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awwww is there still space on this clan or is it still even up? I don't think i can sift through 97 pages to catch up n the topic@_@... but please add me or send me a clan invite!

gt: ayasaurus or mo0dessa (first an o, then a zero)

BTB-slayer! lol


Yep, still quite a few open spaces.

I forget how big a clan can get, but we're definitely not there yet.

Someone, send him an invite.

Failing that, I should be on Friday night/EARLY saturday morning [ie: sometime after 12 and before 6].


I sent out a message to everyone stating that if they hadn't posted a message here in the forums, that they should do so ASAP.

I'll be doing some pruning of whoever I don't see in the forums, and who have not even accepted our invites yet... Or something like that. Most likely just the first one and a resend for those who haven't accepted yet.



With the way my brother has things hooked up, he's been sitting in the only place where I can see my TV where my xbox is hooked up... So If he's playing his SNES, then I can't play halo...

He's really gotta put it in his room or just use emulators -_- It's pissing me off that I can't play because of him.



it was really cool playing with you guys!:)..just so refreshing cuz usually i play with kids that talk mad trash, etc. hahaha the hog game on coag was cool, but the btb stuff was even better... wish i coulda stayed on longer,:(..

btw in case you didn't know, i'm ayadocus on xbl... my other name is mo0dessa but that list is full and i can't leave the clan im in on that account..besides my dinoname pwns


i prolly can't answer that since i've just finally joined the forums after surfing the site for awhile now@_@...

but i do wish you'd get on aim:P


hahhaha i was hoping one of you guys would post tat sometime already..hahah it was so random and funny.... and you hit me from behind... wait..i mean assasinated :oops:

I'll soon come up with a list for a roster of current clan members.

And wespip, you'll need to fit it on the first post of this thread so it'll be a bit easier to update it.

Can do.

How do you become staff member of the clan? Do you try out or is it based on the person's activeness on the site/clan?

Eh, sort of both.

If you're on frequently on Halo 2, that's a big plus. If you're on the site, it's not as big of a deal, but it does help as you can keep up with everything.

It was fun playing with Darkflame and Ayadocus today :) we had a lot of good matches and stuff. I'll be playing now if anyone would like to join me.


sorry, haven't been a player much...someone pm me a schedule of when you're playing...i rarely check this topic anymore unless i see it on the front page...i'm usually around the forum when i'm bored, but if i have a schedule i'll jump on halo 2 sometime. my friend will play once in a while, his gamertag is Zero Silo. but we gotta see if we're going to renew his subscription in july. pm me when the next get together is, if i'm not working i'll be there, weeknights after 10pm est are best for me.

More games of goodness. I might play some more when I get home from work tomorrow.

And Odessa, I have an AIM account now. I mailed it to your personal inbox.

got it!:)...

and actually- I'm on alot of h2 right now... I'm usually only on during the weekends, but since it's summer break for college I can hop on more frequently.. It was really fun just playing with you guys.. last night was cool too and I got to know more of the people there. Still, I would like to get in game with the others that haven't appeared on line at all since I've joined the clan.


Actually, about 90% of the 'clan' is people that have never really played with us at all. Prolly why he's pruning it.

On another note, after 58 hours I can finally move on to Liberty City Stories!


rawr... i need to get on more... but they have me closing almost every night at mcdonalds and i still gotta get up early every morning so i don't have much time for halo right now ;_; but in a week or 2 i should be able to get back into playing more often

rawr... i need to get on more... but they have me closing almost every night at mcdonalds and i still gotta get up early every morning so i don't have much time for halo right now ;_; but in a week or 2 i should be able to get back into playing more often

have i played with you yet?.. i dunno..i hope i get to play with people more..and i'm on right now and noone's on:(..so sad-ish...-_-'... get on xbl, people!

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