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Handcannon is awsome, all I'll say to the people with RE4... Finally got it =D

I'll get my friend's clan together and 3 others, since his is 4 members big, and we'll have an unofficial clan match against them. We'll pass the party around a few times so we can have our fun little gametypes going on.


hahaha, this game was fun as hell, my teammates left in the last 5 minutes of the match and i managed two or three more kills after they left. jokers thought i was cheap for hiding, well lets see them manage 4 on 1 when the enemy has sniper, shotgun, sword and rockets...


you're all lazy ¬_¬

i'm the only one who ever sends out the clan invites

anyways, tonight was fun, played with magicshmop and boys gone wild and a few non clan members in some custom games: peek a boo, tremors, escapee soup, and zombies

twas fun indeed

in zombies i got a few sword orgies going, it was awesome seeing 4 or 5 ppl on screen at once just slashing at everyone ^^

you're all lazy ¬_¬

i'm the only one who ever sends out the clan invites


I send them out when I'm ONLINE..but...again, still distracted by Xenosaga. So..uhm...yeah.


I would like to join the clan! My friend Dr. Marius told me of the clan, the way they play together, AND...I'm not leeching off of all of my friend's high-speed internet anymore, which led me to join multiple clans. I would like to become part of the clan, and how do I start? Can Dr. Marius invite me or what?

I would like to join the clan! My friend Dr. Marius told me of the clan, the way they play together, AND...I'm not leeching off of all of my friend's high-speed internet anymore, which led me to join multiple clans. I would like to become part of the clan, and how do I start? Can Dr. Marius invite me or what?

Yep, Marius can invite you. So...feel free to harass him until he does so.


Bah... Some bastard killed off all my pretty files up at the career center so, no pogo ninja (all of it was going to be handdrawn... not anymore though), no cel-shaded side view of the "legendary" difficulty shield with headphones (clan symbol for usage on tshirts/sigs), and other spiffy things... So I hafta start anew on ALL these things, meaning more setbacks. Sorry. Maybe thursday I can rip some sprites out or find a sheet and then make a sprite pogoninja fer ya Wes. I need to find those sources my brother uses for RPGMaker.


Yeah, I'll let him on. He kept playing with us, but I told him he should join the forums and get some of the music before joining the clan. I'll send him an invite soon here, he gets high speed on Wednesday. Maybe you all could link him to some good tunes? :lol:

Yeah, I'll let him on. He kept playing with us, but I told him he should join the forums and get some of the music before joining the clan. I'll send him an invite soon here, he gets high speed on Wednesday. Maybe you all could link him to some good tunes? :lol:

I'm teh i nvite :P (read: I sent the thing)

Oh, shit, I might've sent the invite to the wrong dude, I'm not sure. Can someone confirm?


Ada as in RE2 and RE4 chick? Sounds interesting. I havent started FF8 yet (I just finished 7 which was epic) but i listened to Moontang and that is amazing. This site IS really sweet. I didn't take Doc that seriously when i first heard about the site, well i kinda did...we used to work at subway together and we listened to Super Smash Live for like 3 months and i thought it was amazing. He told me to check it out and join, i didn't take it seriously, and now i regret it. I missed out on alot havent I?

o yeah....my gamertag is "General EWok" for whoever is giving me the invite.

o yeah....my gamertag is "General EWok" for whoever is giving me the invite.

Yup, that's the tag I sent the message to. Welcome to the clan in advance.

And music? Mmm...the only Metroid Prime remix, "Just a Little More (Prime Edit)" was pretty good, I thought. Ooh, and the Legend of Zelda: WW and FFX stuff, too.


And, from Zelda, THE MUSIC OF MY GROIN.

It's now a REQUIREMENT of the clan to listen to, for those of you who haven't yet.

I also recommend, from Zelda 64 [OoT], Prayer, and from Super Mario Bros, Bowser is Pissed. *nods*


wow...THE MUSIC OF MY GROIN is bitchin.

Prayer is beautiful as well. So far, Bowser is pissed is my favorite. It caught my attention the most because I play guitar. I would love to post the super mario bros. theme but i have no means of recording and it isn't that original...but hell, I could listen to all of these guitar playing prodigies play and I'm happy. After Ada's groove, I wanna check out the mixes they have for FFVII and FFX.

Thank you for the invite to the clan, by the way.

Ada as in RE2 and RE4 chick? Sounds interesting.
The one and only Ada Wong =D Oh, and FF8 was not the game it should have been... Could have been LOADS better in battle had they switched a few things around. Too bad, 9 and 7 are still better though. 9 is back to the good old days of 4 character parties... I miss that... Also, check out "Tactile Freefall" under Lifeforce, along with some of the Castlevania stuff. Vampires = pwnage, maybe that's why I'm so good at Halo... ^w^

Oh, and I'm Deej. Nice to meet ya. Just watch out if I AM ever online anymore, as from time to time I have spikes in my playing level.

Remember that Marius? Conker for 2 weeks, I come back, and start pwning everyone we played against? Hopefully I can do that more...

I may be on friday night after a concert I'm going to, so I'll see if I can drag some local people on with me and we'll play some games.


Let's challenge bungie! Get OCR out into the light of the web and attract some more traffic! Also, be featured in a game review and become sorta famous... >>


hmm, music...

triforce majeure from zelda 3 is kinda good, bit long at 7 mins though.

oh, and a friend and i worship chocorena from ff7 ^^

on the subject of ff7, has anyone seen advent children? it's awesome. i know where to get it if ya want ^^


hey if you guys need a website I could probably host it for free. If you ask djpretzel for a subdomain, teamOCR.ocremix.org I could host and provide bandwidth. Unless you do videos, then I don't think I have enough space, unless their small, 1-10 megabytes, I'd host and provide bandwidth, I could do the site as well.


It could link to Leafy's videos!

BTW, check out godtower.com

absolutely AMAZING game, only geniuses need apply ;)

I'm only on level 10 though..... But when you figure out answers it makes you feel sooooo good!

And, from Zelda, THE MUSIC OF MY GROIN.

It's now a REQUIREMENT of the clan to listen to, for those of you who haven't yet.

next time the clan is in a match, those with a mic need to sing it (or play it, but the compression quality from the mic is sorta poor though)

edit btw, why does the clan badge have a SNES controller, wouldn't it be more appropriate with an xbox controller?

And, from Zelda, THE MUSIC OF MY GROIN.

It's now a REQUIREMENT of the clan to listen to, for those of you who haven't yet.

next time the clan is in a match, those with a mic need to sing it (or play it, but the compression quality from the mic is sorta poor though)

edit btw, why does the clan badge have a SNES controller, wouldn't it be more appropriate with an xbox controller?

Yes, yes we should.

And as for the controller issue, it's because of this:


Note the SNES-ness of it.


Besides, nobody said anything when I first released it, so it stayed.

Might get on tonight, if today's habit of driving across phoenix delivering computer stuff and fixing dumbass problems doesn't leave me too tired.

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