simply not good enough to win? Only time will tell.....


It turns out that one of the new teeth is super-sensitive to temperature. Now please excuse me, as I need to vent my pain.



It's OBVIOUSLY that we're too good to let them win.

I actually really enjoyed that Wraith CTF game on Waterworks though. Quite possibly the first Waterworks game I actally ENJOYED. Maybe 'cause I scored the only point?

Makes up for my coming in last on almost every other game...


Yeah that waterworks game was really awesome. The last thirty seconds they were getting ready to due a last ditch effort run on the warthog but I saw them piling in and just sniped the gunner and the driver. Then I didn't see where I was running and I fell off into the abyss...But at least I stopped the warthog!

Team OCRemix grows by leaps and bounds!

QotD: (That guy)Wait! Wait! Don't shoot! I just wanna talk to you!


Honorable Mention:

Icy Guy: {5 minute monologue on who's going where, what they're carrying, current accelleration, current rate of decent in meters per second squared, median exchange rate, bio-metric luminescence, and thermo-quantum rate of reuptake per kelvin per 3 AU (given the current solar rotation relative to the center of the galaxy}

Yeah, that "Prblmaticpunkid" guy was hilarious. Even funnier than mopper us, who indeed got a Rampage.

Oh, and in response to your comment about my babbling:


I need not say more. ;)

It's OBVIOUSLY that we're too good to let them win.

Yep. I mean, if the opposing team is dumb enough to let us control both our Wraith and theirs...

EDIT: We need to do some more Elimination matches, 'cause that one on Ivory Tower was great. I think we could probably do without me yell-singing "Stayin' alive! Stayin' alive! Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive!" again, though.



We need to try that on Lockout (or Warlock?) next. Like with the Midship match, I'll need to be the last to enter the game, so I can pull off a totally sweet come-from-behind victory. Again.

Alternatively, we could try a Team Ball match tonight, and you and I could be on the same team. Maybe a 2 vs. 2 vs. 2 vs. 2?


Afternoon (Evening) Delights!

QotD: (Wingless during Rocketball): They're after me frosted lucky balls!

Honorable Mention: HALO2 LIMBO!

For those of you in the match actually... you know, doing your jobs, allow me to explain Halo2 limbo as I have come to know it.

I think it was Cyan, I'm not sure, but somebody had managed to wedge a ghost inside the window of that city level (whose name also eludes me). So he's firing off a steady stream of plasma as I walk up the stairs. I take it upon myself to duck underneath the beam and sing, "Jack be nimboo, Jack be quick. Jack go undah limbo stick!"

And thus, Halo2 Limbo was born... until whathisname got his ass sheared off by an assassin through the opposing window.

Check the stats. Soon we'll be able to cast Fireball level 2!

Afternoon (Evening) Delights!

QotD: (Wingless during Rocketball): They're after me frosted lucky balls!

Honorable Mention: HALO2 LIMBO!

For those of you in the match actually... you know, doing your jobs, allow me to explain Halo2 limbo as I have come to know it.

I think it was Cyan, I'm not sure, but somebody had managed to wedge a ghost inside the window of that city level (whose name also eludes me). So he's firing off a steady stream of plasma as I walk up the stairs. I take it upon myself to duck underneath the beam and sing, "Jack be nimboo, Jack be quick. Jack go undah limbo stick!"

And thus, Halo2 Limbo was born... until whathisname got his ass sheared off by an assassin through the opposing window.

Check the stats. Soon we'll be able to cast Fireball level 2!

Actually it was Dark, I was one of the guys doing my jobs.

You guys all missed it last night too. After you left, Dark, redchlorine and I played some awesome Warthog Wars. Some great collisions going on there.

favorite quote:

Dark or redchlorine: "When the shields are low, it's time to GO!"


Yeah another great 2 nights of halo online..

All those quotes were awesome but I also liked this one:

Cyanide:OMG! Where's the flag!? WHERE'S THE FLAG?!

Me: -_- uhh right behind you..*Melee* *touch flag return*

Yeah Halo Limbo was cool..but I never got to play..I was out hunting the bomb camper's ;_; damn them...


Yea, that warthog war was probably the longest game i ever played, what was is, like 2 hours?

I think my favorite part was when Dark and Cyan hit head on, did wheelies, I passed under both of them and they both blew up. I must have hit the gas tanks... :lol:

And I would like to see a multi-team rocketball, that could be fun.


Almost forgot about the game in headlong where there was some serious Evel Knievel stuff going on. What with the piling up of ghosts, a warthog and the banshee, all being run into by a warthog and a rocket simultaneously. Some big explosions there. And we can't forget Dark or Cyan talking to Icy Guy's mom. [icy Mom :lol: ]

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