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what you don't shave you're legs before playing HALO? are you stoned!! that's like so bad luck...anyway, we had a guest over tonight who showed us a ton of super bounce glitches and other fun things too do...now i just need to practice and get good at them
Keep it up. Then once I get my unbreakable hacking device created then we'll see who has the last laugh ::glares::

Mower ran outta gas anyways... And since its now closer to $3 a gallon, I think I'm relieved of having to push that damn thing around for awhile longer anyways.

silly deimos, you don't stop getting on live for weeks at a time...

Wrong, the night I played with you was the first time I'd been on in a while. In any case, I had one hell of a night (in a bad way). First off, I found that the girls I hung out with were probably some of the most airheaded and immature women I've ever met. And second, I was forced to give one of them a ride home. It was somehow decided that I was going to do that, and it was 10 miles out of the way. I am really mad at her for doing that. She didn't ask or anything, all she said (on her phone to her father) was that I was giving her a ride home. I did NOT agree to that. On top of which, I barely know her and she's really not that good looking. I'm sure if she had a much more mature attitude about her, and a little cuter, I probably wouldn't have minded that much.

Now the sad thing is she likes me but she left a really bad impression of airheadedness and irresponsibility upon me.


Okay, now that that's over with... I'll try to be on Sunday night if I can.


Stop stealing artwork people... Meaning Advent Children. Soon I'm going to compile a list of people who've stolen it and send it to this petition that I've signed. It pisses me off to no end that people are doing this. Only the true fans are not stealing...

Also, welcome to Rat and a few other new people that I cannot remember. Had some fun games earlier, 'specially the ones I won =)

Stop stealing artwork people... Meaning Advent Children. Soon I'm going to compile a list of people who've stolen it and send it to this petition that I've signed. It pisses me off to no end that people are doing this. Only the true fans are not stealing...


Stop stealing artwork people... Meaning Advent Children. Soon I'm going to compile a list of people who've stolen it and send it to this petition that I've signed. It pisses me off to no end that people are doing this. Only the true fans are not stealing...


what do you mean artwork? like pics? and who's stealing it if that's all... or do you mean the movie itself... i'm gonna rent it when it comes out on dvd anyways so bleh, i'm not completely stealing it... ^^; but if it is just artwork then i'm not doing that ⌐_⌐ ¬_¬

oh and like me new sig? magic did most of it but i added the hearts and sweatdrop cuz he could find the sprites and didn't wanna make em i guess...

Stop stealing artwork people... Meaning Advent Children. Soon I'm going to compile a list of people who've stolen it and send it to this petition that I've signed. It pisses me off to no end that people are doing this. Only the true fans are not stealing...


what do you mean artwork? like pics? and who's stealing it if that's all... or do you mean the movie itself... i'm gonna rent it when it comes out on dvd anyways so bleh, i'm not completely stealing it... ^^; but if it is just artwork then i'm not doing that ?_? ¬_¬

oh and like me new sig? magic did most of it but i added the hearts and sweatdrop cuz he could find the sprites and didn't wanna make em i guess...

I think he means media of entertainment sorts such as movies or music. In other words, things that cost money. Personally, if I can't find what I want anywhere else, I'll download it, but if I find it available somewhere down the way, I will buy it. I don't even think about movies though, which is why I am being patient and waiting for Advent Children to come out. And I know there is no such thing as legal pirated downloading, but if I get frustrated at the prospect of not being able to find what I want, I'll take a risk. I think that's reasonable enough.


Gentlemen, I have returned, and I think I have a new gametype. This one is designed especially for training, and as such:

Training A

Team Slayer

1st weapon: Shotgun

2nd Weapon: Magnum

Starting Grenades and on Map

No shields

No Radar

Damage Resistance On

No Overshields or Active Camo

Rounds: first to 3

Kills: 25

Time limit: 10 Minutes

Team Scoring: Minimum

Respawn: 5 seconds

Betrayal: 10 seconds

No Team Changing

Reccomended Maps: Elongation, Foundation

This gametype is designed to do 2 things: Teach players to kill fast and to work as a team. I have found it to work. Let me know what you think.


ok weaselfang, this is definatly a gametype where even teams are needed and it must be closed after starting. here be the stats: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?panel=hits&gameid=316964015&player=metrion

here some it started as me and ratirna vs magic and then a few others joined. if it is a 2 on 1, then the person by his/herself has a great advantage: more ppl to kill, only needs 25 while the other team needs 50, no one to drag him down etc.

i do think this gametype has potential, but only under the right conditions. also weapons on map need to be off as we found out here: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=316939388&player=metrion magic got the BR and took us out easily ¬_¬ i stopped the game and fixed that.

also magic: i'm so sorry i killed you twice in that match, i just got back from fixing something and was hurrying to sit down and accidentally hit the l button ^^; the second time you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time...


This gametype is designed to do 2 things: Teach players to kill fast and to work as a team. I have found it to work. Let me know what you think.

Having the starting weapon as shotgun wont teach anyone anything. The shotgun's flaws in halo 2 drag down a player very easily. And having no shields on? How would that teach someone to kill fast, they wont have to try, just pull the trigger in the general direction and let the shotguns spray talk. It also is flawed in that it wont teach people to work as a team. It would be a group or two, with your rampant lone wolf running around dropping on people and shottying them.

Now, a good gametype to teach some skill is a gametype with a battle rifle start, nades on, no radar.

The lack of radar almost forces you to work as a team because the battle rifle start makes you instantly vulnerable if you are alone and the other team is being just that....a team. Even splitting in two's can allow you to wreak havoc with BRs. BRs are basically the new pistol. Using nades will teach you to kill quickly, no more newb combo bullshit. Nail a splash damage from a frag, headshot once with the BR is an instant kill. This will also teach you how to lay plasma nade "traps."

That is, retreating from a fire fight with an oponnent whil dropping plasmas in your wake. If the opponent is stupid enough(which most are) they will try to dodge the plasmas and lose their shields. At the time, you swing around pop a headshot with the BR and hear GAME OVER as your team takes the match.

Wow I just went off on a tactical tangent. Oh well, maybe some of you will use this advice. Maybe ill start working my slayer rank back up to 35 and not allow friends to play my live account anymore :roll:


Metrion: I was leaving off the "force even teams" thing to see if one could make something like a predator scenario work. Except with all the marines living. And I knew I forgot something. :oops:

EP: I think differently. The shotgun is a ornery beast in Halo 2, which is precisely why I choose it for the main weapon. This is about learning to kill and move swiftly under what are frequently less than perfect conditions. That's why I didn't include any Sniping weapons. I don't want players ducking behind corners or setting up sniping spots, simply because anyone and their Grandma seems to know their way around sniper rifles. They know it so much that I would venture to say that having a training game explictly for the use of snipers is not a very wise idea.

The shotgun gives you a very nice idea of timing and range, as well as a sense of dead-on accuracy you need for less than ideal kills (the shotgun has a very limited 1-hit kill range, and with Damage Resistance on, that range is even more restricted). This is likewise my reasons for using the Magnum, which has a greater range than the shotgun but requires even more accuracy to be effective.

The team work aspect may need some help, though I found that in "Lone Wolf" Scenarios with the minimum score on, the other side was forced to become teammates against the Wolf (me). They had to practice none-sniping team tactics to effectively kill me, though it still usually cost them one guy.

In light of this, allow me a to rephraise to say: "It teaches players to move swiftly and perform kills with similar swiftness".

I appreciate your feedback, though, and may consider it for a Sniping Training gametype.

For now, though, please add "force even teams On" and "no weapons on map" at your discretion and tell me what you think.

--Insert gametype here--

Big problem, same reason why some peoples Zombie games (*cough* Wess who lives down the street from Devin and is a total fucking douchebag who thinks that he is the greatest at everything but he sucks totally at a load of things *cough*) SUCK. Pistol + No shields = Too easy. Shotguns REQUIRE you to be up close for them to actually damage someone. Mid range it'll hardly do squat to them, but the pistol can pop through a head with no shields. Also, grenades on CAN be a problem on small maps like Foundation... You just hole up in a room, push boxes at the door and 'nade over them and kill those trying to get in. But on maps like Zanzibar where you can actually run, it's fine. This gametype is pretty much SWAT... But no starting BR. Dual Pistols may be a problem...

And I was meaning the movie people! Stop stealing it since you're ruining the movie for others and for Square!

Music should be free IF AND ONLY IF:

You have to import it at like, oh say, $30-50 a CD from Japan for OSTs... (Thanks Lazy for that site. It'll help me out sometime soon!)

You need a song in MP3 format but its from a CD.

You want to sample a few songs first.

Don't download the entire album! (unless it is the first condition stated)

Now, music mixing/creation programs and things like Studio MX, THOSE should -NOT- be as pricey as they are!!! Studio MX is like, $1000!!! I'd rather keep my ripped copy... Fruity Loops came down in price so I may buy that and get full access to those samples they have for download >.>

Also, TEAM HARDCORE! No idea how ranking will be on that though "Pros will be matched against Pros and beginners against other beginners..." So will it take your highest rank and count that as the deciding factor? We'll find out soon enough I guess...

One last thing, send in Tshirt ideas to me! I need to get them done people... And make sure that they have the front and back and positioning correct or at least have a clear idea of it. Kthxbaiie.

Big problem, same reason why some peoples Zombie games (*cough* Wess who lives down the street from Devin and is a total fucking douchebag who thinks that he is the greatest at everything but he sucks totally at a load of things *cough*) SUCK. Pistol + No shields = Too easy. Shotguns REQUIRE you to be up close for them to actually damage someone. Mid range it'll hardly do squat to them, but the pistol can pop through a head with no shields. Also, grenades on CAN be a problem on small maps like Foundation... You just hole up in a room, push boxes at the door and 'nade over them and kill those trying to get in. But on maps like Zanzibar where you can actually run, it's fine. This gametype is pretty much SWAT... But no starting BR. Dual Pistols may be a problem...

1) the grenades are supposed to be a problem. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's only 1 room in Foundation with the kind of boxes you need for a barricade. And they won't completely cover the door.

2) you have a valid point about the magnums. However, I was counting on the grenades to be a highly effective counterbalance. And, of course, the teamwork.

3) How do you mean it's the same reason that some Zombies games are screwed? i just can't envision that.


The reason for me being gone can be placed squarely on my new video card.

If it weren't for UT2004 having that music player built in and me adding OCs, I would still be gone.

Expect me on sometime soon. I've had my fill of pretty reflective water, photorealistic demons, perfect framerates....*drool*


*scans recent stuff*

I see the word zombies...tell me you guys aren't playing zombies.

edit: really confusing sentence structure


Im off school tomorrow and I have a good supply of recreational type things to keep me awake tonight. So as soon as I eat this grilled cheese, I will be signing on to Xbox Live to pwn the newbs.

If im idling in a menu, send me a message on AIM and ill be right there to hop into a match.

Im wanting to work on my clanmatch score, last time we played, we got it from 8 to 13 in like an hour.


I'm going to be on tonight with some of my friends, (guests) so if anyone wants to play a few rounds, they are alright if i were a 10, these guys are like 7,7 and 8.5. i gotta see if i can borrow my roommates mic though since i'll be at home and not at the dorm and i use my roommates mic here...if i don't have a mic and we play we'll probably play anything that is started so whatever.


icy posts?!? when was the last time you posted here? or played with us? are you even in the clan still? and speaking of who's still in the clan: what about the wingless? is he still in? O.o


Yeah, I still call him Wingles. I'm thinking whenever I do it, people think it's a typo. Bleh.

And yes, you're officially the bastard child of...Satan and a toilet? *shrugs*

And yeah, due to his vast inactivity, Wingles has been demoted to a regular member from his staff position, and Lazy has been promoted to take his place.

And has it really been THAT long since any of us have played together?

My GOD. Time flies.

Yeah, I still call him Wingles. I'm thinking whenever I do it, people think it's a typo. Bleh.

And yes, you're officially the bastard child of...Satan and a toilet? *shrugs*

And yeah, due to his vast inactivity, Wingles has been demoted to a regular member from his staff position, and Lazy has been promoted to take his place.

And has it really been THAT long since any of us have played together?

My GOD. Time flies.


We need to get together again, Wes.

And yes, you're officially the bastard child of...Satan and a toilet? *shrugs*


And has it really been THAT long since any of us have played together?

My GOD. Time flies.

To be honest, I have no idea. Or, should I say, I had no idea, because I left Satan's Toilet, too. Now it's Clan DKU, the unofficial Halo 2 clan of Donkey Kong Universe. (You may have heard of this site before it changed its name - it used to be Donkey Kong's Jungle Vine, or DK Vine, for short.) Interestingly enough, it looks like we picked an "abandoned" clan, because there are clan games listed that we never even played. Didn't know you could do that. Clan matches for us, though, are as annoying as ever, thanks to those level 39s who create a new, level 1 clan just to get off on kicking lower-level players' asses.

But take their distance weapons away, and they're crap.

And yes, it really has been a while since we played together. Well, it's been a while since I played with you guys, at least. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss those clan meets...

...and Rocketball on Warlock and Midship. And pissing Deimos off with evil comebacks. And the general, good-natured bickering.

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