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Haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. DXHR is coming out on August 23 2011.

Looks like there's finally gonna be a true (spiritual) successor to the original Deus Ex.

Some vids to get hyped up:

Classified Information trailer

First gameplay trailer

Extended E3 trailer

The openess of gameplay and augmentation possibilities both look phenomenal.

Anyone checking this one out later this month? ;-)

*sigh* I want this. Unfortunately I don't have the hardware to play it. :cry:

Ah well, I'll just play the original again.

Gario, if you have a fast Internet connection you could play via OnLive: http://play.onlive.com/go/deusex?autoplay=yes

The special edition comes with the home console also, so you can still multitask on your computer. I've got Batman: Arkham Asylum, Darksiders, and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood on the system and love it.


What I meant was I don't think my computer could handle this new generation of games. It struggles with Borderlands, as it is, even on it's lowest graphic settings (though that one is, fortunately, still playable). I'll get over it, though - one day I'll be able to afford either a home console and/or a computer with enough power to actually get into this generation of games. X-com, Deus Ex, Diablo III... I better start saving up.


I'm dying for this one. I must admit I was skeptical for a very long time, despite the cachet of its developers, because of Invisible War (which I liked more than most folks, but that's not very difficult). Then the "3 ways" trailer got me watching. Then a month or two ago something awesome happened and I learned first-hand that THIS is the follow-up to Deus Ex that we always wanted.

Tons of room for exploration, and I very much like the fact that no upgrades (personal or equipment) seem to be mutually exclusive unlike the original - so long as you're willing to put in the work to earn the Praxis points or search for every hidden mod cache. I recently got the novel and comic books and am working through those while the last two weeks pass. The comics appear to begin a day or two after the game does, but I suppose only time will tell whether the HR story/lore is significantly improved by the extra media. Personally, I'm expecting the game to eclipse all "side-story" material, no matter how well it's written...

What I meant was I don't think my computer could handle this new generation of games. It struggles with Borderlands, as it is, even on it's lowest graphic settings (though that one is, fortunately, still playable). I'll get over it, though - one day I'll be able to afford either a home console and/or a computer with enough power to actually get into this generation of games. X-com, Deus Ex, Diablo III... I better start saving up.

As long as you've got speedy Internet, the rest of your computer's specs are irrelevant if you go the OnLive route -- my netbook that struggles to run TF2 at 800x600 normally runs Batman: Arkham Asylum at full resolution on max graphic settings in OnLive...as long as I'm at a wired connection.

More on topic for everyone else, I'm actually very pleased that they are not bringing back any of the characters, as I'm not sure there's a good way to balance them (especially berserker/soldier needed buffs) without ruining the feel of the classes.

Cause ...it's the third entry, perhaps? You know how old-fashioned people are. ;P

there's no 3

you don't call the 2010 Prince of Persia "Prince of Persia 7" just because it's the seventh Prince of Persia

there's no 3

you don't call the 2010 Prince of Persia "Prince of Persia 7" just because it's the seventh Prince of Persia

In any other circumstance, I would wholeheartedly agree with you Gollgagh, but in this case, there was a 3.

Early in the developpment cycle, before the game was rebranded as 'Human Revolution', it was known as Deus Ex 3.

. ;-)

I was a huge fan of the first. I looked for every little secret in the game and read every data cube. HR is the real deal and if you liked the first game you won't be disappointed.

My only disappointment about the game is that the pre-order bonuses don't give you anything special except for the extra mission.

My only disappointment about the game is that the pre-order bonuses don't give you anything special except for the extra mission.

Yeah, seems like the good stuff is bundled with the

. They really went all out with that one.

Though I'm not sure what impact the additional gear will really have over the course of the game...


Well from what I can tell, the extra gear isn't anything special. The double-barreled shotgun probably can't be upgraded and the sniper rifle saves you a few credits for being upgraded with a silencer already. And I'm sure they only give you a few remote explosives.

More on topic for everyone else, I'm actually very pleased that they are not bringing back any of the characters, as I'm not sure there's a good way to balance them (especially berserker/soldier needed buffs) without ruining the feel of the classes.

I sure don't recall Deus Ex having any classes...

Were you refering to Project Snowblind?

Well from what I can tell, the extra gear isn't anything special. The double-barreled shotgun probably can't be upgraded and the sniper rifle saves you a few credits for being upgraded with a silencer already. And I'm sure they only give you a few remote explosives.

Yeah, but my guess is that the DB shotgun in question might have a very high damage output from the get go.

And the Linebacker grenade laucher might prove useful against large bosses (as apparently there will be some).

Lastly, the AUD is definitely gonna come in handy for people that don't want to invest into hacking augmentations. ;)


I'm eagerly awaiting its release as well. I pre-ordered the Augmented Edition on Steam, not a bad deal, it packs quite a few goodies; the soundtrack and "The Making of" video being two of them.

The facial animations and body movements looked somewhat dated on the visual front but I think the gold tint, reflections and physics are looking rather good, they're also using DX11 and tessellation so that's pretty cool. From a few interview videos I've seen, the sound design team, scriptwriters and designers really seem like their putting tons of effort into making Human Revolution as close to the original as possible while maintaining a new feel and experience. I'm psyched.

My guess is that AUDs are gonna be consumable, akin to the lockpicks/multitools of the first game.

My thoughts exactly. Well multitools are back, but there's no more lockpicks though.

From a few interview videos I've seen, the sound design team, scriptwriters and designers really seem like their putting tons of effort into making Human Revolution as close to the original as possible while maintaining a new feel and experience.
Speaking of which, a short doc on the sound design was just released.

Featuring composer Michael McCann, sound driector Steve Szczepkowski and actor Elias Toufexis, who voices Adam Jensen in the game.

Also, DXHR just received another stellar review/score.

I'm psyched
Quoted for emphasis. :)

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